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w^ c dennesT impoeter '"* r|'' k. ,^^ QUBEK OB1 OOOTB ¥ERY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TEE TRAD& REPAIRS DONE FOR ALL MACHINES. It v!Td C n r llanE° a WUCb!U° y°U doD>t lib 6 f°r YSS «« monthl^payments. one you do Hke. p^B^peditlously aud Clwayiy. MACHINE NEEDLES, of° alMdncte, 28. 6cl. PEE DOZEN. ■ W O. S°3SNIsrBS McAetitur, Shbra akd Co.'s K^y Buildings, QaEEN-STRBKT,

....;{ •, Vi .'/;» —;• ' ■;-',;v.v> i /'V'-!i'"' c /'-v.'■'•■' '.'■•.'•■■-':/';:■■•' •."■;/■'';••.''■■, ''■■'•■. IT P 11. lins P.EMOVET) to the foot of Gray-flrreet.!? m T. DICKB NS O 4 ; N, ~ FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. ESTAELISUKD 1859. Adults' Fnnerr.l furnished from jGS'IOs., incindtiif; Mounted Coffin, Hearse, Grave, and attendance. I tsf~ ote tlic Address:— VICTORIA- STREET WEST, i doors from Hobson-strect. I TTBT B. HAYWA RD, 1 B? V ■ Mattukpbmakeu, '"-i jj| f H CABINETMAKER. AND FUNERAL If * 1 UNDERTAKER, 0 5 El W X N I> II A M - B T E E E 1. M "■ fj Eoiidencc:—"Eurriift Store," behlndTthe H • ra Catholic Cemetery. ---' X W Csir" N.]J — Grave. Fences Mado,' rrr"~\^ ■PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES. X GKEAT OI.KMIING-OTIT HALE at FRA.VCIS FKNTON'S, Marhet Cornor, Queen-street, next to Hemns'B Boot, Shop. Fruncin Fcnton beintr about to remove to larger prc-miscs. will clear o^it his licinenso Rtoclt at anj' Bacriflca The Sale will conlnmo for One Month only ! „,_.»» "We qno^o -i few prices:—Splendid Tea, 2h ft; a stipprior particle, 2s 3a fc; New Roney, 7d ll>; new Currants, 4Jd 11); bwt now H.iisfns, 6d 1b; Mncnatels, lo lt>; new Fisa, 6d lb ; Prunes, scl tt>; Oottiß'a Tomato Kance, Jarfja bottles. 9d bottle; Brown's Tomato Sauce, 4d; Worcestershire Sauce, quart bottlcß, Is bottle; Plckle.d Cabbaee. Oi bottle; Soup, Md bar; Blue, 9d U>; Full-weight Spprm Candles, lid by the box; Flour, T< s for 1b ; Split Pema Oatmeal. Pfarl Barlf-y, beßt Rice, nil on? price, 2|d 11), or 51t)S for Is ; Tobacco. 2s 3d lb ; Sardines. 6d box, or fis Od per dozen ; Pastry Butter, Gd 1!); Canterbury Chowtß, 8dl»>: Matches, 4d per dozen ; Bacon, Odlh; beßt ClothoHTjintß^deach; superior Mnstavd, Rd Hi; Arrowroot, Cd IN JUST LAND D AT 'SEE PHARMACY, QUEEN - STREET, EX LA fiSCOOESSA— NEW REMEDIES AND EEGENT DISCOVERIES. ""'SALICYLIC ACID, tfce wonderful antiseptic and disinfectant JAUOEANDI LEAVEB. a powerful diaphoretic and sialigosnio—TlNCTDKE of BOLDO, hepatic alterative davory and Sloore's PEPTODYN,'combines tbo properties of Pepsine and Paucreatino Squire'u Solution of Binieconato of Mor-phia-J Ferris's Nepenthe Snlpho-carbolate pf Hoda—KIRBY'S PHOSPHOBTJS PILLS, and Phosphorus Pills with Quinine, Iron, and i\ux Vomicn— Croton Chloral Ozonic Ether Calawir Bean p a p ar : Laclo-Phosphate of Lime Gnarana Powder TaMAR INDIEN, a pleasant substitute for Castor Oil Injection Brou CHUEGHILL'3 PECTORAL TABLETS Kay's Essence of Lluseod— Hartin's Crimson Salt Cooper's Voice Lozenges AICIUN'S PODOPIIYI-LIN PILLS No. a (Sugar-coated) NERVINE TONIC PILLS (Sugar-coated) NEURALGIA. PILLS (SugarC(w tcd) ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS (Sugar-coated) Gayetty's Medicatud Paper, &c, &c, &a INFANTS' FOOD. Bo wen's Ground Sago, Nestlc's Lacteous Farina Finest Bermuda I rrowroot, in lib. tins. Dr. Eidge'fl Food, Savory and Moore's Infant Food, &.C, he. Ctawshaw's Aniline Dyes (Crj stale), a one Bhilling packot will go far as six of Judeon's bottles. jaar Address— AIOKIN, OPPOSITE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, QUEEN-STREET ;; VIOTOBIA-STREET, AUOKLAKD. ' TDTTTLER AND MoJNNES, JD HOUSE. SIGN, AND DECORATIVE PAINTERS AND PPEKHANGERS, ..■«;.: Foot of Wakefield-street. Oil, Colotir, Glass, White Lead, Scrim, Brushes, : Vai-nlßheHi Glue, Paperhangings of all descriptions. BST" AH orders entrnßted to; their care will receive prompt attention. "M^ , ..H. "SKINNER BUnJDEE, CA.RPENTER, AND JOINBB, On the Old Site, VULCAN LANE. All Branches of the Building Trade executed by Experienced Workmen. Shop Fronts, Office Fitting, fen., &0. "O EDUCED FAKES, AUCKLAND J-W TO ONEBUNGA, AKD ONEHUNGA TO AUCKLAND. — J. J. BOYD Begß to inform the inhabitants of Auckland and Onehunga that he, now runs a. 'Bus at the following reduced'rates :— ; From Auckland— ■" ■ rrom Onehunga— I 11.15 am ■• 9.15 am 6.50 pm ' 8 pm Staisle3Pttres,'fld; Return Tlcketfl.'ln. £%. J. J. BOYD.

Miscellaneous.1? , HAVE SPECIAL CLAIMS to public attention, as a very superior and valuable as'istant in huutehold iuduury. I'uat thiß Machine has made thousands of friends who attest itß superiority over everything elso cannot be doubted ; and it is claimed fh»t it is only necessary to reason upon its peculiarities to enable any petson to appreciate Its advantages in the family over every other one in mo. What these advantages are claimed to be wo propose bi iefly to ttate, that a comparison m»y be drawn tetween the Grover and Jiakcr and other Machines— 1. It makes the only seam formed by a Sewing Mnehino in which each stitch is independently locked, and without dependance upon the rthcr stitches for strength, and the only seam that will adroit of the thread being cut at every fourtli stitch without injury to the Ri am in wear. It is unnecessary to fasten off the ends of Ream?, this being done bj the Machine itself without tha ueo of the hand needle. 2. The Grover and Baker stitch la the only one formed from two ordinary reek, and without winding from the reel Into a shuttle lorn three to five times for the under thread. A scam thus formed is more elastic than any other made by a Sewing Machine, and is con- ■ scquently very valuable in all goods that are i to be washed and stretched under tlie iron 3. The Machine Is adapted to all varieties o fibrins, Bewir.t* each equally well, and require no adjustment tor any kind of sewing other than tha adaption of n*.ed!t s a»d thread, and ' by reason of its Biraplifity of construction jand easß of mftna/tpmont it is best adapted to all the wants of a family. The Lock or Shuttle Stitch Machines manufactured by Grover and Baker, making the team alike on both sides of the fabric, needs little comment, and parties desiring to invest, are respectfully requested to make enquiries of those who have them in uso. as to their superior merits over any other Lock Stitch Machine made. N* JLUs.Parts, Cotton, SiV:, <frc., always on hand. '' The following testimonials are published as samples of the many wo are constantly receiving from all parts of the world, and we purpose replacing them frequently by others, so that the public may form an idea of tha Grover and Biker's S.M. Co's Machines, by thoso who have them in use. " 130, and 13- 1, (Jueen street' , " Auckland, 17th March, 1576. "Messrs Winks akd Hall, "Dear Sirs,—We very willingly state that the Grover and Baker Sewing Machines have been used in our Factory (or many years ; they give every satisffiction, and ara preferred by our managers]! to any other make. ' " "Wo are, dear Sirs, " Yours very truly, " (Signed) S. &J. E. Vaile." " High-street, " Auckland, 16th March, 1876. "BfEssna Wlnks and Hall, "Gf ntlemcn, —Wo can bear testimony to th suitableness ol the Grover and Baker Machine for Boot Closing, having had several in use for the last Boven or eight years, and for durability prefer them to any other make that we are acquainted with, " We are, Gentlomen, "Yours respectfully, " (Signed) Bailey akd Co., "Boot Manufacturers." WINKS & HALL, Agents SHOIITLAND-STREKT. : UNT HOBSON NURSERY, EEMBEEA. C. T. WREN would, as usual at this season, bring under the notice of his patrons his Stock of Nursery Goods of all descriptions, of their usual sterling character, now so well-known. They embrace a collection of Fruit Trees unsurpassed in merit, many of the kinds in advanced growth and bearing condition, and including a clioioo young stock of Apple Trees on Ordinary and aIEO on Blitfht Proof Btoeks. the new and valuable American kinds, and a fine collection of Cider Apples. Ornamental and Shelter Tr*es and Shrub 3 in very ex ensivb variety, and in various stages of growth. A well-advuncod Stock of Deciduous Trees for avenue planting, etc. Pauns, Climbers, Camellias, Roses, Hedge Plants, Hotel Potatoes, and a host of other choice and-useful items.—Tha Nursery List wil; forwarded free on application. W. J. Hurst and vo.. Town Agents. A N OLD STORY ES-MOBAL'D. 2\_ i Two in on a journey had to go (The one was Jim, the other Joe), The distance two score miles and ten, And fifty long miles back again. Away they sped with right good will, Through bush and brake, o'er plain and hill, , But very soon the one call'd Joe Declared ho could no further go. Jim's hurry would cot brook delay, So like a shot ho sped away ; His journey and his business o'er, He took the road for home onco more. When half-way back he met poor Joe, Walking along but very Blow, Who when ho saw that it was Jim, I With.rueful face thus question'd him : " Pray tell me friend how it can be, That you can walk so light and free, i While I, with blisters on each toe, Havo fivo-and-twenty milet to go ?" Quoth Jim, " The secret you shall know How I with eaße apd comfort go, Dame Naturo's gifts I don't abuse, And Hemtjs always makes my shoes. We forget whether Jim wore a pair of our Men's Elastic Sidea or Balmoral Boots at 12s 6d, but they both go well. His wife has kept up to him for years, and ■ she wears our own make Kid Elastic Bides at 10s 6d. HEMUS'S STAR BOOT WAREHOUSE, Market Corner, Queen-street. 1,000 V A B D i HOMESPUN ALLWOOL, Is. 4d. PER YARD; ÜBUAL PRICK, 2a. Gi. J.. M. Mo L A C L A N QUEEN-STREET) Opposite McArthur, fibera and (3o.^s New Warehouse.

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Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1975, 8 June 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1975, 8 June 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1975, 8 June 1876, Page 4