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WANTED, RaJlroy Xawurers for the Mount Rochf>tt ( ><)ontrlet, Westport. Only exneriencefl workmerTj^qnii-ea, lo whom wagPS will be given.-AjpTy to Mr lay, Engineer, WestpoTt. ■ ' / : ■ ■ . ANTED, "within/a few minutes walk of United ServioJ Hotel, a Bedroom with use of SlttinP-rooin^nd paitlal Bowd.-Address '•H.H.," Stab oflke. . W _Appiy to Mr F Davej^pposite fir Black's FrninVlvTi-Rtreet. Jt jH. WANTED imw&at^jr 4 Collar Maker—Apply to fjywebstcl Harness Maker. Quoen-streeo, next TJniffl Bank. I ANTED a IjLcl Gen^Al Servant. —Apply to MrD G^me, Jfnotion of Pitt .md Grey-streets, j^r ; I WTNTED~aI girl JiSJojjit "fourteen vcars oT age.-^p^actress^apply office of this paper. *V W ANT BD, at respect^e Youth to drive a Hcht €art a^KassiatKn a suburban Store.—Apply at the yA^roce. \ TSTANTED to L<s<>four or five1* » rooratd dct,-.cliPd^tt»Re witi Garden.— Pulman's Photo rooms, Phwtland-streot.j ANTl^DVliVstron^lSliursegirl.— Mrs Proece. op\gi*<Black 8%11 Hotel. TNTED~Kno|i, th^Mis. E^closon, Dressmalejf lia^fiToved » thp pre.mipes lately oocn ied by C&OE«ff Quick, Eft., in Wcllesley-street, twodoorsbelo^Hobßoy-streef. l¥7ANT¥DT^^Vgli^e fP ecfcable v' V young lady a Biti»tioiv«<B Barmaid ; must lie in the country; refcrerfceg^given —Afdress YZ, Stat! Office WANTED, a g4j\ strp^gj&eneral Servant; referencar^eaj^red.—Mrs Morlcy, Havelock House, Pymonds-s^ret. >^ I WANTED",! at G«<%al Servant; references Wiired^Mrlßall, MountEdon Road. _ ! /■ * S* t WANTED imm*iatefe<a Sltngler. G. Rogers, UppeVo«^on^treet, |iear the C metwy. /) y< ' WANTED, asomHfen|>ral Servant; references roqu^d.—Sta^l Office.___ "^liTANTE'D'Knqwn, tlia^tretton's V V Boole, Stationpjf.X^L^oiraapot is Remover! from Grev-HtreotM^pe shop Iqlely occupied liy v.. W-trrs, 208, Qnecr^JJ^efit, opposite McArthur, Bhprn and Co.'s new prcmtses. WantedT Wl* yssg &n > a Filiation ao ai<HW'>'B^^*^ lC counter, or to take charge of a cotHwy store reforencps —.ID, Star Office. **^ >^ W"~XN"f"E"D, t\voXgc(6cl steady Oompositorft for tho>wiaifc«roTiwie«. Reply immrdiatply to the Manner, Hattiilren. "Wailcato. W A NTI^D7I^ >ony<?nTta > *w'Acres fin one piece) abA"t Uw cmto-9 ApplicniionK to bo- sent /nlby Uffi 13/vinst., stating quantity, position, and F. Sl^enson, Hon. :-pc. OnehungaSchool,Comi<uttee. *^ WANTED,^ Partnepxfo join the advortispr in—the fi^fenjnori^f an old SHtabliehed buFiness,*i/B/irhM«^of bpirfpßS habits, or a Tradcmnivn prefonV?;^i*fn a cantm of from two to five hundred ponndsy^-^ddrees by letter Mechanic, t^tar Office. II _ _ TNTFDanoBn, Jn^C/lCloxigli, Maehini^Tftlat/fieldXßiiildih*, Albnrtstreet, is tho oldest/eEtablf&hed arid oWy practical maker and rppairer/if Seint'tr Mnchindi in thp province All work t/iar?*tecd of befit Materials and qunlit.y, and lowest j^mmyrative charge^ TTfANTED to fic«omn>(^iteAwo or V V three gentlomoni ia/JiMimori aorj(6 lot fnrnisliod sitting and bedrctirtsy^Apply OTTOnd houw loft hand Hide going up CepKflo Hill- y^ A NTED~,The JournejM^CTfTailors to know that Mr RattTajj'BTaillrWe locked out, bccaußp. they wilU not acp«*pt any rldvtion, and work for less than (eiipen(»c per hour^By order of ANTED, Good Trfilors/;highest wages given ■pW. R«rftray,'6g, fcucto-etreot, WANTED Known,- that from my long experience in/tlie salftAnd repairs of SewiDg Machines, I am|/lnlhJefl v&iix confidence to stato that the Howe ihlijWo'Mfichirtß\ is without exception the best ono mlrra^'T^ls Uaitm'Jn principle, hotter made, has a largor/nuttfe, vpi ajj/iallerneedle for tho Fame sizi threa^T, jnakes'a/better stitch, is simple and less liable 'q/jet out ft order than any other 1 have just received the first consignment ppr p.n. Hero. Wpekly or itionthly payments.—GEO. W. HE^LOP, Engineer, Agent, The Fitting Shop, Short-land-street. W T. i AQ E. On »nd nftor MgiUy, the 2pfh AuieVs PonFOnby Busses |wM jpQ sur undern leanrig tho Union Bank Cornlr cMy ynami/ksfrof£ 8 am to 7 pm. Parties tialelmig^Sn ha* wfeelfly, monthly, or quarterly tickets a^Keduced F&eea by applying a.t tho otlioo, \ictciiaytreet. / F. QUICK. March 10,1870./ NOTICE.— L"/jfciraJ^4 and Co., Bootmakers, REvfoTJJlDto Symiey House, ncit Darby's ihiatljs HotelTOlieen-Btre«t^ A LADY wishes to j^pnmend a lii«hly respectlble andjuJ^Re person as useful companion ;iwouldJ*^,i?a,cquMtion in any lipuee.—Address AB, STA^pDiee. V rpb SADDLE^.— Ajlftdj man, JL with fair krowleige oLJ(!e trade, |eeks employment,—" Saddler," STAR<3fflce. I FOUND, inlfche Albgj*jßarraoka, Pevcn AVhfte aandkerdrfws.—James Bloomfield, Albert BarracksJ^ J lIF you want toTiavea Laug^ff go and se"e P. Doran's T\oupe at Newmyiftet To-night. best Ankiteur S<sng and Dance JL Perform ers^at Hewmarlfet Hall To-night GO to the if ewmdrket skll To-night. Plenty of fun a*fd dancing for evejyone. OST, on the^Jtoth. ixmjxt&si a^gtut Poodle; answers to»the name e£filmy. —Any person returning same to Mjjjrf}- Stroua7 Wellesley-1 street, will be rewarded. ÜBLIO TEA MEETING. i JUNCTIOiST LODGE LO^G^T. In the United MethodisJ^eeXjhurd^cHgbl-roopaf Pitt-street,, on.'Mcndw,/bmi MT Jfey aXJyZO. 'I'icket3 Is Cd. Adnii*yK tp/Meetine/ouly Cd. Giiairman—Rev T. HWgsojr SpeakafeS—Rev S, Edger, Messrs i>tkin sn^Cole, interspersed with Readings. Kecitations, >rad a choice selection of Vocal and Instrumental^Music. WAIKaTO STEaM NAVIGATION AND COAL MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). Time Table : Mercer to Hamilton (per Waikato)—Monday, Wednesday and Friday; at 10.30 am Mercer to H-.miltoJ (per Alert)—TuMday, Thursday and Saturrtay,_tt IJL3O am >^ / Mercer to Cambriipe/par Alertj^Tuesday and Saturday, at 10.30 ajn/V ; Cambridge to Me|gj)^perj|pert)—Monday and Wednesday, at 630 am S^ . pT I Hamilton to Mercer (n^r Waikato)—TuaßdayJHmiirsday and SaturdayT at 8.30 am , I j/r Hamilton to Merc^T (per Alert)—Moi^/^ Wednesday and Friday, at 8.30 am, Tf a y Carrying Passengers only. FEANZ SCHEBPF, Secretary. March 10,1870. . . ,■ ■\TO. 3 COMPANY ATJCKMND li RIPLaVOLTJNTEERS,^^ Monthly Inspection on Thujwday evebing next, when Every Member is requested to be prelent, as the Annual Capitation GramVdepends upon it. I ' ■ Piist Ciass Firmg^on Wednesday nlorning at 6.45 a.m. sharp v <^'^ I >^ ARTHTTR MOBRBW, Captain Comiianding. March 13, 1876. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. JL ' WILLIAM BEOWNHILL, BOOT AltfjlL SHOE MAKEE, Of No-^88) Queen-street, Thanking his i\m dt\patrons,, and the public it general fora 1 past favojjK begs to notify to thpip thAMne has R E M /v E I) To those more cor mocpous demises lately occupiec mwMx Atler, No. If, QUEKM-STREET, (Opposite '« Bakk oplnbw Zealand), Where he hopes by strict attention to busine? together with civility and a first-class' article at i moderate profit to [utUl ratain a fair share o(£thei pationago, . ■: .;

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Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1894, 13 March 1876, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1894, 13 March 1876, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume VII, Issue 1894, 13 March 1876, Page 3