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WANTED, the general public to know that W. KIRBY, comer of Queen and Wakefleld-streets, has on sale :—Newcastle Coal (wholesale and retail), at the lowest rates. Bricks, dime, Sand, Shells, Tiles, Iron-bark Shafts, Spokes, and Rod-gum Felloes, &c. &c always on hand. A ar cesupply of the best Newcastle Coke now on hand \Jkf ANT iS I>, 500 tons of Uld ' " Brass, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Pewter, Lead, Muntz Metal, Waste Paper, Canvas, Bagging, Rope, and Bags ; also, Bottles, Cast-off Clothing, <Stc, at BATTYE £-■ CO.'S London Marine Store. Old I Market, Queen-street. Auckland.—S. Moss. Manacrer NEW BTTMMEE G-OODS, unrivalled Patterns at the CI'Y HALL.—The Ptoprietors having imported Enormous Shipments of Drapery and Men's Clothing for the Season, are dof offering all classes of Goods Cheaper than can he purchased in any of the Wholesale Housfs of Auck and. Let the public ccme and judge for tbemselvfS. AITED KNOWN THAT K. D. SYEES, Practical Watchmaker, *0., Upper Queen-street, Is prepared to execute all repairs promptly and to keep the same in order for twelve months. A full Jewelled Skeleton detached Patent Lever Watch, warranted to one minute a month, £,6 6s. WANTED TO LET, five Rooms unfurnished.—Apply to Mrs Rountree, Milliner, &c, Xarangahape Road. W" ANTED KNOWN, that aw ¥ w terrible slaughter is now being peroetrated in Wakefield->treet in the rh»;pe of cutting down the pricrs of Boots and Shoes, as wiU be seen by adver tisfl-ient,.—Garrttt Brothers, Dublin House, "VVakefi. Id street. PJNSONBYPL&OE, Grace-street. —For Sale, on easy terms, two acres of good land in cultivation. On it a First-class Cottage (new). —Apply to D. Meddins, on the ground. T OST, a Purse containing a small 3—l sum of Money opposite the Naval Hotel, Karang-thnpa Road.—The finder will be rewarded on restoring it to Mrs Noble, Edwin-street, Newton. Q UNI) A Y-S CB.O () L ANN IYER tD S-'ItY. The Anniversary Service?, of tVie Sunday-schools in connection with the Cougregational Church, Beres-ford-street, will be held on SIJiNDAY next, November 15, at the Beresford Hill, as under:— Rev Dr Wallis Will preach in the Morning. Rev A. Reid in the Afternoon. Rev Warlew Davies, M.A„ in the Evening. Services to commence at 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 6 SO p m. The offerings in aid of the Schools in Beresford and William-street On Tuesday evening, November 17, Annual Soiree. Te* at 6.30 Tickets, is Od each. HALL SERVICES.—On Sunday next, November 16, these Services will be held in the CHORAL H\LL forcing—Materialism in Conflict with Spiritualism The Gre%t Danger of the age. sKvur,ing-On Marriage-to our young Mentis of both sexes. NORTH SHOEE PRE PBYTERIA^ CHURCH".—Divine Pervice will be conducted TO-Mult HOW FORENOON at the usual hour. ! TTNITED METHODIST FBEE vJ CHURCH.—Morning—A Revival. Evening —The Punishment of the Wicked. Is it Eternai ? by Key G H Turner. BAPTIST C ttURCH, ~Wellesleystreet. November 15. Sermon by Mr Kwington. Evening—B" the Rev. P. H. Cornford. Subject: Unhippy Christians. PITT- STREET W E S L E V A JS CHURCH.-Sunday Services— November 15.— The Rev H. Dewsbury will preach in the morning at 11 and the Rev A. R=id in the evening at G 30. PRIMITIVE ME I'HODI ST CHURCH, Edw<rdes-street.—Kev W. insley will Preach in the Morning, 11 o'clock ; also in the Even ing at half-jjaiit six. fl- () 8 PELF RE A G BI N Q-. -M r P.. Olby is expected to give his farewell address in the Tcmj,erai,Crf Hall, Albert street, on Sunday Event <_• at 6.30. Hyda*pcs passengers, 1873, street hearers, and any who have not peaie with Uod. arc specially invited. Ivo collections. IVTO UN T EI) B N SOHOOLJjj. HOUSE.—The Rev P. H. Cornford will preach in the above plate o-morrow Morning. tervice to commence at 11 o'clock. I)EV. Mr Gittos will Preach at the High-street Congregational at G bO p m, on SUNDAY, JNovember 15th, a uokllnFsunda y-s chool JJ-. UNION INDUSTRIAL IXfIIBIIION. In comequence of the unprecedented attendance, and to afford opportuity to aU wiio may desire to visit the Exhibition, the Committee hay« arranged to BE OPEN on MOAT>AYand TU'JISUAY. Mucin by Tonic Solfa Choir on Monday Evening. Dissolving Views on Tuesday Evenir.g. A UC X JL. AN~D KEif ORM jL\. LEAGUE. A Public Meeting will be held on TUESDAY, 17th instant, at 7,30 p m , at the Mechanic's Institute, to ake measures for preventing the proposed uncomticutional action of tue hu^erinteridont leaving the Province. F. G. EWI>:GTON, Secretary. PRIME ROdST BEEF, 6d per lb ; Legs of Mutton, 5d per lb ; 1 amb, very prime, " A. PORNWELL'S. riiO Cowkeepers. — Good Eresli Grains -8- for sale at the Golden Crown Distillery, Graf ion Road. "OEEORM! REFORM! GOOD NEWS FOR THK PEOPLE OF AUCKLAND. A FREE PRESS AND CHEAP VEGETABLES. The undesigned begs rest ectfally to inform the public that, having leastd Stall No 41, City Marktt, hejis prepared to supply Vegetables of eve<y description grown in the Garden of >.den (wholesale and retail) of the best quality at Lhe very lowest remunerative prices No 41 Stall will be open for business at 9 o'clock on FRIDAY MORNING, 14th inst. Come and judge for yourselves! W. F. M. HOT7LTON. Mount St John, Fpsom, November 12, 1874. N.B.—Shipping supplied direct from the gardens on the shortest notice. Orders received for choke Bouquets rp A U R A N & A. TO COMMERCIAL MEN", THEATRICALS, AttD OTHERS. The largest and most commodious Hall in the heart of Tauranga TO BE LET on moderate terms by the day, night, or week. Telegrams promptly attended io. T. J. HKN&HAW, Tauranga. TlpO Merchants and Others.—The A. advertiser i* open to an Engagement as Shipping Clerk ; thoroughly understands Customs business—twelve yeirs experiencs. Unexceptional refeiences.—Addiess X, office of this paper. TvJ" OT I C E.— A Meeting of the X^i Master Btkers of /uckUnd and vicinity will be held punctually at the British Hotel on SATURDAY EVBMNO, the 14th November, at 8.80 p.m., on business of great importance. TENDERS will be received until spm on MONDAY next for the Erection of a sm".ll VILLA, near AU Paints' Church, Ponsonby. Plans and specifications may be seen at mv office. wm. Fham. h*mmond, .Architect and Surveyor, Shcrtland-street. "| UST ARRIVED by Lio Loge. and 0 For Sale :— 250 bags Canterbury Oats, 25 cases Canterbury cheese, 25 cases Canterbury Bacon and Hams. —levi W.Eaton. ■pjEW COLONIAL INDUSTRY. Ca«t Iron Ornamental Grave fences and made at S BR'tWN & tO.V'S "STOVE GRaTK FOUNDRY," Victoria and Albert-streets. Persons intending to replace decayed wood fences or ere t new ones, are especially invited to inspect the above without delay. Houses and Ships' STOVES-always on hand. O~TH 15 R EST DINTS OF DID WOOD -The celebrated Shell Case Burgess (on •he information of one i pton of Shelly Beach) v Edward Owen, i'sq , will come off at tht Police Court on Monday next. /"^ uOD accommodation for a single VX Alan and a pair cf Horses.—Apply to Mr Bray Upper Quetn-street, Newton.

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Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1486, 14 November 1874, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1486, 14 November 1874, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1486, 14 November 1874, Page 3