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- m; ': L :e n. n. o x •/>•«. .;..: - !,-• , .;■:■.:. ••'':: Estate Agent and Valuator, . •'.-. QUBEN-STKSET, A.UCKI-A.VD -' "..> I Opposite the New.Zealand Insurance Buildings). :• This IJst appears on. Thursday3,.Saturdays ."/,' „-. :. ~.! and Mondays only., Y. ..•■'■ \ ! O!"» A AAA.TO £20.Tb':LENiD on good ■ X/.iAJj UyU:: B eteitie!.-Apply to J. M. ' Lennox, T Kstatea^exit r Auckland;; ...-;i. [, i PONSONBY.— Residence; containing 5 rooms, i'witli large allotment laid,'Ty gartlShs/'brcluird, ;6'rm>mental; -trees, .^together ■with pandbek opposite! i Price'/for. ; the;wjiole, •^360;.~J. MijLentiox,:Kstate.agenL;, i:-,iuo~iV ; I'VvVqK— A PreW^?.ninn>U! 'Cottage, contain--331 r»O ing: l rooms',1 fn t,he-pity..-.■'l'rice^sSlijlo. can bel.a'rrangted^J. ;M; L?jnuox, Kstate -C O '<— B2 acres jit Pukeateau fern land", ' Price, 33J0 ;'£gg.:--£2o'caß»>V the balance can remain at 7 per cent.—J. M. LenaoxV'K'.sJtate- agent. POISON BY.—A Benntiful Groomed Verandah :Residence,'.'situate :--t.,OH.mpbel:lvine., ■ Ponsonby, ,witfi ■largo^freehold!allotment. ' 1 lie residence■ commands-'a maynifioeiit view.'if the ha- hour. Is in excellent repair;: ant', qnue now. Prk:e,: £420.— J. M. Lennox; .Estate. ugemV: . "Tf«TANI'Et). a:^roomeu iioueeiid.the Gity.—J. -■■VY ■:: M. Lennox. Estate agent. Auckland. ■ rriO Investors'aiid 'Others.- tTwo;.subßtaiitia!li r•X -built Residences-.) in' Vincent street,: with large freehold allotment. The houses are.-lo.tfor 31s per week, and are'in exeeUenS condition.—J. Mi Leimox'.Kstate-Agent. ,■■.; i.;: -.0 j - ; OW/¥A —-PKETTX Cottage.--with -freehold S>vW.' - allotnient;-near,.thQ Rer.auera Kail-, way Station. Prico, £200.— J. M. Lennox, Eattite aereilf.:-Auckland. :":' '■/- v;;:V: ;ii \i rf>, RKY - STREET^—A Beautiful Allotment '■ \X (Creohold). -No money required, andi.uon.ey lent to build.—J. iv!. Lennox, .Estate .agent, ■Auckland. ' .v-;< - i: ;- , H'OBSON - RTlilflET. — A First-dasa Bnok . ■-'•Family Residence in this rising street. with freehold allotment. Price, £850.-J. M. Kstate agent, Auckland. ' REMUER-A'.— Villa IlnsiSencei(a Bargain).— &. Beautiful Villa: Besideace at Remuera. The resicioucel contains 11 rooms,.twfccber with ceach-house, Btablirij>, and about 4 acres of fieebbld/'all -beautifully laid out- in garden, orchard, shrubbery, and pasture.—J. M. Lennox,--Aatatc asrent, Aucklanrl. ; ; •-, FOKBNO..— JFavra. and Honieatead about 1£ miles from the Railway station. The farm 'ie'aTl in There is a comfortable 5-roomed Dwellmg-house' built upon, the property. Price, £360.—JVM. Lennox,-.Estate'agent, Auckland. _p i s*f\ —A Bargain—Farm b£ iOacrcs atStokes SilOv Point. There is 1£ acres of orchard. 5 acres in gras?, anfi about 6 acres cleared and ■ready for the plouerh:. 'i'ho House, contains six rooms, and is situated: neat- Soldier's Bay, about three roilea from Stokes1 Point.— J. M. Lennox, Estate agent, Auckland.' . ' .; ii ,-:. TTIARM and HOMESTEAD.—A Good Farm :JPr of 30-acreß, all fenced and in grass. There is a-'S-roomed- Residence, together witJi dairy, 'cbwsheda, &c.: • This fine little farm is only half-»an-hour's walkiifrom.;;the Manurewa .Railyray ■Station:—J. M. Lennox, JEstate agent; Auckland. WAIICATO. — A- beautiful little Farm ci 122 *.cres, of first-class' quality,.soil, all, -in. the best y,r&"ac3. There is a. four-roomed ''rcisi'do'n'ce upon the Farm, This .flue property is only. 3 miles from Te . Awainutu, in , the RabKiawhia district .Price, £1220.—Apply to. J.M.- Lennox, Estate -agent, Auckland. , ■ . .. PARNKLL. — Two :Ailotlrjents, fronting the ■ ;main road, in:a: flrst-plass position. The. lots:have a frontage of 34 and3s feet respectively. • Price, £3 5-i per foot:—Apply to J. M. Lennox ■ Estate ageut.: Auckland. .■ . :. .. ¥ILLA- RESIDEKCE-4-a bavßain—a. seven-i-ooriied Residence: in: the City, ■ well and substantially built, with largo.' freehold allotment having 80 feet frontage. Price. £320 cash. —J. M.' Lftnhox. lCstat.e.agent,.Aucklacd. ... '.] ■■A'LLOTMiCNTin the City; wiih 60 feet front-; ■'iOL. age. Price,. £93. Beautiful situation.—J .M. Lennox. Kstato agent. Auckland, : WAIKATO FARivl—For Bale,;a line Favjv,. due mile from Cambridge. There are IjO acres, 14 acrea o'i which are in.wheat, 9 acres; in oats, and 34 acres, in good crosses. There is 3, desirable 5-roomed Residence in firsf-elßaa order, al^b stables, &c. The Coach passes urn door. Price. £900.—Apply to J. M. Lennox, Estate : agcut,Auckland. .-...■.:. ... ..:•. :..•■.,. ;~. J. M. LENNOX,- - - ::'-'. Estate Agent, Auckland. AUPIRI COAL MINING COMPANY (LIMITED); ■ The Company are now .supplying uOAL, at their Mine, .Hunt!}' Railway Station, afc'thefollowing prices, per truck ioad of five tons, in bulk:- * : en ■■ - Household (lumpy) • •••' -. ••- ■608f- .. Steam (screened) •.. - .." ... *os. *■' Sladr .. .. -:■■»**< --'i. •'""•• 2f!3Discouni1 allov.-ed ou orders from 20 to 100 tons, 10 pc? cent.; over 100 tons, 20 pc cent. - ■ ' Orders lor any intermediate stations on the line are requested to be sent direct to the Mines, addressed to the Mine Manager, Taupiri Coal Mines, Huutly, accompanied by remittance, ana the Coal will be supplied without delay. ■'■ If reauired iv bags, purchasers will please forward these to Mines; rail freight paid; extra charge for tilling bags, Is. 6d. per ton. Ordersfor AiicKlancl afid■ Onehuncra receivea at the Company's OfHce, Sort-Street; where further information may be obtained. "The following aretiie rates of carriage charged by railway, per truck load of five tons :—jl. Mines to— Mines to— • ■ Newcastle .. 12/8 i Papakura :.. 83/ i Mercer .. .. 18/4 Papatoitoi :..•. 44/2 Tuakau ... ..25/ Otahuhu :■• WV Pukekohe .. 29/2 . Onehunga .. 49/2 Drury .. .-.35/10-1, Auckland .. 51/1 Mr. R. W. Hammond has been appointed Sole Agent for the Sale of the Company's Coal at Auckland and Suburbs. - ' ■ ■ ■ -;■;.: , FRANZ SCHEUFF, • ■ ' . ' 1 -•.;.. ■ ."■'■, ;..'' .Secretary. ■ Fort-street, Auakland. -.;.* ■'• 'V'Sept. : 6.l377. ■...■;. . . ■■■■■. ' '■~■ tm.p ok tlnt:n; otlce,, c. w;a tees Has very great pleasure to announce that since his removal into Mr. Dyson's late shop,.his tar DINING ROOMS i£& ;.: have been renovated at great expense, with every regard to the convenience of his cus> touiors. The IjOWEK SAL pON „; Is th<3 most spacious and comfortable, as wea as the best ventilated Dining Room in the Pro? ■vince: and Up-stairs ho has furnished an extra room of comfortable size, to prevent overCr°Wdfec^ROOMS FOR LADIES i ' [ also up-stairs, to which are' attached side offices provided with abiutionaiT and other conveniences. His Table he feels confident needs no recommendation. ' The liberal patronage of, the Professional and Commercial Gentlemen of the City which he has received for a .period of over eight years is a guarantee that the Bill of Fare is 1 otM^s^on - : Is alwayato be obtained.' British Magazines, Illustrated and Comic Journals, together'with the leading Lon. aon Newspapers, are'lauT on the tables immediately on thoarrival of each mail steamer. He, therefore,'hopes with some confidence that the wm,: id his New Premises, continue to receive the large-share of patrpnage which has been ao- - corded to hinrin the past: .T" ".. '.. I ''''% *. 4 KiW. wished' also to draw the attention 'Qt ■ Merchants and.Storekeepers to his locallyj manufactured Confections, which rival those of Keiller and-the best English makers: 'H© bas removed his Factory to Durhanirstreet1 We& where he has .fitted up all the. most. moderr .machinery.of.the trade.- ..■..■ ii {'y <:, AU { r ;; :, ; i ;r;; ;/;:; ..-y:'::.- '•:.'. g~>^ a:teRS ',\ \ c ';;£ i \r: Wholesale' akd;-.Ret Aii., Confectioner ';' '!.,'.''■...l'- .■■■A t|:c.;K't:;&.''*£;t>., ? ; ;'/.;.' \ •-_ iii :r o \ ■&.',. ■'":;..a1".-;' a"., l. ! :;e rJ?.: "; ". ';; :;"" :' : -■" 4 V, ; ' '':' ■ ' '■■ 'A Ifirst-classi' •Watchmaker r and • Jewelle: .Business n Napier.'i '■;■:■•/■ ■' •' '■ ■/■ ' Principals only dealt with.,-;*,, . ,-,, ; ,-. I ■-■ • -'For every information, apply to - ■j ... ' --MESSKS. BEAVER BROS. & SOLOMON, ■•h-;mi<: ■,•,•::.:,■■■; ■■-. ••:;"> -Wellington.;. :,.Qr ■:; Messrs. HAYMAN.& CO., , .: : ,',.,'; i ..,j '~'.'"■ Dunedin. :f\ ■. : --N: :■ : ■;■&• !■• A' ■ L 1 E, ■ .- EX ' OCEOLA,' • SWOEDFISH,' ' LINDA J. ,' .: j'Webee,' akd 'Taufo': ; - / ;";; . 925 sacks "FLOUR"' :'"■"'"■ \ ./' ;■■;: -.'.■:■ :..870'.bags ,- ; ,.:. ■■< , , ;..■.,- ..,-, ■ : ;;■' '. v;;': 216 sacks OATMEAL" ■•;i;J j :• :■.'!::■ ,-■ 513 „ OATS! -....,■'' .:■■; ;': :; ;20; „ PEARI; BARLBY': ] <•'} i ■••■■.':! • '18 cases BACON. : ■:.- \i-; : ; ' I.;]'I', ~V 14 cases (jHEELK ";,.■ | i ■'■1 »'-1 •."'• ■■■•''■■ wkegsBUTTKR ,w-ih- '■••) I ";;; I . „: .M.-.EX-'-AIKSHAW/^-.LO^OON1! | '/..'.'; 12 cases MACCARONIaud VJ';V.\iiLICLLI. '< ■■**- '^-Ti1 U>'W', B':A:;<|:;-'L-&';;<^Og "?,Hi U iHrGH-'S^KtiJET ::A^E :VUI*G-AS;;vL| AS •

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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2601, 19 August 1878, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2601, 19 August 1878, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2601, 19 August 1878, Page 1