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WANTED, a Practical Tinsmith ; constant work for a good hand,—Apply at oDce to M. McDermott, Victoria-street Eaat. «w*>" ANTED, two furnished Apartments within ten minutes walk from Qaeenstreet—Address JC, &t*.b office. WANTED, a Girl about 15 or 16 to take care of a chil I two years old, and make herself generally useful; must have recpectable references.—Apply at once to Mrs Simmelhag, Provincial Hotel, Princes-street. TJ{T ANTED Known, that the Swiss T T Bazaar of Wood Carvings and Curios held at tho Turkish {Baths, will close to tho public on Saturday next. WANTED, two respectable young Men to board and lodge—For 'address apply at this office, AIN TED, a respectable middleaged "Woman as General Servant. References required; highest wages.—Mrs lasdown, QueenW ANT ED, a Painter.—Apply to W. Patterson, Karangahape Road. WANTED, two good Joiners and a Sbingler.— W. H. Skinner, West Queenstreet. j_ ANTED KNOWN, that Henry Protert, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, and General House Furnisher, etc, has just received a largft ai;d well-assorted slock of English and American Chairs, wlftcu heia offeriug very cheap. Good Sound Chair at 4s. 4.i Cd, ss, and Ca ; warranted to give sati.sfaction or the money returned. (*" Note the address :—The Cheap Furniture Mattresses, and Ship's Bedding Establkhment, nearly opposita the Post-office, rShortland-street. _ AJSTED~to Purchase, a light Express Waggon, equal to 15cwt, and a sir of activif horses — Uf ml imehland. ANTEDT^I Apprentice to the ClicWng; also one to the Boot Closing.—W. Hyland. Wyndham-sireet. W~AlfflSTfco~SEl.iL, a Farm of 300 acres of superior land, with largft run for slicnp nr cattle, with good hcuso and outbuildings — H. P.irtinwton, r>7, Queen-street. W~ AN TED, a General Servant; must be a cond Cook and Laundress. References required- Mrs O. G Quick, Ponaouby. Baths V V arc open daily from 9to 8. T.adicß Thursdays only. Single Bath, 3x Od; T.adiPß, .Is. Ton tickets for £1 Is; Ladies, C> ditto ; Children, U ditto. Hy<li'r'valliic treatment administered. The best ventilated and clo.inCHt bath in the Colonies, and the Rcfi>pl to batlio in Over 1000 vinits, varying from 1 to 80 I'Ofh hale and weakly, ami not even a single caboof fainting Ims occurred.-X. D. STICKS, Proprietor N.B.—Warm Plunge, and Swimming Baths are in "contemplation, aud are only waiting tho water supply; . WANTED Known, that Sfcretton's Book, Stationery, and Wool Dopot ifl Itemoved from Grev-streot to tbe shop 'ately occupied hy E. W^tPrs, 208. Queen-fitrett, opposite McArthur, Shorn and Co.'h lifsw promisf s. ANTED, Good Tailors; highest wages given —W. Rattray, CO, Quecn-strret. \7~7ANTED to Purchase, a 5-roomed » t Cottit{/e, with large allotmpnt. in suburbs; half cash baliinco in land —Apply at this office. ANTED, a good General Scr-vai.t-Mra W. J. Messenger, Queen-s'rect. WANTED, two good Joiners; good wages.—Apply this evening to Mr King, Chc-miFt, Qunmi-Btreeh TJfTANTED, a good Shopman; also W a firßt-claßssmail goods man.—W. Messenger, Butcher, Qur'en-6tref>k ANTED, 10,000 People to attend nt tlio Clonring-out Salo of Boots, which .vill bo given at prlcso to cult the depressed state of tli => timoF.— Garrett Broß., Dublin Boot Factory, #ic< fiold-streot, Auckland ; and Devon-street, New Plymouth. WANTED, a smart Yacht of about 1 tonß. Slate price and full particulars to "EWT,»R,P.O,, Auckland. W""aNTFD" Known, that from my long experience in tho salo and repairs of Sewing Machines, I am enabled with confid>-nce lo Btate Iliat tliß Tlown shuttle Machino is without exception the best one made. It ia better in principle, butter made, has a larger shuttle, use a smaller needle for (lift fame sizi thread, makes a better stitch, is simple and les« liable 1o get out of order tban any oilier. I have just received the first con»ignment per R.R. Hero. Weekly or monthly paymentH.—GEO. W. HK^LOP, Engineer, Agent, The Fitting Shop, Short-land-Hti'eet. on Grafton Koad,~a JL large and convenient Family Residence, containing ten rooms, always well supplied by pump and running stream of water, commodious yards and out-buildings, together with about two acres of land, the greater portion of which is an Orchard in full bearing. Also at Elleralie. within five minutes walk of the Railway Station, a w^ll-built compact Family Homo, of six rooms, out-buildings, with large concrete well, including six and a-half acres of best volcanic land, all in eood pasture, srenrely fenced and sub-divided by substantial Btono walls. Apply to n. ASHTON h SONS, No. 8. New Zealand Insurance Bui dings, O LET, Country Residence at Onehunpa; a comforlable House of six apart ments, having a splendid view of the ha-bour, with one acre garden ground; also five acres grass paddock if required.—Apply to Fleming aLd Steven son, House and Land Agents, Onehunga TO LET, furnished, a commodious eight-roomed House in Parnell, commanding an excellent view of the harbour.—Apply to Mr J. A. Beale, Solicitor, Shortland-street. O LET, Furnished Apartments for one or two gentlemen in Parnell.—For address apply at this office. TO LET, in a healthy situation, and very convenient to town, Double and Single Bedrooms, with use of Kitchen, or board if required —Mn Ford. 49, Grey-street. ILLTNER — DRESSMAKER.— Wanted, a good Milliner; also a first-claßs Dressmaker.—Apply between 11 and 1 o'clock'to M and C. Hllne, Cheapside House. Queen-street. mO~d6~NTRACTOEB~&~" PLASTERERS. Tenders will be received until 4 p.m. of the 30th instant, for alterations to the Front of Hobson's Buildings, adjoining the Post-office. E. KJSALS & SON. Architects. Insurance Buildings. T~O BUILDERS. Wanted, Tenders for Raising Houses, and Building Stcne Wall in Official Bay. T. B. CAMBBON, Architect. mENDERB will be received until J- Tuesday, April 4, for the Erection of a Cottage in Kybsr Pass. Plans may be seen at Mr Aley's, Watchmaker, Queen-street. rjpENDEBS are invited for Leasing, JL in sections, the Three Kings Wesleyan. Native Instifution Estate. Plan and conditions may be seen at Mr Edßon's, Queen-street, where Tenders, addressed to the Trustees are to bo left not later than noon on Thursday, 30th instant. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the highest or aDy tender. A. EEID, Chairman. March 23, 1876. rp O BUILDERS. Tenders will be received by the undersigned till 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the 29th instant, for alterations to premises in Queen-street, Plans, &c , at my office. P. HEBAPATH, Architect. "DARNELL DISTRICT BOARD] To Contractors. Tod dors will be received by the Parnell Highway Board not later than 5 p.m. on TDESDAY, the 2Sth instant, for work required to be done in the above district. Plans and specifications to be seen at the District Board's Office, between the hours of 4 and 6 pm. daily. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.' H. BRKTT, Chairman. March 21, 1876. UCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD. Tenders for Graving Dock. Harbour Board Office, Auckland, 31st January, 1876. Tenders will be received at this office until TUEB DAT, the 18th day of April next, at noon, for the Construction of a Graving Dock 300 feet long, 13 feet depth of water on cill, In terms of plans, specifications, and conditions to be seen at the office of W Errington, Esq.. Engineer, Canada Buildings, Queenstreet, Auckland. Tenders to be addressed to the Chairman, and endorsed " Tender for Graving Dock." The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. "WILLIAM C. DALDY, Chairman.

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Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1905, 27 March 1876, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1905, 27 March 1876, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1905, 27 March 1876, Page 3