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• >irf - '■< "&IHSF- 'D?fb'Jivorrs.<;Q.^P;v.p.: rcE iT, t-f • Freeman'sßay* SteamP Mills, ! -™- AndjNo.ilol,lLower-QTieein3treet Wharf; ; Auckland " j X A M E S M 0 LEO D, :. ; ■ HELENSVILLE (SOUTH). i £'• W~" S X I N N E |r': • ; BUILDER, CARPENTER; AND JOINER, on the Old Site, VULCAN LANEJ •All Branches of the Building Tirade executed by Kxperienced Workmen., Shop' Fronts, Office. Fittings, fee., &c. o'-;,. /; ",-,*;„ -~] •;;^,; ! ; OPEC I A L N O T^lvC "eT The business hitherto carried'on by Messrs.. G. Holdship^povtmi-hsreafter be conducted hy the Auckland Timber Company (Limited* I, ... .- ... CX HOLDShut. manager. 80,N,ES -■j; '•■■ |;-BONES V:; ■; ,-. 'BONES ' ""'■: *'r ''•'''' "li;' iJ<' "'"•'•'' -'-•'■-■'•'■■ | .^ • ■ Bought In any quantities for CASH at the BJi-ee man's.. Bay Bone Mills, and at No. 101, Lower Queen-street by <JW 1 ; ; ■~•..*,; - J#& J. sqppet. joOtJTH BAKE] i V o-;-7/jro'-j;:x-t- G (.rr. H .u S . MITH r-,7 J , „ .Baker, and. Confectioner. Orders,"-per, 'StjaamehfiWorj ECoaßtihglAVessels s 'prqmptljrattended to. E-E —A">N-£—P O T T E' R. ,«, 3 ,., .COACHBUILDERS, ,'- .-r •GREY-STREET, l Auckland. - N.B.—iron-bark 1 Shafts^ - Spokes,- Felloes, Blue Gum and ..all kinds of Hardwood, at lowest .m.arkeilpMces._"--L.^" ._ '" ' ' ' ~.X. n A, r . < M f ..E S JB:-U"'."i "~6\ ~H;B R, v f ; barter, contractor; &6; Goods Carted: arid Delivered from ship's'side on Shortest Notice; ■ Ballast Supplied. 'Newcastle and Bay of. Islands Coal. ■,-■ Also, Firewood |(out or uncut) reasonable. ','..,,,', ;,,,.' ; r '. \ j T. ;:: »G,.! ff.g,, <A: »"»: -•■' D,r-! Ef '' S •o.rfj ?o -iiSUBiVEYOR, rro vofffjT i „;<., ■ ■; ;;[r: t,:,,.,') Hamilton, Waikato. .| frOf / f . ° ? ;.V r ' Surveys made and; Plans supplied on the shortest notice.- An extensive and intimateacquaintance; with the> whole,of the Waikato district enables T.G.S.' to carry out .instructions from clients with accuracy and diflpatch.' J, 1 .'; , PIANOS, ORGANS, AND S y.HAR. ~ .- L, - .MONIUMS...-. -,^r' r : \ S " -', "; '-V , -QUBBN, BTREBT, "."■ '■' ' \ Have the largest and best Stock of Pianofortes; Organs, Jand Harmoniums, ;and sell-voheaper than any house in New Zealand, r.nirsvUfii") tV Call and see their.prices before purchaein " Sole Agents for Mason and. Hamlin's ;Or'ganß, , TDll R, ES H SH-IP ME j&iT !&; ,; !• 650 CASKS CEMENT, j'V'J , f jExCity of Auckland arid-Famenoth.; ; o . B L A I K^l^E'; 1 ! !a/j VICTORIA-STREET, r : .; j 'Fonr Doors from, the' Union Bank. ■< MO KE N ZIE & ROSS/ >■):- j Have on Salei : v-j-jv !-■, I Oamaru and Coast-Wheat Oats, Oatmeal . i 100 kegs Canterbury'Butter;/' ■" 'l ; I o"j Canterbury Hams and Bacon (in- cloth)'o r.,., r ?(;'',,- (In Wholesale Lots Only). ...:> -■."■ r ?;•,:,:.', j mckenzie & ross. .;;:,;.; j ro. :T> ::')jr A.N:.'D:v-L"-vM C L: ErO; P/ J&« r 'TIMBER MERCHANTS, m ! ~, Y,.. r . _:.i -~-, AND..- , ... :.• t ?,n i --.- GENERA L ST O R EKEEPERS, o••-(> HELENSVILLEr (South): . -■--.- '■■ f ■ T' AJI kinds of niW»----Jiu« lil'1"1^ .-irrc-r:-^;^. -~;,a, -;i ,: } t ie, Bfl ■ . MANUFAOTtTRING TINSMITH, 7 ! ■• ■■;? x. ' FORT-STREKT. .' " ;" ; Wished to iaform the public'that he Is the only one in.tha -Province who demotes the: whole of bis tlme'.tq the above business, and-with- his facilities for working and modern.Sappliances, cati defy competition. • i-; ni ■ :yn .;.- ',-!■-. ', ." :'\\r "A&S-'OC X"i 'JBJtt U T a'J£ KS, ?T " SOAP & CANDLE MANUFAC-! ; 7 ,;,' -.k,.-* .ri TURER&. -.<■ -fofrifr,? ! ',;.,.' Cos's Creek, Richmond* , I .'! '■' .GsL Office—Durham-street,-.Auckland^ fr;i' Cafih Purcha^erß-rTallow,: Wool, Sheepskins - andßories. •..■ ~ -, •' ■.< •.+ ! On Sale—Bonedust: "■ our own manufacture guaranteed free from aldnit^ration..' -!""i'; , W" EHILLIPPS ANP SONS, OIL»* ©, .colour; & glass merchants, Importers oflPaperhangirigsj Scrim, Paints, Oils Turpentine, Colours, Varnishes,: French Polish, . Gold Leaf; Artists' Colours- andt Brushes, Plate;; Sheet Crown, Ornamental, and' Photbgrajphio Glasa Picture., Frame and Tapestry Mbuldipgß, Clock and Compass.Glasses, Glazed Sashes, Doors, &c. Glass out< to size,--and carefully ■paoked.-95and 97, QUEgN-STRKET.: ,; . s :'«> IRE L AND; B; R7O TH.E RS, » ".'■'"■■ wool merchants;1 - ??- r p; \ V', TANNHJaS A^ip LEATHER MANtrFACTUBERS ./Importerß of Saddlers'and Bootmakers' „. " Machinery ( Englishrand Foreign Leather, Saddlery,, Saddlers'. Ironmongery ...Boot - y Uppers, Grindery, Mill Belting, Suction m \ : and Delivery Hose, &c:-:';) ■"i:i"l!''; ii> | ?■■ Warehouses:? ;yulcan Laner and -,-Hlghretreet ■• i ;.. ~. ,Works:, 'Panmure, Auckland. : f j Country orders promptly executed. ';:;, I ;-,, Goods shipped to all the iCblolbnießiI' a- , rHO BUTCHERS, SETTLERSr, FARM ■JL'ii ■'•-■",': -BBS,'Alf'D OTHERS.-'■;)Jj3 j ;/J;-; The Undersigned* are^ Caßh r ,,Parchasers of Hides, Sheepskins; Wool, Tallowvßeeswax, i&o., ; &c.i at highest market rates, in any "quantity. .Consignorsdirect will have-prompt andiim-* mediate cash' remittances returned at satisfao tory rates. mEup BRO g ; y :;i V Tanners anjd Lkather'1 MAiNTJ^AdTPRERs, < --, ni <m :••<■ ■;.;•; Auckland; ( Rie»rfia oxtj I ■\Vr AIKA TO COAL COMPANY VV > (LIMITED) are now delivering BEST HOUSEHOLD COAL, from their Mines at Rua,waro,' HUntly Station, as follows :4- ? , ' I 6 tons; arid under 25'ton's.'/..17s 6d:pe? ton. : 25 tons, »i-d under 50 tons L2Vjl6s6d; ifjj : ' " 60tons, iv«d! upwards-,-; ■'...:.16a" r, r , .„■ . . - - 51ack.;......;^"...............1256d. „ ! " 1;.; Delivered at Auckland or Oriehunga Railway ■Stations.^'-1- '■>'•'■'> oi r..jd?:vH''KfX! oiwsf | Steamers and Mariufaotories.subjeotto special arrangement. n .. r . . , .t,__ r w .,,, r .,,r; i '-'.', Orders may be sent to Mr JAmes Ronaldson, Manger, H«p ggggg j -~,' .-,■ '.',.-. -!r.,i , ■/■,,. ,--r; r,-. r r.j f ,,r ..Agent.-" 7, Wyndhani-street. ' ;,' *, ■' '■'.'■'', 4 j , ':f; r^i^|'';;; ! M""" ' ■ :,Rd4 .:;E;h:'i-.^.i f - ! 'Am.irS^ IT, ..,- .SIJRGEpN ~;„ ! Artiflcia,i:'Teeth? ;inade!,'6nJ the iiibsf approved ißo'>"<7 principles, from One" to tfFttU!Set;i r j ".rinnv mi'li mom ■^•ri, ):•.'.' ml oi girtoos j ->fo-•-r ..i- TeethrStopped,;Scaled*rand;Ext*a;cted.| inriHE GLOBE MARINE INS^Ri^CE. •.JL.;,, ...COMPANY: (LIMITED), V,, r r.; i "££. ::/■'.• -r - , London;- r /i ' ■ ■•; a% Capital..v....;... f .....v.i.^.:£500,000; | --.■'• . All Marine Risks taken at lowest current rates. Policies granted in-triplicate,- rpayable4n caseof loss in London, 'or at. any of the Agencies.; Full particulars uponappMcation to the undericfned. : ""'"'• >'r'-£''"'" OJ r;/r^ v-r')!" i , •--■•' ; ; HENRY GHjFILLAN, ....;;;„-.:, .' <~ Auckland Agent. 7, Queen-stre ' ' ' '■' " * ' : mELEGRAPH BOOKS in duplicate for Jl Sale at this office. Books-100 and 200 leaves each..-- ;?••'•■ ■■ hi?, .o'icr.ii'm rrarfoj ! THI DWA RD, BA^ R T'L^e y, -.;•-;:•• ;:. V-'-'-'V ARCHITECT,.''-'^;'; .} r;», s i | f: ~ ::;AL,B ; E R-T - S.T^EE^T,;'; i " "■; ''< • --: Near M!arket. ■: : '"-l | s: i t;..t.: a k; c r s 'V '~ AMERICAN HOlJ^E.'',"■ j r .o | o x~~s"a~Ii c, i-v liAMPS (non-explosive, and cheaper than ,-, any in the city), r, ..;■,,,,;.,, ....,,., | i. LANTERNS ; " ■ ■ -. '._-• .- . COAL OIL (Kerosene) STOVES ; , CLOCK MATERIAL] '- :; o son OHrGLOTH CLOTHING: f! 7 ; " BOOTS and SHOES, ~ r, .„, r, i ! ' . AND ALL KINDS OP , ' j "'. -, USEFUL YANKEE NOTIONS '^i i or .' '. ~'■■ ',-,,,. SEiooND'Door Below-, ~■','.■'•-, I ci" ;, '•,;'■'' THE "HERALD" OFFICE.' ; ,J-f H,e.,i> q,rE.R^IA;;;Nr r.i),i ;;c;o.,.. ' .WHOLESALE'ANDHKTA'IL l{ '_' •,;-, vaonbqz -r'iBUTCHERS^S«"'fr I(T!f!!r> ,a'rA -jorlio vG';B.fEY'- r;s rTißrp;.ET J,n[ rrfob ,B*3 rßegd ito^iiifbrmt rtheir {friends 1 and c ithe rpublic of ■ Auckland that they have takengver^heipusiness. carried qn b^,Mr;: %{Baxi,'dii thbse'.premises known as'Paurs, and'hopeby'biyiJity'aridstfict! attention to" business,' com'binedi with. the ißest; Meat procurable,- to merit a fair ; slja're ; pf support. , , Families waited on fororde^s. rr Country orders punctually attended to. Shipping supplied

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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2605, 23 August 1878, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2605, 23 August 1878, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2605, 23 August 1878, Page 1