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Ironmngegy. qITeTp LIGHT! QHEAP Jj IGH T ! TRY OUR KEROSENE AT 2/6 PER GALLON. 12 CASKS ANUCAPNIG LAMPS, (EX " FERNGLEN,") Slightly Stained ly Fresh Water—will be Sold at 20 per cent. Discount. ALSO, 17 CASKS, CONTAINING HAND AND TABLE AMERICAN LAMPS, AT REDUCED PRICES. Anucapnic and American Burners, Globes, Glasses and Wicks, in great variety, AT THE CHEAP HAEDVABB HOUSE 230, QT7E3IT-STREET. J. <Ss J. 3PY"O KEY. a. m: n ° r m a n by (Late Master Tailor in the Highland Brigade), NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILOR, HABIT MAKER, ETC., HOBSON-STREET, AUCKLAND, Next Doob to thb Scotia Hotel, BEGS most respectfully to inform the clergy and gentry of Auckland, and the province generally, that having met with unparalleled patronage and success since commencing business at the above address, he would take this opportunity to return his sincere thanks for their favours, and at the same time to inform them and the public, that from his varied experience in the above distingwhed arm of the service, besides in London Paris, and Berlin, he in thoroughly conversant with all kinds of Uniforms, Ladies' Ridmg Habits, Gentlemen's Walking and Riding Trousers, Hunting Breeches, &c.; Highland Costumes furnished complete; Pulpit and Bar Gowns, Caps, and Cassocks at the lowest possible price for cash consistent with first-class A.M.N. having been elected three consecutive years Vice-President of the Cutters' Association in London, he is prepared to take Pupils and teach them the art of Catting in a few weeks. The highest London and Pariß testimonials and references on application. Instructions in Cutting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, from 7 till 9 o'clock. j

SEEDS ! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS !! ! Sow now all sorts of Vegetable Seeds. Catalogues on application. R. BAIRD, Victoria Seed Stores. OMATUS, MELONS, Cucumbers, Vegetable Marrows, and Pumpkins should be sown now. A great variety. R. BAIRD, Victoria-street. T7<LOWER SEEDS, Annuals, BienX? nials, and Perennials may be sown now. Over 200 varieties. R. BAIRD, Seedsman, Victoria-street. NIONS! ONIONS! ONIONS*! 2 tona, a splendid lot. POTATOES ! Potatoes ! Potatoes ! Iv quantities to euit purchasers. PERUVIAN GUAU O! PERUVIAN GUANO ! OATS! MAIZE! BRAN! CHAFF! R. BAIRD, Victoria-street. rpHE UNDER sTcTn~EI> I HAVK ON SAIIPOBT— Superior Old Bed, In wood and bottle 1 SHERRY— Superior qualities and brands, bottled and In butts, hhds, qr.-casks, and octaves BRANDY—Henness^s and Maxell's, In wood and case. Also, fine old Vintages for private families and Bisquit cm Bouche'a and De Laage Filis, in flasks and half-flasks ■W.I. BTTM—3O 0.p., in hhds and qr.-caska WHISKY —Dunville's, Greenless and Colville's Sherriff's Islay, John Fraser's Brackla, and Jameson's in bulk, and Lome's Highland, Danville's, and Stewart'i in cases OLD TOM—Browning's, In bulk Boord's, Booth's, Bernard's, and Burnett's in caae SCHNAPPS—AdoIphe Wolfe and. Co.'s, quarts and pints GENEVA—John de Kuyper and Son's Anchor Brand, in red and green cases ; J. H. Henie's Hollands, in atone j-.rn and glass bottles, and Cologne Gm GINGKR WLNE, in qr-caskn and cases CLARiST—Medoc, Chateau, Margeaux, St Julitn, *>c. MARASCHINO—Noyeau, Curagoa, orange and white, and Sarsaparilla BlTTEßS—Seiner's, Angostura, Orange, and Pomeranzen CHAMPAGNE—CIiquot'a, Perrier Jouet's, Moet's Collin's, and Tie i-ossy's SPARKLING MOSELLE—Dienhavd'B quarts and pints LINDKMAN'S CAWABKA HOCK AND CLARET Ist* growth AMERICAN LIGHT WINE (Muacatelle) BOITLED ALJl—Bass's, Deveniah, Tennant's, and Allsopp's BOTTLED STOUT—Byass's, Blood's, Gulnness's and Watkin's, bottled by Byass LIME JUICE CORDIAL—GiIIon and Co's pints and qu*rts, Gillon and Co's Sherbet GROCERIES, comprising—Belmont, Stearine, Ozakerit, and field's Candles, Crushed Loaf Sugar Rt-nnetts, baltpetre, Blacking, Bine, Sardines, Pickles Beckett and Son's FRENCH BLUE TEAS and SUGAJJS PALE ENGLISH MALT and KENT HOPS VlNiSGAß—Champion's No 24, in half-hhds. CIGARS-No 2 B.S.,in 500 boxes, La Caobas, Al•beurne, 4quill* de Oro, Alunzo Careche, E. L. Erota, Sir Robert Peel, Flor de Solor, &c. TOBACCO—Various brands PAlNTS—Carson'a ABticorrosion, red and stone colour ; Blnndell, Spence and Co's Genuine Ground and Nos 1 and 2 White Lead, Red Lead, White Zinc, Mid Brunswick Green, and Yellow Pain m. Putty, Patent Driers, &c. Hodson and C -'a White Zinc and White Lead, in 28tb drums OILS—Raw and Boil«d Linseed in drums and barrels, Colza in drums, and 1 owner's Kerosene NOBLE'S AM) HOARKS VAUNIaHES OAK V.4.UMSH—Blundell, Spence and Co's, in cases, coi'iaining 16 1-gallon tins COKU>AGii—Europe. Manilla, Bolt Ropa, and Galvanized Wire Hope All Flax Canvass, Woolpacks Composition Naiis for Muntz Metal SHEEI.1 ZINC, No 11, 12, 14. B. C. & Co. have now adopted the method followed by the large London Houses of VATTINQ their WINES and SPIRITS, this having been found to secure the delivery of a higher standard of quality^ than othervnse obtainable. Original packages delivered from Bond as heretofore when required. Indents executed for all kinds of goods. BROWJSI, CAMPBELL & CO. f?9A REWARD.—It having come Jj/C \) to the knowledge of the Undersigned that various Spirits and Liquors are regularly sold out of Adolphe Wolfe's Schoapp Bottles, as the Genuine Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps—Notice is hereby given that the above reward will br paid for information that will lead to the conviction -of parties selling a counterfeit; and the names of .publicans, who ie is ascertained nil up bottles with valueless compounds of their own mixing, will be published. — The public should protect themselves by the purchase of unopened bottles of this favourite and pure spirit. -(Signed) L. D. NATHAN & CO., Agent for Adolphe Wolfe's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps. Registered in this colony. Auckland, Bth Outcber, 1875. QCCIDENTAL TTOTEL, VULCAN LANE. tttw fiAWT? lls °Pen Daily from 8 a.m., and issupxnu, I ;pUed jjj Luxuries procurable. BEST BRANDS WINES, SPIRITS, ETC. —: i ; —"v Contains one of Alcock's Best —THE— I TABiiES, and is under the BILLIARD ROOM f management of an Efficient I Marker. AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF CURIOS, PICTURES, : ETC. Acknowledged to be the Rarest in the Province. LOCAL, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN PAPERS . FILED. ARMY AND NAVY FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Upper Queen-street. Although most conveniently situated for business men this Hotel is in a pleasant and healthy part of the City, and has a splendid and commanding prospect. THE OF WINES AND SPIRITS. A NIGHT PORTER IN ATTENDANCE. CHARLES BURTON, Propriktor. | ~.'.PteUblished 1842 ] ->, W^Sjg Ai l .^rj;; ; E- ;l s;:.^o.jia, • UNDERTAKER, &0., Is prepared to execute Funerals either in firstclass style or plain, at strictly moderate charges. | W ELIiBSLEY-STRKET EAST, Two doors from Queen-street.

AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES. THE "HOME" SHUTTLE-LOCK STITCH. THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM. SIMPLE, COMPACT, EFFICIENT, DURABLE, AND COMPLETE^ I sows with the least possible amount of labour, and a girl of twelve years can run it without fatigue. It is a Triumph of Mechanical Genius. "THE HOME" SHUTTLE is the only practical Low-price Lock-stitch Sewin Machine ever invented. This Unequalled Machine useß a straight needle, makes the "Lock-stitch (alike on both sides), has a self-adjusting tension, and is adapted to every variety of sewing for family wear, from the lightest muslins to the heaviest cloths, And will even Sew Leatherit will hem, fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, tuck, ruffle, hemstitch, and gather. This machine will sew on and gather at the same time, and will work equally well on Silk, Linen, Woollen, and Cotton Goods, with Silk, Linen, or Cotton Thread. It Is not necessary for us to endeavour to detract from the merits of any other machine. We claim to sell The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Market, WITHOUT RKGABD TO PBIOE, And we feel confident that whenever persons wishing to buy Sewing Machines give the "Home" Shuttle Sewing Machine fair trial, in competition with other machines, will have the preference. "'With the Machine is furnished—Hemmer, Braider, Shuttle Bobbins, Oil Can, Oil, Screwdriver, Five Needles, Gtiage, Table Clamp, and directions for use All securely packed in strong case with hinges. PRICE:— " Complete in box £A 10 With Table and Treadle £6 15 With Table and Treadle, Half-Cabinet, with Cover, Lock and Key £8 jj Some thousands of these machines have now been sold in New Zealand; and they have given the utmost possible Batißfactioi, as testified to ip. numerous testimonials, which we forward on application. In proof of their superiority over all other machines we guarantee ihem for five years. To be had at all SEWING MACHINE DEPOTS, And of all storekeepers tljroughotjt the coloky sole importers : L. D. NATHAN & 0 0., AUCKLAND. RC. GREENWOOD, • MARKET HOUSE, AUCKLAND. AUCTIONEER AND APPEAISEP, HOUSE, LAND, aND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Produce, &c, received for Sale, and stored free of charge. Auction Sales undertaken in any part of the City or Province. Poultry, Fancy Birds, Produce, &c, sold by auction every Friday at 11 o'c'ock, and every Saturday at 2 o'clock, Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Poultry, and any Goods with which the may be fa\oured. Attention is called to *he unusual facility offered for the Display of Goods, Fruiture, Trees, Shrubs, &c, co isigned for sale. House and Property List always on view. QLSON'S rpOMATO SAUCE. The undersigned having Purchased' rom Mb. H. Olson the EECIPE of his CELEBRATED SAUCE, together with the Goodwill of his Business, beg to solioit a oontinuance of the Public Favour. The Sauce may be depended upon as perfectly Pure, and free from Adulteration. It creates appetite and promotes digestion, and as none but the bos and most wholesome ingredients are used, it cr.nno but merit a continuance of the high favour it has already attained in public estimation. EICHAED GARLICK & CO. FREEMAN'S HOTEL, . FREEMAN'S BAY. : MR. ROBT. STOW (the Proprietor) begs to aforni his numerous customers, friends, and the public, that he still supplies Wines, Spirits, &o of the, best brands, at town prices. 1 The Bottle Depabtment has Bpecial attentionThere is a Bagatelle: Table on,the premises second to none in Auckland, which, with a comfortable room, first-class attendance and civility, will insure an evening's enjoyment. The best and most refreshing Colonial Ales always on draught. Bell's Life in London filed.' pUB LI O NOTICE. With reference to the absurd advertisement of Thomas Fish, in your issue of yesterday, I may state that as the character of T. Fish is so well-known, the following explanation will be deemed sufficient. W. DAWSON. W_ hereby certify that, as Trustees of the Estate of Thomas Fish, Chemist, Princes-street, we sold the whole of the Stock, Fixtures, Book Debts, Furniture, Sarsaparilla Business, and all rights .therein and belonging to the same, to W. Dawson, Chemist, the above having been assigned to us by the said Thomas Fish for the be mat of his Creditors. > TflOS. MAOFARLANE; V BARENESS HAMILTON, J „„,„. «„ F. W. E. DA.WSON, f Trustee* W. J. OAWKWELL, J MR. T. FISH begs to inform his numerous customers and the Auckland public generally that he has this day taken into Partnership Mr. F. W. Elliott, and that the business will in future be carried on under the name of " Fish and Elliott" Mr. Fish will give his best attention to the Dispensing department of the new business; and the Firm hopes that by a strict and careful attention to business it may merit a due proportion of public patronage. . ' , , . The Sarsapabiila Manufactoby will, by means of increased Plant,.render orders more easy cf completion ; and-country orders will have immediate attention. < .•.,-■. ,-. . . • r.u ..■>, -..< fj -■ FISH & ELLIOTT, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS; Corner of Pbincks and Siiobtland-stiumts. ' October 7, 1875.

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Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1771, 18 October 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1771, 18 October 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1771, 18 October 1875, Page 4