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Auckland Poultry Association.


■StIRST DAY, SEPTiMBEIi 10^"1575,

YiCK-PiiESiDKNTS : Messrs Every Maclean and ive^. TaHABUaBB: MrLawford. Committee :>les3t^fe. .Morrin, He^iy |re<^|wf^ Marks. K. H. %re. J. Copgrave, it Bent, Thos Mucffarlnne. W. H. Kisslinpr. ». B. Hughes, jvcr t > J. Knssell, J. Walkce, W. McLaughlin. ' ' JUDGES : Pottlthi' : Messrs v\Vin; Payne, F. H. Eyre, and VT. J. Marks. Pioeoits : Messrs Ti^og. Maeffarlane and H^mmerton. Canaries: Messrs W". J. Marks, F. H. Eyre, and W. Payne. ■ '• *i ' ■ ■■: I •' ' Cats & Rabbets : Dr Home and Mr Thos Macffarlane. Do«s; Messrs Bonar, JSTaden, and Hammerton.

The annual show of the Auckland Poultry Association was inaugurated this morning at the Market House. . The, committee whose names are' given above have .exerted them/selves manfully to ensure the affair being a success and we have much pleasure : in stating 1,: that their efforts were not in vain. As last year an exhibition of dogs both sporting arid" non-sporting supplemented !th6 Poultry Show to I which it superadded no inconsiderable attraction. ;sYesteritay the wqM of classifying and arranging the exhibits was started upon and continued tly's morning up to time' of' thb'; opening1 of the doors, to the public, , The show is, set out, in {the wcsie'rn transept of'the: Market', with1 the exception of dogs, for which a most convenient place is found' in the shed in the south-western angle of the building.; The ■ birds were mostly shewn in roomy substantial cages, with a plentiful litter of chaff at. the bi.itom,. which set them off to v«ry good advantage. The first six classes which were for game fowls, are arranged in the centre of the transept on a bench, and if the spectator starts en the right-hand side on entering and goes round, ne will find the classes follow one another very regularly. Class 1 for Black Reds contained 7 lots, and among them Mr Sam ,Morrin's birds were very conspicuous for the/beauty 'of Weir pljimage and symmetry of shape Both in this class and in classes 3 and 4,, Mr Gilford f -showed -^ell. In class 5 for game of any variety, Mr G. Gruickshank shewed a fine large cock with a handsome head. In class 8 Silver Grey Dorkins, Mr Sam' Morrin seemed to have frightened all competitors.^ Mr James Wallace in the coloured Dorkins^ and..Messrs Morrin and Ivev^nd'W: Ferguson .struck us as being specially well represented. Mr A. E. Isaacs;;exhibited some splendid Black Spanish Ebwls.VVFbr Cochins once such apopularclass^therewere ndentries. In the Brahmas, eight/competitors showed, and the birds belonging to, Mr-Ivey, Mr Morrin, and Mrs Edward Wood were all deserving of prized!,';. Mrs Woods'.showed some fine birds in phis class " for exhibition orily." Mr E. GralkjEin'.had a fine pair of light brahmas, but spoilea 'them by ,;having: them cooped vp r in too small a, cage. Messrs Morrin and lvey were again tp\the fore with their golden spangled Hamburgs;. while Mr Wifii Kissling and Mr Henry\Atkinson exhibited some shapely silver birds of the same spfcies. In class 26, for Howden's, Mrs E. Wood, shewed the < only three [lots. la Creve Cjceurs, Mr.; f-amuel Morr^nvwasr/Burpassed iiji our estimation by Mr.tyWv H. Kissling;Among the bantams the spectators loved to linger this afternoon, forf-a pyetfier\lbt has bjeen seldom-seen in Auckland,' if everY No. 49, Messrs. -Morrin and Jlvey, contained a male bird..of;perfect plumage and symmetry; ijn the white bantams tlie prizes appeared to us to lie between "M*; Charles Bartley, \|hose birds were of exqttisite clearness and' condition,' and Mr. Samiiel Morrin, whose exhibits perhaps shewed? bjetter points. The ducks, geese, and turkeys were badly represented,; no one seetnjjag to, care to contest the "point. In ''the.: pigeon, classes Messrs. Betd and Brdtt> -were -to the fore with their fine carriers^^lJi^Jß.nghstt and. Antwerp?.. Mr. Jos.,,Craig showed*spmC yery fine ■ .Almond;! Tu'm»Ms.<T -'The:'' ex: hibition of fantails:; was good. There were'nirie entries* for .'.thesejrsnd- Mr-jVV. C. i^rthur was conspicuous with three capital Ipts. Mr C. Owen also showed' some.good birds. For pouters Mr Joseph Craig, with a rjair of beautiful black birdp, particularly ■ tbo^omrfancyyas-did Mr John Smith in the_ Jacobins. ? The feumferous exhibits' and theft/ good quality in this interesting class were ' very well worth notice. The canaries shown were with few .exceptions poor.. For several kinds there were no entries at all. The1 Miscellaneous Birds Class attracted all tbe parrots, paroquets and cockatoos in the neighbourhood, andrthe birds'were riot; at aiTbashfuliucaliing;attenti6n r t6,thei.rovpnmerit^. ]jm the rabbit classes, Mr Charles Bartley exhibited a very handsome doe with youngthe other' four exhibits were "good;/.Only; three cats were- shown i: ~ and of, these two TJrere.old.frieftds, viz.: "rNed-"rand" Teddy Perkins.".Then wejcSme|6'tb/e d'6gS;: among tihe sporting'classes^ "those which'more es-^ pecially struck one's fancy, were Mr S:"TSIor~ lfin's imported greyhounds, Eos? andT'Be^utyr; Dr Wright's beautiful -greyhound bitch Moose, Mr" James JJu;saell> tine' pbiflier!l)in^ Aria■•^r/Mprriii'tr^H'pt..' v^^ Among f^ne','ietters;. (JEngHshf' Irish,/and, Gordon^ f . there [.iwere some " capitalii^dogs.i'> iiMr > Crow's'''Flo, 4^d' her; litter, Jof rprrps ' attracted ,as ,'fnuch IttentiWaa any,, tbougbtthey.are posaesspi no gi^atTmerit. tTh.6:: spaniel eiasa':were:well represented; '■ Undoubtedlyl tMe^ great,agrafe; tion of ,tb.s ehpw- ;was r the exhibition'of nbnIportijig ,'dpgß, which! Jwere as fine a lot as it has 'ever been our good fortune., tpi witness here. Our limited space prevents us doing more than notice a~few of-the more Temark^ ible> Pl >r<Stj?inent: igmong t^ese, fellpjpa jwpre• Mr Hunt'sXien and Quiz, two splendid mas-, tiffs of the purest breed; .Mr Thos. Morrin's Shadow, <$lr(}Henderson/s 7 Boss and Mr Philson's Roger, "are two fine St. Bernards, while Mr J. Lewia £eeHfs7ltover is the beau Ideal »p£,a f real, I tr,ue. lbreci;.Englj,sh v ,Sinithfipl.d ? cattle dog;! Several others iweshouldhketo; mention but'areprecluded'froni'want of space.' CANARIES', eohma-g j: od Uiw olb | Belgians.~J.Duane. Ist prize. I Norw^h Cleaj,:^ j e|i<^->7 Fr E. f -"Ro^ip^ii, ? 2nd prize. 89Sf8iffl sworffcwratH'aftf*)?J?_*3jwi.2*s f Norwich«Buff.-^-A;Ei Isaacs} 2nd; prize. j Yellow JipM^rMtK ?ss& "2nd

f^wJ| .Cage,,4,,Ganai;ies^A f rE,.,l^aac^ 2pd )£i£&£ Oill I^lxooftoJ IxlTXsoitji'J .Murii}>iij:l. U*>i Other Variety Songsters.—HcfOreiiy^ Ist' md 2nd prizes. „, r . ,. . ~. 7., r I> y MISCELLANEOUS BIRDS,, Best Parrot, 'Paroquet, Jor JCockatoo.—C. T-Owen (Cockatoo), -Ist prize;'McGaslemt Cockatoo), 2Bd-pai&.^''^ **** . Macpies.-and.any-oiherYariety-olJ^oreign Birds -R. S. SandaU, Ist; prize ■ W. Stan^ Game, black red.^SSm<M6rnn, Ist prize ; Sillard, 2nd prize. _....... . Game, Duckwing.—Gillatd, Ist prize ,<3amS, «ny 3 qitihaK^natsrii-jfctoeAPOfiWf«: let and 2ad prize. ©ortiflgC <tfiil< vte¥' r greyi^Satti^iMdrranpast ;' Dorkingsi'^wMte.aJ^Mowiaf-andJ'lvey; 2lst Drize • W..Eerg«?S(»Vi?ndrprizeil}«J fniwjp3 ' t ßlo.Qm#eld >x^«' J |A. E.lsaacs, 2nd prize. ,&« I Cochins white.—Morrin and Jj^' Tir^a P r^arW. Wd&^oist prize ;T. &. Ivey, 2^;^^ £„. ' f^MdeH^^gMa'^^rll^pmn^nd Ivey, 2nd prize. __!_' _ ~.. j Silver-BpanglfJ^n^bprgs^^-Henry AtkmMeam. Morrin and Jvey, r 2fld »nze. i ,M Urf 31 ill. fl 1 »'~ •>*■

sßUOHaaxv/1 y a a:'J aa a hotwsk

White Bantams.—Charles Bartley, Ist prize ;E. Hill, 2nd prize. Jg £0 f fj [ J j -Any,.other yariety.of Bantams 4^^Good-.i acre, Ist prize. Houd^ns.—Mrs. Edward Wood, 2nd prize. Creve Cceur.—Samuel Morrin, Ist prize. , Setters (English)*—S. Morriri's Fe/ri, Ist prized betters (Gordon).- Furlong's Brucb, Ist prize ; Hillman's Sultan, 2nd prize. .Jletrievers.— H. King's Carlo, Ist prize. .spaniels (Cocker) —Mowbray's Juno, Ist 4pme. Fresh water spaniels,'G.XJomweirs Flo, Ist prize • A. D. Bennett's Brutus, 2nd prize. Sp,OßTip. — Newfoundland : G. Johnston's Carlo, Ist; T. Thompson's Brasman, 2nd. Mastiff's : W,. A. Hunt's Quiz, ,Ist; JP. Monitfs Shadow, 2nd. St. Bernards: J. P. A. Philspn's Eozer, Ist; J. G. Fender, son s Bo'e's, 2nd. Sheep dog: G. AVilson's Ship Ist. Bull Terriers : G. Clark's Bully, Ist;, A. . Wardon?s Eose. 2nd.- Terriers (black and tan): Mrs Hay's Tip, Ist ; C. Burton's Bays, 2ad. Terriersi (brokenhaired). J. Eeid (Skye) Ist; E. Hill's Prinnie, 2nd. Terriers (toy) E. Chirrnside's Nell, Ist; I. Duane's Lady, 2nd. Poodles : R. Levoi's FJbra; lAt; ■■ Italian Greyhounds ':' A. E, Isaac's Swift. Ist; and Jessie, 2nd. King Charles or Blenheim Spaniel : Miss Macff-irJane's k.c. Charlie Ist; Miss Wilson's k,c, Midge, 2nd. , . ■■ , , , f . , , . . BANTAMS. •' ' } >■ f » »■■-* Black Breasted, Ked Game.—Messrs. Morrin::,and SeyJ Isjb prize ;. Thos. Morrin, 2nd •prize ;■ S. Jackson, highly commended. r r"T" 'Tpig-eons.'l. "V"j '■<~"H*r Carriers'; Eo-glkh. -— Henry "Brett, Ist and 2nd.prizes. j j TumbieYs, Almbncls.-~Josep]i Craig, Ist prize. * -■ 8 . Tumblers,,... ahprfc-faced.—-E. Ward, Ist prize;e '; T. H. Tvey, znd prize;' i Fantails.r-tfV-'Ci Arthur = (white and bh^e), Ist and 2nd prizes.' • Pouters.—John Parker, Ist prize. Jacobins.—Joseph Craig, Ist prize. Barbs.—Fr H. • Wairds, lsfc prize. Balds and Beards.—John Packer, Isb prize;' Joseph Craig, .2ad prize, i, ( . ; . .■ ■■■.'•■■; '.■',■ ;,i ~ ■.-. ■■■!.■ RABBITS. '■ '■' French Eabbits.—G. CranWell, Ist prize • q. Bartleyl 2ad, . . ~:''... f'X'-,.■!} '",'■''.)■ Lop-eared.—G. Clarke, 2nd prize. (■'^, ~... ■■cAfs;/:! Mrs Sealey's torn cat, Ist prize ;■', E. Perkins cat, 2nd. '. ; |' :-. . /:,■ . . v . DOGS. ■-.•Sporting.—S. Morrin's Eos, Ist prize. Greyhourid doga.— G. Collins, 2nd. prize. Bitches : W. McLaughlin's Flash, Ist prize ; Dr Wright's Moose, 2ud prize.

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Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1739, 10 September 1875, Page 3

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Auckland Poultry Association. Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1739, 10 September 1875, Page 3

Auckland Poultry Association. Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1739, 10 September 1875, Page 3