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T> & v i '■ - 24 4, Queen- stk Ww ' Opposite thbMahkJ/15^ I Single anSo^bSi^EFowHng Pieces. ng and Mna, Beat Branda^Gunp^wder 8 Arriyals-. Snot, Bley's Double Waterproof n ' CyHnaSho^ run ß CarM^ ** Breoc^ I Gun Cases, Waterproof Covers Game Bags, &c. ""vura Breech-loadinglmplements ot everydeßft Patent Chiiled Shot Breech-loading Revolvers and An, Infantry Swoada Am tmiH oß Fishing Tackle Oa I Fireworks. rjpiME TABLE FOB_KAIL\y A i 'fim The 'Bus will be waiting at thn <« o+ - Trains corning in before 7.30 tTm °2 fo* all leave the Grey-street Junction at &«» J^WII times for the Station:— l th 9 following 8 00 a.m. m™^ i 9.25 a.m. 2«?'S*' 10.40 a.m. SsnS'S' Tickets for Two Shillings'and sSkSSm T*elYt — W^ofi^W jgfAMILTON RAILWAY Noig B. EDWARDS Begs to inform the public that a CWh ing 12 passengers and luggage, 2?1 tram arriving from Auckland. dita£2l"sP able, Special Carriages providedto ovS^ 1 instructions being^p^post or&fi£ Livbby and Bait Stables ._ Hamilton. ; ' : DR. BKIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE. Whereas It having become known to th» d priotprsof "3>r. Eright's Phosphodyne» thS* Medicine, emanating from anS ' London firm, is exported to India rwi?"1!?" and foisted on purchasers acs equal in S n &Cll JJr. Bright's Phpsphodyne, they feeHtffifflf public to specially caution them agS trw compound, and. request their most ™J3m attention to the following distinctive c«S istics of iJr, Brigh t's Phospli odyne •- araote* lbt. That Ur. Brigkt's Phosphodyno fa «m; onlymcaseo, »«*uo is sole 2nd. The words " Dr. Bright's Phosnlinfl^, • " are clearly blown in each bottle rJ10B:pllodyao--3rd. The Registered Trade Mark and Simp tuie oi. Patentee are printed on the latmiS every case. : wl 0I 4th. Directions for use in all the followi™ languages are enclosed in each case-EnE French, Gorman, Italian, Dutch, Spanisk-ffi tugnese, Kua^iau, Danish, Turki ß h,^er£r Ilindostant .iladrasse, Bengalee. Chineffi^ Japaiieia without which none can possrarvS Genuice. . }}R. BRIGHT 3 PHOSPHODYNE i B theonb reliable remedy for JServous and Liver Cnm plaints and all i'unctional Derangements lsed by the aristocracy and the elite, extensftSi used m tne Army and Navy, and strcii-'lv ** commended by the leading Medical Men tioners. " tv" DR. BRIGHT'S PHCSPHGDYNE is PO id ;. al! Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendi^. throughout the Giobe.' '■ UUIB TW^~ Ask for DR BRIGHTS PIIOSPIIODYIvE, and do not be persuaded-to take ay. Useless and Possibly Dangerous Substitute. " UiSTABLISHED 1868.] f% LAII X E BBOTHEKj. ■V (Late Crombies), Uoyat, Fins Art Photogbaphio SGallkeikOppusite Union Bank, Queen-street, Auckland. First-class Portraits, from C.D.V. to Liio :-'t ac moderate prices. Children's Portraitatali« r*Btrsr,r:;rr,rsT>p,lT. . I.y'AIKATO TIME-TABLE of %a T ? Carter's Telegraph Line of Coachef •• Leave Ohaupo on Monday, Wednesday, und * nciay, at 2.15 p.m.; arrive Te Awamutn en Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 p.m, arrive Alexandra on Monday, Wednesday, f.ra Friday at 5.30 p.m.; leave Alexandra. onTm.dtty Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 a.m.; arrive ! i; '-! Te Awarnutu on Tuesday, Thursday, and saturciay, at 9.45 a.m.; arrive Ohaupo on Tue.-i..; lhursclay. and Saturday, at 11.30 a.m.; I; ■ Hamilton every day at 2 o'clock p.m. forCWbridge; ieave Cambridge every day at 10o'cli ■ - a.m. for Hamilton. W °' l 5 "E NUBS, H « IMPORTER QUEEN-STREET. n¥ WrRTHrIM SI In If LaKl 1 fil Sal Hand and Teeadle., HAND M ACHINBS, fA 10a The Most Superb Machines in the World, Challenges comparison with airy, and givos worth more extras, free of charge. Time Payments. One Month's Fkkk: TeiAl, Also, Always on Hand, The Princess of Wales (Arm and platform Wheeler & Wilson, Singeb, Howe, and other good makes. ROYAL WASHING AND WBINGIW MACHINES, Magic Lanterns, Mangles, ; Great Machine Depot, ,_ QUBEN-STREBT. .4 UCKL AN D LOAiN .^-^^ J^L OFFICE, o=jA-0 165, QUEEN- TKBBT j'X OPPOSITE @ SAYINGS BANK. MONEY LENT to any amount on CLOTHING JKWELLBBY, WATCHES, PLATED I WARE, and every description ai; Merchandise, at the LoWKST I Kate of Interest. The strictest secresy may be relied on ia ever transaction. Parties waited on at their own residences, Fire-proof Safes on the premises for the H«tf »»> . of Valuables. [Established 1565.3 L. H. NEUMEGEN, LICENSED PAWNBROKER. i? 5%. Private Entrance down right of way. J? w ° T i C""X; The undersigned having a Large STOUKjh , th -.i licet and Fs stest Dyes that can be pwewoo in the Knelich and French Markets, as weUg a plentiful supply of pure water, is enaww * Pioduce Colours not to be sukpassed. '■»iJS ' '. had too Patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen , of Auckland in his management of the nl/"1-;" of a Dyer and Cleaner during the to* MS years, he trusts that by a contmuance or SB» attention, and by personal control of tpeyjv.Ta t" tions. to continue to give the satißf&ctiOi- tu. "" hitherto afforded. , ,„'.,!*«) . Ladies' and Gentlemen's WeariDgAppare* ij» any description) Cleaned, Dyed, or Hpow^j. any shade or colour. Velvets, Site ; Ribbons, Feathers, Gloves, Cleaned; wyeo, «■ Renewed, in any colour. Gentlemen s l*f'"?Cleaneri, Renewed, or Dyed, and Pressed w i short notice. . ~-.■..,-.-,« Orders left at the City EstablitJw-" Wellesley-street East, wiU receive &■«'** attention. Ladies and Gentlemen walßO^ by leaving their Orders personaJlyor by ten* ME. FAULDEK, Sole Contractor to J| City Council for the Emptying of Closets, Privy Boxes, Cesspits, &c,iSPjSg to attend punctually to all requests "S^g the above. Persons desiring to have «H«^, places attended to, either weekly, t ona^JKjt b otherwise, can have the same done oy^li fa notice, either verbal or written, n'T^e.' " Inspector of Nuisances, City Council vw Queen-Btrect . ~ : rf

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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2609, 17 August 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2609, 17 August 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2609, 17 August 1878, Page 4