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The Council met last evening. Present:—His "Worship the Mayor (in the chair), Councillors Clark, Winks, Wood, Brackenbury, Odium. Flood, and Robinson. . ! Planting ■ Trkes.—Letter from Messrs. Campbell and Co. asking to be allowed to erect a fence at the termination of the road at Swanson's Point, where they intended to punt an avenue of trees. They encloaed tracings, and also authority to occupy the land in question from Mr J. Howard and Mrs Corbett. Councillor Wood moved, ''Thar, the application be granted. the fence to be removed when necessary." This was not carried, and the application was thereore allowed to lie on the table. Brighton Road.—Mr B. J. King wrote complaining of the unsatisfactory drainage in Brighton Road, which eiused the water to now on his premises, thereby causing a nuisance. Referred to the Streets Committee. _ ; Lowering Mains.—Letter from the secretary of the Auckland Gas Company requesting payment of the sum of £20 5* 9d expended m lowering mainsin ParneU. Order to he on the table. Slaughterhouse.-Mr a. G. Howard, inspector, reported favourably on the situation ot the premises known as Walter'sslaughterhouse, Kpsom, tmd for which Mr Caleb Wood bad applied for a private slaughtering license.—Mr A. J. Laishley wrote protesting against the license being granted, as it would tleu nuisance and detrimental to health of residents in the locality.—Mr L jiihley, who was presentsaid he had two petitions in opposition to the granting of the license.—Cr. C. Wood said he would be compelled to withdraw tho application, as he hart ascertained that the Co'jucil liad ao pow-u- to grant a private slanshtevhouse license. ~, Government Knoowment.—Litteriromjtne Crown Lands office enclosing an extractliom an extraordinary "" announcing tlio reservation of 1.000 acres of land in fection 2 of block 5 of Pmnkatc"'!, as an endowment for tho Parnell Borough Council.—Cr. Robinson considered that they should decline the offer. At the requpst of the Government they had made their choiso of a piece "of land, and they should, therefore, get it. This was not what they had applied for. and what they wanted, and he fHd not see the use of being saddled with rates and taxes in prospective. He moved the following resolution, That this Council, after obeying the invitation of the Gevernrnent to select land from the VVasta Lands of the Provinces of Auckland, .decline to accept the biock granted, as it js almost worthless; ano, if the Government cannot grant wh it was selected, they decline to ue saddled witu rate3in prospective, which the land granted Would entail on this Borough."—Seconded by Mr Winks.—The Mayor said that he had made inquiries, and hod ascertained that if the lana could be found at all, it was worth about eighteen-pence. He thought they should aoply for a portion of the foreshore, end quoted irom the Municipal Corporations' Act to show they had power to obtain the same. He considered it quite possible that they could get a portion of the foreshore. Councillor Wood could not see that any benefit would bo derived fronifollowing this course, as the foreshore would be more a source of expense than of revenue. The Act now under the consideration of the House gave the Borough the privilege of rating bII land reclaimed by the Harbour Bond, and this would be much better than trying over the land itself.—The Mayor stated that he had written to Vfr Moss on the subject, and that gentleman had telegraphed to delay action until his letter, dated Die 15th instant, wss received. That ietter had not yet come to hand. —The resolu'ioa was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously, and it was agreed that it should be forwarded as s delayed telegram to Mr Moss. Action for Damag iis. — A writ from the Resident Magistrate's Court was read, calling on the representatives of the Board to appear at that Court on Thui sday, August 22nd, at the instance of Mr Charles Napier McMurdo, to answer to a« notion for £60 damages, through injuries received by falling over a quantity of street metal lot1:, by the Board's servants.—lt was agrord that ;--fr Hesketh should be retained to watcii the case for the. Beard. Cemetery—Thr question of the new cemetery was introduced. - The Mayor thought they shodlu do sometiii >.' in this matter; either inspect tho Kllerslie . '3, or apply for one of the points in the district v a Parneli cen.etery. The population of the di-trict was 4.500, and the mortality 70.—After c ;sider:.ibic discussion, in which most of tho luumbers took part, the matter was deferred. Overseer's Kkpokt.—The report of s'Mr Pearson Gardiner, Over seer or Works, was read. This shewed that repairs had been effected to the Manukau and St. Stephon's-roads, while several streets had been nttended to slightly. St. Georgs's Bay-road and Cracroft-streel fi were much in need of repair.—Referred to the Streets Committee. Crossings.—Councillor- Robinson referred to the necessity that existed in Martukaii-road for -stone crossings, for tho accommodation of-ladies and children.—Ordered to lift on the table for-a -wee'--, the£Overscer of Works to report on the cost in tho niea-ilicie. Entrance to Domain*.—Letter from Mr Chalmers, asking- tlie Board to i-ssist in mailing an entrance from 'Manul:iiu-ro?<0 to the Domain. —Referred to the Overseer of Works, to report, -as to cost. Road Metal.— It w« that a. qut.nt;f,y ■ of heavy metal now lying useless should be broken at a co-t of 5s per foot, and utilised for 'the repair of streets. Strkkts Committee. —!c was agreed tnat ■ the Streets Committee should in future meet at thrpe o'clock on Saturday afternoons, Mr Peach's Contract.—The Mayor stated .in answer to a question, that no reply to the last letter, calling on Mr Peach to complete his contract, hud yet been received. Councillor Wood said Mr Peach had informed him that he had received no letter frora the Board. It was decided that another copy of tho letter > should be forws.rded. Annual Election.—The Mayor announced that three Councillors would retire in September >by effiusion of time, viz., Mr William Coleman. Mr John William Robinson, and Mr Caleb Wood. , ~ , gThe ordinary accounts were then passed, and i the meeting terminated.

On the weather of last week, Mr E. B. Diekson reports:—The v/eek lias been again stormy and showery, but considerably warmer than that ending last Saturday (10th); though even so the approximate mean is ss much as two degrees below the fourteen years' average for the current month. The mean day temperature was 56*5, the warmest day being the 12th (598), and the two coldest the 14th and 15th (54-0), the main night do. 441). The warmest night was the 13th .(47 "1) immediately jpre- • cedin« the two cold days—the coldest night that of the 10th (38-8), just preceding the warmest clay. The approximate mean was 50-7, showing a use of 3 4 above last week. The rainfall is not large - less thad 1 inch .(0-910), of which nearly half (9-425) fell on the 16th in smart showers about sunset, and heavy steady . rains after midnight. ■ Eain is recorded for 6 days • out of 7. Wind very strong on the_ 14th and 15th from S.W. Onthn morning of the latter ■ day an actual velocity of 36 miles per hour was measured over a period extending ten ■•minutes, the average for the previous 24 hours being nearly 24| miles per hour. : On •the morning of the 16th there was almost ,a dead calm. At 9.30 a.m. of the 11th the .barometer stood afc 29751, and has fluctuated a good deal from day to day, and jfrom nifhtto morning—highest at 9.30, •of the 16th (29-953) lowest at the same hour -of the previous day (29 641). The average rfor the week is 29'799> which is a little below the mean reading for the current .month of August for the previous fourteen ■years. j

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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2602, 20 August 1878, Page 4

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PARNELL BOROUGH COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2602, 20 August 1878, Page 4

PARNELL BOROUGH COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2602, 20 August 1878, Page 4