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W« C. DENNIS, IMPORTER "*'' . / N . , - ;% QUEEN OF SCOTS o #- . . V/- \ PKifcCESS OF \ T | i ' Di.lN'jr.EjJ-*' O ! , - 'i;-' , V J FOR ALL HAND "' , ' MACHINES. VERY LIBKEAL DISOOUI\ 7T TO TEE TEAOT. KEPAIRS BONE FO R ALL MACHINES. Eißlit KoapcnE why a M'icliino yon ehonld buy at DENNES'Si— 1. Ho is Ihc larßfist ImjiorUT. ' 5. Hfl taltos old Machines m exchange. 9 He keeus SO kindti C. lie asks no security. 5! He Riv?s one Sh-P freo trial. 7. He will give a Lime-Light Entertainment freefif 4. Youcan oxchanto H Machlnt; you clon't like for 20 gnJncsH ere spent. one you do like 8. Ho toto-s weekly and monthlyjpaymontß. Repairs dono upon Iho Premiscß Expedltiously ana Cheaply. : MACHINE NEEDLES, of' all kinfla, 2b. 6a. PER DOZEN. W . O. X) °eTn IST 33 S McA-ETHaa, Sheiu and Co.'s New BurLPiNQg, Q^een-street.

virppATTiv '"" £<&% Premium HAVE SPECIAL CLAIMS to public attention, as a very superior and valuable assistant in household industry. That this Machine has made thousands o2 friends who attest its superiority over everything eiso cannot be doubted ; and it is cJaimed th*t ii is only necessary to reason upon its pecuiiatities to enable any person to appreciate its advantages in ihe family over svery other one in use. Whit tfiese advantages are claimed to be we propose briefly to state, that a comparison may be drawn between the Grover and Baker and other Machines— 1. It makes tho only team formed by a Sewing Machine in which each stitch is independently locked, and without dependance upon the other stitches for strength, and tho only Beam that will admit of the thread being nut at every fourth stitch without injury to the B«am In wear. 1% is unnecessary to fasten off the ends of seams, this being done bj the Machine itself withont the use of the hand needle. 2; The Grover and Baker stitch is the only one formed from two ordinary reels, and without winding from the reel Into a shuttle f om throo to five times for the under thread. A scam thus formed is more elastic than any other made by a Sewing Machine, and is consequently very valuable in all goods that are to be washed and stretched under the iron 3. The Machine is adapted to all varieties o /fibrins, eewintj each equally well, and require no adjustment for any bind of sawing other than the adaption of n> edits mhl thread, and by reason of its simplicity of construction and ease of management it is biss adapted to ail the wants of a family. The Lock or Shuttle Stitch Machines manufactured by Grover and Baker, making tne mam alike on l.oth sides of the rubric, nneds little comment, and parties desiring to invest, are respectfully requested to make enquiries of those who have trera in use. as to their superior merits over any other Loci Stitch Machino rnado. Needles, Parts, Cotton, Silk, <L-c, always on hand. The following testimonials are published aB samples of the mr.ny wu are constantly receiving from ail parts of the world, and we purpose replacing them frequently by others, £0 that the public may form an idea of the Grover and lUSer's S.M. Co's Machines, by those who havo them in use. " 130, and 132, Queen-street' " Auckland, 17th March, 1876. " Messrs "Wishs and Hall, ! "Dear firs,—We very willingly state that the I Grover and hr.kc-r Sewiug Machines havo been used in our factory for mr>ny years; they give every I satisfaction, and aro preferred by our managers] to any otber make. " We are, dear Sirs, " Yours very truly, " (Cigried) S. &J. E. Vaile." " Iligh-street, " Au-jkland, 16th March, 1870. " RfEssus Winks and Hail, " Gentlemen, —Wo can bear testimony to tli suitableness of the Giover pud Baker Machine for Boot Closing, having had several in use for the last seven or eight yeays, and for durability prefer them to any other ruafee that we are acquainted with, ""We are, Gentlemen, " Yonir-: respectfully, " (rjjgned) Bailey akd Co., " Boot Manufacturer?." WINKS & HALL, Agents SIIOBTLA^D-STKEKT. TOAPER BAGS ! TSAP R BA GS JL ' JL Grey Sugar Bag 3 : Brown jind Puri)le Bags Biscuit Bags Flour Bags: . i ' Confectionery Bags Millinery Bags. WEAP.PING PAPERS— Brown and Blue Paper Small Hand and Cap Paper Tinfoil Tea Paper White Tea Paper, *3?~ Printed if required. Price Lists on application. R. BAIRD, Victoria-street, Sole .Agent for Messrs Smith, Anderson, and Co. Paper and Bag Manufacturers, Scotland, | A N OLD STORY KE-MOEAL'D. Two men c journey had to go (The one was Jim, the other Joe), The distance two score miles and ten, And fifty long miles back agair. Away they sped with right good will, Through bnsh and brake, ocr plain and hill, But very soon the ona call'd Joe Declared he coakl no further go. Jim's hurry would not brook delay, So like a shot ho sped away; His journey and his business o'er, Ho took the road far home once more. When half way back he mat poor Joe, Walking along but very slow, Who when he saw that it was Jim, With rueful face thus question'd him: " Pray tell me friend how it can bo, That you can walk bo light and free, While I, with blistera on each too, Have five-and-twenty miles to go ?" , . Quoth Jim, " The secret you shall know How I with ease and comfort go, Dame Nature's gifts I don't abuse, And Hemtjs always makes my shoes. We forget whether Jim wore a pair of our Men's Elastic Sides or Balmoral Boots at 12s 6d, but they 1 both go well. His wife h3s kept up to him for years, and she wears our own make Kid Elastio Sides at 10s 6d. ! HEMUS'S STAR~BOOT WAREHOUSE, Market Corner, Queen-street, 1,000 V A E D s HOMESPUN ALLWOOL, Is. 4d. PER YARD; U3UAL PEICB, 2s. 6a. J. M. Met A C H L A N QUEEN-STEEKT, Opposite McArthur, Shara and Co.'a New Warehouse.

ftOseellfuieous. H P. IT. has REMOVED to the foot of Grey-street, m T. DICKE NSO N, FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. ■ t « EsTABHSHKD 1859. Adults' Funprnl fiinn>l;ed from £5 108., f including Mounted Coffin, Hearse, I Grave, and attendance. 83?" ole the Address:— VICTORIA-STREET WEST, i doors from Hobson-street. W* R. JT AYWA RD, 1 * MATIIIEPBMA.FEK, j$ i CABINETMAKER. AND _UNEEAL §g UNDERTAKER, |9 WminAM-BIESEI. M Residence:—" Eurrira Storr-," behind the |j Catholic Ctmetery. H | rsr- JV B —Grave. Made. M PROV ISIONS AND GROCERIES. GKB'T CLEARING-OTJT »ALB at FRAVfIIS FKNTON'S, JTa>kct Corner, Qir-en-Rtreet, next to (■Totnrß's RootSbop. Francis Fen ton br-injr abont to remove to larger premises. '*1U clear out his Immense utoolt at ary sacrifice, '/he Sale will continue for One Month only ! We onotc * few prfecs:—Kplratlid Tea, 2n lb; a superior ""articln. 2* 3d lb; Wow Hone, 7d lb; n«iw Currants iti lb ; beft nf-w Raistas, 0d 11;; Murraiteiß Is lh ; now Fio?, 6d 11>; Prun-rP. 5d It,; Cottin's Tomato, larpfa bnttlPß. M bottlo; Brown's Tomato Sanen. 4'l: "WorceßtPrshiM Snuoe, quart bottles IsVottlo; PicJrlnd Ca'obanc G'l bottle; fcoap, Bid " bar; Blue, 0:1 lt>; Fnll-wt>Jpbt Sperm Candles, lid by the bof; FJour. 7i!B for Is; Split Pef.s OMmeai. P< arl best Tiiee, all ons price. 2id lb, or 511>h for Is ; Tolaco, 2a 3d ft ; Sardines, fid box, orGsGd per dozen; Pastry TJuricr, Gdft; Canterbury Chodfto, 8d 1»>: Matches, 43 per dozen : Bacon, f)d lt>; brat Clothes Lines, 4d each; auperior Mustard, (Id lh ; Arrowroot, (id IN TJ JN D JE SSIGNED HAVH ON BA_ _- PORT-SaperiorOldEeo*. in wood and bottTc SHETlKY~!?i;r;erior QTialHJes nnci brands, bouTea^nc. to bnttß, bhds, qr. -casks, and oetawa , BR\MDY-He_n«.s3y'/ end Maxell's, m wood atid case. Also, fine Did Vtntapea for private families and Bisquit rtu Bouohe's Bad Co Loago Fiiis, m fl«nks and Lalf-flisskn W.I. TUTM—SOo.p.,lnl)MsßTidqr.-caß*j ( WHTSKY — Pmwille's, GroeuloßS ana Ck>lyHle s Sheriff's May, Joliu Vrr.ser's V,i-\Ali\, and .Utuosoi'.'s iv bulk, ma Lome's KigLland., Duavum ?', an.-! Htnwftrt's {.v cns«s OL.T) TOM—Browning's) in bir'fa TSoo'.lis', Burnett's, ami Batnaid's, in cms SCHNAPPS—„doIpho V/'ol'o and. Co. 5, quarts twl 3§VA—John doKnyTJornnd Ojor's Anchor Branft, Jn red and svecn m ; J K. Ilenfeo's Holknda, In store jars ani\ glass bottles, and Cologne Gin GI?T-:,'>?1? WIFK, in wn eases _ C r.AßriT— Medoc, '.jhaican, Mftr<?caux, St JnJlen, >c •MABASOBINO—Koyoi;u, Ouragoa, ori-oge and white, and SarsapariUa, BlTTGES—Seiner's, Angostura, Orsngo, pna I'omor stiKcn ~ ... ~ CHAMPAGN3—Cliquot's, Perrler Jouots, moet ' Ooilin's, and no t.onsr'e SPARKLING- MOSSLXiB—DUnhwrd'B quarts srnfi LTFimMAK'S CAWAKRA HOCK AND OLAEBT lsttrrowth AMERICAN LIGHT WINE (Mnscatelle) BOTTLED ALK—Bass's, DeveniHh, Tonnant's, AUi?opp'». and Ind Coope'a , BOTTLED STOUT—lSyass's, Blood' 2, and Gum ness's BASS'S PALI 3 ALB, Jn bovrela : GEOCERIKS, comprising— Belrnont, Oxalrent, and Field's CnndleK, Crushed Loaf Srtcray, Kcnnetts, Rhttpetre. BkclUnjj. Blacklcad, and Sardines ■Reclretfc end Son's PEEKCH BLTJB TEAS and SUGABS PALS ENGLISH MALT VlNEGAU—Champion's Wo 24, in half-hhaa. CIG.IRP—Ko 9. X.8., in 500 boxes, La Chobttg, Albewrne, !liQTiUlad©Oro,AloDzoOaiteoho,Slrßoberti Puelj Plor de Solor, La Perla del Tabaco, aud Verguero TOBACCO—Various brands PAlNT'S—Carson's Anticorroslon, red and stone "colour- Blundell, Spenco and Co's Genuine Ground and Nor, t and 2 White Lead, Red Lend, White Zinc, Mid. Brunswick Green, and Yellow Paints, Patent Driers, «'io. Hodson and Co'a White Zinc and TVhito Lead, in 281b drums OILS—Raw and Boiled Linseed in drums snd barrels Colza in drums, and Downer's Keroseno NOBLE'S AND HOAKT2'S Vj&KNJBHKS OAK VARNISH—BJundeIJ, Spcnco and Co's, In cases, containing 16 1-pallon tins OOKBAGK—Europe, Manilla, Bolt Ropo, and Gal'van! zed Wire Rope Composition Nails for Mnntz Metal Morewood and Rosers' Corrugated Galvanized Iron 7, 8, and 9 feet lengths Planing, Shaping, and nrilllnp Machines Power Geared Gcrew Cutting Gap Lathes, 15,16, and 26 feet beds • One three hundred weight Steam Hammer. _. G. & Co. have now adopted the method followed by the large London Houses of VATTINQ their WINES and SPIRITS, this having been found to secure the delivery of a higher standard of quality than otherwise obtainable. Original packages delivered from, Bond as heretofore when required. Indents executed for all Mnd3 of goods, BROWSr. CAMPBELL & CO. H. SKI Ng E R BUILDER, CARPENTER, AND JOINES, On the Old Site, VULCAN LANE. All Branches of the Building Trade excelled by Experienced Worinnen. Shop Fronte, Office Fittings, he, &c. 13 EDUCED FAKES, AUCKLAND J3j TO ONEQUNGA, /TO ONEnTJNGA TO AUCKLAND. J. J. BOTD Bega to inform the inhabitants of Auckland and.OneUunga that he now runs a 'Bus at the following reduced rates :— From Auckland— From Onehnnga— ~., 1115 am 3,15 am 5,80 pm . 3 pm ■ SiiiKl&V_ares, 9d: Return Tickets,1 Is.. ... J. J..BOYD.

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Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1971, 3 June 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1971, 3 June 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1971, 3 June 1876, Page 4