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WANTKD to SELL, a Handcar-fc. —Apply to H. Christopher, Queen-street. A'L the PA NTH BO tf you can get a • good Twee iSuit made to cder and warranted shrunk, at 40s.— Ford, Pottur, and Co., The PantL eon, Queen-street. WANTED to SELL, 50 Printed Muslin Presses, fast colours, at 7s fid each ; First Choice Joaephiue Kid Gloves, 3s 61 per pair ; Blue Linen for Butcher's smocks ; be<t Kid Boots, 7s Od per pair, at W. Eyre's Knniskillen House, ; Victoria-street. ' WANTED KNOWN TOAT R. CHALMERS, PLTJMBEK AND GASVIITERB, (Late Manager Thames Waterworks), FTas commenced Business in Upper Queen-street, two doors above l>. Staines. Every descrip'ion of Plumbing, Ganfitting, "line, and Galvanised Iron Work done. Lift and Force Pomps fitted up and c paired. First-class v/ork guaranteed wanted kjnown, that d * • GoLlJirc is prepared to supply all Kinds of Timber and other Building materials, including Sashes, 1 oors, Mouldings, Broad Timber, House Blocks. Posts, Balis, Hardwood Felloes, Shafts, liotiburk and Blue Gum Laths, Shingles, &e.,&c, at the lowest market price, at his 'kard , Custom-house-street, WANTED, Everybody to know that W. S. JONKa, Saddler, Queen-street, is appointed t:olo Agent for ElHman's Celebrate••! Royal Kmbrocation for Horses, Cattle and Sheep. A certain cure for Lameness, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Cuts, and i>ores of every kind. Second consignment \>nr Jubilee just opened. WANTED KNOWN, that at J. S. Coblby's. Junction of fir-y and Queenstreet, Bespoke Tailoring Establishment, may bo had the best fitting Trpusera in Auckland, ac 25s ; hundreds of patrons to choose from other garments at equally low prices. WANTED KNO WN.— The under- » ? signed have always on hand a large supply of .Vewcastle and Bay of Islands Coal ; also,best Cut md Uncut Wood, Yards: Between Fort and Custom-house-street, next Isa;-os' Bonded more. VV. & G. WINSTONE. TOT ANTED, the general public to ™ f know that W. KIRBV, corner of Queen ami Wakefiekl-streets, has on sale :—Newcastle CoaJ (wholesale and retail), at the lowest rates. Bricks Lime, Sand, Shells, Tiles, Iron-bark Shafts, Spokes aid Red-gum Pc linos, kc, "fea. always 00 hand, a ar gesupply of the best Newcastle Poke now on hand U, AiN 1 jdj U, bW tons 01 Uio * * Brass, Copper, Iron, Zinc, i'owter, Lead Muntz Metal, Waste Paper, Canvas, Bagging, Kope and Hags ; also, Bottles, Oast-off Clothing, Ac., ■it BAT'iYB & CO.'S London Marine Store, OM >lii.rfcot, Qnnnn-strfiet, Auckland— S Moss. Manager "VFEW BUMMEB GOODS, unrival-i-l led Patterns at the CITY HALL—The Piopric.ors hating )m|j>>-t.-d Knorm <us Shipments of Drapery and Men's Clothing for the Season, are nov offering all classes of Goods Cheaper ih to can be purchased in any of the Wholesale Hows of Auck and. Let tlie public c< me ana juc'ge for tbemselvi s. XXf A iN T B D to '"KLL (cheap), T t White Lead, Galvanise;! Tubs ; also, Pumps Painti>, Plou, Is, ft-c. N. B - Highest price given for allkind3 0f old > etal. — ALrTiicJD »J4AKX, next to Blue toit, Victoria street. OTANTED to LET, a five-roomed V V House in Hack'eit-strei't. Dedwood ; rent 12 a week.- Apply to 0. Dackenflld, Firewood Merchant, G-.-ey-sirebt. OTANTKI) KNOWN, that EUiVV m=in's Celebrated lloral Embrocation for Horses. ( a'tlu. sheep, &c, continues to *ive the gieatfst satisfaction U> all wiio nsa it. If, is a <e rtain cure f..r Laments, Swelling*, Sprains, Over-reaches, Drui-'e", Horeg, a.d Cats of every kind, first rate loc»l testimon'als may be seen on application, s-ote »«eut for Auckland, W. S. JONJiS, Saddler, Queenstreet. O; ANTED KNOWN, that The * <* Pantheon is the only lli.ue in Auckland where you can he measnrfld at Stock Prices Trousers, from 10s : Trousers and Ve*ts, from 25s ; Paget ana Mourning Coatv, fr m 355; ualatea and -ac Coats, from -20s ; Kiding Habits, from SO ; H ys (suits of Colonial Tweeds and warranted a good article, 408. — Ford. Potter & Co, Tho Pantheon. Queen-street \\J ANTED KNOWN $ 9 that K. D. SYKES, Practical. Watchmaker, <&0.. Upper Queen-Htree.t, Is prepared to execute all repairs promptly, and to Keei-i the uame in ord^r fur twelve months. A. full Jewelled Skeleton detached Patent Lever Watch, warranted to one minute a month, £6 63. Wf ANTED KNOWF, that the V * PANTHEON' is an Industrial Exhibition, and shews what cm he done >n the wav of supplying Clothing tnnde to mea?U c a>:d we 1 shrunk at a less price than usually pairt for re.vly-mide Ga-ments.— Iford, Poster aud Co, The Pantheon, 'Jueen-atreet \\f AN rl En, to ca.ll special attention * * to our 151 Trailers 11 order, made from all wo-al Tweeds ai.d thoron.rhly w li sbruuk. -ford, Potter di (Jo, The P;intheon, Queea straet. WANTED TO LET, five Eooms unfurnished.—Apply to Mrs Rountree, Milliner, ftc, Karangahape Road. yil ANTE U KNOW N, that a terrible slaughter is now being perpetrated in WaVeflelf!-. treet in the flnpe of cutting down the pries of Boot* and Shoes, as wiil be seen by advertisement,—Carrttt Brothers, Dublin House, Wakefield street. STONR LTME! BTONE LIME ! — The BEST HyDR\TTLIO STONE LIME delivered in baps twice a-week from aboard the Lady Bnwfin. ChaTge to the trade, Is 2>l a bushel (ba s to be returned). Apply to W. KIRBY, corner of Queen and Wnkenelrl-streets T) AGLAN.—Gilmour, meet Fuller, British IX Hotel, TO-MORKLW, 10 a.m. RENDERS are requii-pd for Raising and I Repairing my HOUSE at the corner of Chapel and Moor-streets.—For particulars, apply on the premises on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. H. QUIGLEY. TA V E A S Gt A. TO COMMERCIAL ME\ T, THEATRICALS, AIsD OTHERS. The largest and mn«t commodious Hall in the heart of Tauranea TO BE LIST on moderate terms by the diy, night, or week. Telegrams promptly attended to. T. J. HENSHAW, Tauranga. pDOD accommodation for a single VJT Man and a pair of Horses.—Apily toMrßraf, Upper Que> n-street, Wewton. AUCKLA N D HORTICULTURAL SOC TK.TY. THE SUMMER EXHIBITION OT TJIB AUCKLAND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Will ba held in the CITY HALL, QUEE.V-STREET, ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, When upwards of 150 Prizes will be offered for public competition. Scherlules of Prizes, Rules *c , can be obtained rom Messrs E. Wayte, and IJp;on and Co. ; or on application to lha undersigned at the Museum Buildings, Princes-street. T. F. CHKFREMAyr, Hon. Secretary. A ! th- CITY H* I L you can pur.Cfc. chase Black Silk? at 2s 6d 259d,35. and 3s 6d pc yard, free from jute, they nr« imported direct fr< m the Manufacturers ; also choice .Fancy Silks from 2s 6d per yard. P O R SALE, a STKAM CRAJ^E and Derrick attache'—perfectly new Tbe Crane lifts 5 tons, turns entirely round in i either direction, travels on lhe rai s 3't Gin gu»ge\ and has Derrick apparatus to altf-r the racius Ihe whole may be wotked by steam or han<l All the motions are under the control of the driver. Phot, graphic view may be S' en at the office of the undersigned. I'eli cry to be iake'' at Wellii gton. JISO. BROGDEN & SON. Albert Barracks, November i 6,1874. OAKD A ND I'EBDK>CE. — One or two single Men could be comfortably accommodated at reisooahle terms.—Apoly Mrs Day, "West Willow HoTise, Albert-street. One minutes alk from Union Bank.

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Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1488, 17 November 1874, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1488, 17 November 1874, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1488, 17 November 1874, Page 3