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Wanted. WE. DAMPIER'S • Advertisement for tho boginning of March, will bo found in the Jtu column ith page. WONDERFUL FRESH BARGAINS, at both Shop 3. Particulars to-morrow. — VS. 11. Dampier. A UCKLAND LUNATIC ASYLUM. WANTED, for the above In«titulinn, a FCMA-R AiTENrnANT, not under 25 yoara of age. Testimonials of character ami ability required.— Apply pcrsoially to Lit. tho District Hospital, before noon. ANTED, a good Bnilock Driver. — Apply nt I.endi-um'o Stab'ci at 10 o'ul .ck to-morrow morning. m AILO RrN G. — WANTED, n (jrst-class X Coat Hand.-Samuel McKajg, (jue^n-st. VSTANTED. immediately, a quiclc and Vv legible Ponmtin. to address circulars.— Apply 9.30 sharp tomorrow morning ;it tho -Associated News and Advertising Bureau, Queen-street. WANTED, a.Geiiftral Servant; references required.—Mrs Waymouth, Manukau Road, Parncll. ANTED, for au Hotel, a Cook nnd I-auriclreas, nnd v Girl about 1". to make herself generally useful.—Mrs. Connelly, Wel-liiiHton-streot, next door Catholic Institute. ANTED, a General Servant who umleretandH plain eookiug. — Shakespearo Hotel, Wyndliam-siroot. WANTED, for the country, a tnoroupliTy competent Dressmaker,—Apply beforo 11 a.m., or after 5 p.m. to Mrs. Little, Ui.ioustreot,eighth house from Wellington Hot<l. WANTED, a Shopman or a nrnart Youth ; one with a knowlcrg^ ot tho trade required.—W. Brownhill, h'ootmaker, 156, Queen-street. WANTED, immediately, an experienced Dressmaker, in a private family.—Addresa A.Z., Po_st_offlcß, Ponsonby. WANTED, a General Servant; must have good reference!l.-Mrs. IC. Owen, 1 PonßOnby Koati, near Franklin Hoad. WANTED, a youn^ Girl as Servant.—Mi". J. J. Holland, Symondestrert corner of 3 tavnloek-strofit. WANTIiD, One Hundred I'igeous.— J. W. Knight, Cit7 Market. WANTED, a respectableyonng woman todollotisework.—Mrs. R. Laing.Pictonstreot. TIMBER MERCHANT'S CLERK.— Wanted, a Situation in town or the Jiiish, as above, by a man ot experience ; first-class references.—Jtpply to O[crlt, Star office. WANTED, a General Hervaut; teforences rrquired.—Mrs. A, Eaundei'S, Avenue Road, Parncll. WANTedTo Roiit or Lease, a'House, with a few acres of land, in the neighbourhood of Kp-om or Kemuera.—Apply by lottor to Delta, this oflice. WANTED," a roßpectnblo Fomaio Ser^ I vant to make herself fje'iorally useful.— ! Northernjtlotel, Gj vat North tioad, ANTED, by a young l>ady, a Situation as useful Compnnion: salary not so much im object as a comfortable home.— Address H.A,, Stab Office. \X7ANTED, a man who understands the T t pr. pi ration of Cement, and tho Krection of Concrete Houses.—Apply toF. G. Ewing- j on. Queen-street. ] WANTED, a atron;,' Lad accustomed to ! <lrivo an Kmrinc—^pply NowZealund 1 Produce Store, Upper W.ucen-strc;t. VI rAN TED, a Good plain Cook and ! tt Laundress, and a Girl, about 15, for i Housework, for the vvarkworrh Hotel, Mahu- ! rangi; wagcn 15s and 7s per week.—Apply to Mra ; Connolly. Wellington-street, next aoor to tt;c 1 Catholic Institute. j WANTED, a Gentleman or Married i Couplo to board and reside in a resrec- I table private hou"e; every comfort.—Mrs J'.ar'ylo, Symonds-strcet, near St. Sepulchre's Church. W '~ANTED, T\venty Men for Balfasting ; and Plftto-LayhiK.—Larkin and O'Brien, ! Kaipara Hail way, Newiuarlcot end. ; WANTED, a Female v ook for Farmer's ; Hotel, Drury.—Mis Poilock, Quuen- | Street. I ANTED, a ISaniuui, for t-lic WmlE'iTo! ! Apply Star Hotel before noon to-morrow, j WANTED, a Nursemaid.—Apply to i _Mrs. Shora, AltonJ-toad. WANTED, a strong Lad accustomed to i drive ari enprlnc.—Apply STAIt Cflice. ' \\J~A NT El), a .Shop" Hoy. —Apply ILL. _y± Po' scninkie, Tr.ilnr. .Shortland-strect.iß WANTED," a Kespeetable General Set- | vant.—Apply Criterion Hotel, llohson street. _ WANTED to Purchase, Grapes in any quantity Apply J. Wcndel, SymondsBtreet. WANTED, a good General Blacksmith; must he a vrood horso-shoer.—Apply to J. If. Smith, Great North Hoad, opposite Great Northern Hotel. Mb CARTERS.— Wanted, a steady active f. raun who can plough, &c. (married preferred).—Apply, with reference, to Messrs. T. 11. Hall & Co., HiKh-sireot, Auckland; or John Hall, Otohuhu. WANTED, all who study ecouoniy to try a Pair of Boots and Shoes from tho Colonial Hoot and Shoo Company's Shop. Markot Corner, Quoen-stroot.—P. Bailey. Maunder. W ANTKD all you people who have got any brainn, and want to keep them cool, tobuyono of my Pith Helmets at is lid. Tho usual price is l_s Bd.—Samuel Ooomhos, The I'coploV Clothier, 92, 'Jnrnn-stroot, Auckland and Devon-street. Taraimki. WANTED" KNOWN—I imvo just purchased largely of Mrs Butterworth's Drapery a>ul Millinery Slock, which I am now od'ering at priced which must, ensure au immediate clearance. Laiius' Leghorn Hats, Is (id, worth ss; Trimmi'd Huts nnd Bonnets, from 2s: alarve assortment of Millinery Trimming at low prices; Black Maltese Lace, Id a yard, or !)d per dozen ; real AVhito Maltese Lnoo, lOd a yard; Wreath ot Flowers, from id; Chirk'" Ai Cronket Cotton, 2s fid; Knitting Cottcn, 19 9d; Lndies' Black and White Kid Gloves at low Sric'cs. i H ether goods at. equally low pric.RS.— . SIMPSON, Chonp Drapery and Boot Warehouse, Victoria and Albert-streets. WANTED KNOWN, I have opened 25 dozen of American Felt Hats, tho best thins? ever introduced into this market.— Pamnel Cocmbes, City Clotliing Mart,B2. Queen Street, Auckland ; nnd Devon-slrcot, 'I'aranaki WOIIK IN (r"M EN I—Plenty of Good Tea, at F. HKWIN AiVD Brottier'B, Is Gtt por lb.; Splendid Siißar nt Jcl; Sydney Co.'s No, 1. 41d: Kull-woUrht Sperm Candles, md; Jams. 7Jd; Or.-iiip;o Marmalade. 8d; Good Sauces. 6d por bottle: and oUier Goods too numorouH to mention. Tho largest and beat assorted i-took to elect from, at tho X Pot.—F. Howin &. Brother \\7 ANTED KN O WN, tnac i>. GOLDIE. \ ¥ Ir prepared to aupply all kinds of Timber and ofhor Ilnildiiiß AltttnrlalF. Jncltidini? Sashoß, Doors, MouldlnKu. Broad Timber, Mouse Blocks. Posts, Railß, Hardwood Foiloes, Shafts, Iron Bark and Bluo Hum Ijaths, BlilnKles, &c., &0.. at tho lowoßt market prioe, at his Yards Cußtom-honno-Htrtfoi. yn~ a N t c D . js. a o W w, TO TRADESMEN, MECHANICS, AND OTHERS. MONK _ ADVANOWD In SOM 'of «2 to flso n iiersonivl eeonrity, ro-payabls by weoklr nßtalmoiiM, nt U H. NKUMICGKN, Au ,kj«nd Loan OfKoo, 105, Quoon-street opposite avi.iw Uuulc. V-7 ANTED to SELL (cheap), 36 Chinese V V Tea Sots. 12 Cupa and Saucers, 12 Plates 2 Broad and Hutter Plates, 1 Jug, nnd 1 Bafin, only 18s tho S"t, very oheap; Laruo Tin Boxc3Ot Matches, 1000 in a box, only 6d, is 6<\ per dozen; Tin Boxes of Matches. 250'?, only 15s per gross, Is id per rlozon; 281b. Scales, only 121 Od; 111b. Scales, only fls —H. Watts. Pitt-street ANTED Known, all kinds of Painters' requisites for sale, next tha Rob Roy Hotel, Freeman's Bay. GldziuK and out-door work done, and Pictures framed, by M. H. Bennett, Painter. &c. W" ANTED KNOWN, that J. F. Brown has oponed a shop in Wukeflokl-street, opposite (ilarrett Bros., for the sale of Household Brushes, Crockeryw aro, Pictares, <tec; he would hpecialiy mention ho has mndo Cash arrantsements with Mr Harbutt for the supply of his well-known Auckland made Brushes, Hiid therefore can aud will sell them at less than anyone in Town. . WANTED, a'l thinking People to read this:—Brown Marone and Slate Frenoh Merino, at 2s and 2s Gd'por.yard; Handsome Ostrich Feather*, from Is 3d each, splendid value; all Wool Plains, Is Cd and Is 9d per yard; Boys' Oxford Shirts, 3s Cd each, very fashionable: Shirting, iid per yard; Good Coloured Blanket?, 7s Gd por pair; Metis Coloured Shirts, from Is Gd each; Tooth Brushes, 31 oach; Ladie3' Rink Collars, 4d each; Vallenscicno Lace, irt per yard, or 9d per doz«n; Ne«r Wools—Fingerins, id per pkcin; Berlin Wool, i& per dozen ; White Cotton Sock=, 2d per pair, which is Id per pair cheaper than any other house in town; Girls' and Ladies' White Stockings, 6d per prir; Glycerine Hoap, 8d per bar, or 3d par cake; Men's Brown Cotton Socks, 4Jd per pair: Hair Pins. Ad por box; Silk Sun Shades, very cheap ; Brown Windsor Soap, 2:1 per cake; New malre of 1 adies' Drtes-holders, 2d, in better quality, 6d essh; Tasso Trimming, a splendid article, and only Id per yard ; Long Curtains, 6d per yard, or as per pair; Stuff Buttons, 2d per dozen, worth fully sd; White Lawn Handkerchiefs, 3d each; Ladies' Scarfs, tho best value in town, for Is each; Men's Braces, Is, these are tho best articles in Auckland for the money; Children's Garters, 3d per pair; Children's and Boys' Felt Hats; Mourning Paper, Is for five quires; Envelopes to match. Other Goods equally cheap.—J. Green, 41, Victoria-street. WANTED 1 WANTED I WANTED ! to SELL, cheap, lot of Jam Jars and Butter Jars, with Lids: Spectacles, only Is per pair; Kye Glasses, only Is 3d; lot of Fiddles cheap; lot of Teapots, with Metal U< s, cheap: 160 Sets of Jugs, assorted, from 3s 6d to 6s 6d par set; Brown Teapots, Is to 2seach; White and Gold Cups and Saucers, Is each, 11s per dozon; Cups and Sauoers, 5s 6d per dozen; Small Cups and Saucers, is 6d per dozen; White Chambers, only Is; Toilet Sets, only 13s j Pudding Basing, from 4d to Is ; Toilet Sets, 3d to 6<l; Plates, 3s to 4s 6d per dozen; 30 pets oi Wire Dish Covers, 83 6d per set of 6, or 8d to 3s each; 100 boxes Clothes Pegs, only is 6d pei box of 5 cross, or Is 3d per gross; assorted Jams 7s 3d per dozen ; full-wcitfht Candles only lOd per lb; CO boxes of good Tea, 19s pei bos; Notopapor, 0 quires for la; good Pens, S for Id, or 9d per box: Slate Pencils, 10 for Id or 7d per box; Maids' Kid Boots, only Is fd poi pair; Children's White ICid Boots, 7 to 10 size only 3s per pair; lot of A uckland-made Leathe Boots, cheap; Slate Pencils, 10 in box. only It box; Boys' Tops, 83 per gross: lot of "Vases cheap ; Lemon Peel, la Cd per lb; Currante, 4< lb ; good Sauce, only 7d bottle ; Wire Nails, 3< andldlb; BeU anfl Black's Tin Matches, Is Si dozen ; Palmer's Tin Matches, Is 6ii; Bell am Black's Plaid Matches, 7d dozen; Boys' Slates from 3d; Shop Twine, la3dperlb.-H. WATTS Pitt-street.

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2771, 13 March 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2771, 13 March 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2771, 13 March 1879, Page 3