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[Before J^-ty'^i4BWte &*•»! , \ ' Chief Jnatbef: : His Honor took Mb seat at ten o'clock. , , | Joha Pauooo and J«une# Bobbins were I ttfMigned cpon " wfth the wilful murder of William Wright o|ij&e\)e*eining t bf the first of July. .The prisoner* pleaded not guilty. -£;T I iMs-Bwokfisld appeared ©»;^joartbf tlte 15 Or&wn for the prosecution, and M* Iteen for ';^li aaiflaif^ #Bh^ait ; jf^m^f,"^l\.ll»e request of his Honor the Chief Justice. " Mr Brookneld opened the case. Lacy Maria Nield, a married woman, deIp^ied » I reside in VPJ^er Qp«*n«Btreofc. .:.'.'& kaow the houa* occupied by a Maori woman named Catherine. I was there on the Ist of held *t the Hospital on the 4th inntant. I 'tibeafttofaMKad MoogakMMl theitody of the man;* joaKedßilL He was at Catharine'*'riKsSltl*1 i«id>9ft^wheii][»rt»titoth«iiofciiß»,, H^wif there when the prisoner came. About half-pad; firo^'d^k***^^ but not very jfcpjls A that) tjfcne the prisoners came in with &no,th,er man, rbonhmaa The deceased fe^^id a Hhj|ling^ worth. o£ beer. Dobbin's gave 15ym, t^e. n^qnoy., "A* brought the beer. The toshniui left at a mta«ippioy!X^6attelibl wca then lying insenInbly dwHik^ttJieT^. jfi^-tbe.doori shul. Both the prisoner's tried te force themselves inUmhit jfoom.; /-Tlay: bad been (irinkiiig,; buticnew perfsetly well what they were abeut. ?ill tried to posh them away,?- hftff jdid not strike either ol them. The priaomiirj Psscoe thenstTßck Bill vK«Jea%?btoth«face, when he fell. Pascoe then oommenced kicking- him where-he Ml. H« then got told of the back door to eteadj hiinpelf, and began stamping on WH^htfi face.' sHe had hia ' jootfjni,'' W^ght n«y<»r efoke iiffer he was knocked dowxu JPailooet «bntuiued to ;nmp on the man's head for about ivrighii s Do3y to Bhiejyi'-Jiiiio < )'n3Elo^lulj^,(ra.eiiS' i itefficka»e voft^the hesd irith his cienohed ~stis\ : le then feontintt^ kiiAinfid^iis^l^w^tr- ' i ay^ni^|^wililft^a»eoe v kept ■en 'kicking ''the : Qan'e heiwi. I soreamedl, and ft Maori named Kia&ori cime to "my assistance. ■16 wets darkf py this time. The only ■persona in the, house* beside mfr fan*th^ p^sonewh^re%itlferin«, who was drnak^^^fitMifln^vaAd an old : kfaori insensibly drunk iari anottiwr Vhen Wright was lying helpisa*, and the jdoking haA'^^fl^pA^p^imitß rushed 1 I ordered them (ul Buf Mey leould not-go. Eingori abo i «ked them. : Sevil»Qa jaaked 4ae a amtch, i^nFiNWft »j»Vj kmsom, -with .wluoa ,he struck i f a, .itghtt - ■Einfpiii! i&en > -wwieat:: if or " a donatable, while she remained in the house ' :«eTpriaJner^ pifeaentty -bame-flirt^ Oiikeri * ] cte'B ro©m and lilted WrigW on to a 1 prm !frs< v *ebliidttg 1>';|)oeMoB. JI aafcett iheprieonerß to get1 Bftiib water iind wash ESSW^^^>j,.PM<»!Lg^ »'>lttckftfej,^ wajbenfroav jbtta ,weU» i wßeb. he jHwew over deceased. Bobbins stood by wiffiia lifehtsd1 (aoflla. Paseoti then fetohed swrnad luAtt/ftMO. he also threw UeitW^el' <**Bed, who nevef ajidke, bat made §■ f^glinjg noise, Prisoners -went oat, saying thevweretfoinK^or qipr,e dripk, I-followed IMb W'tfS^flUk's- Hejui, but the'ladS *oi*J4Mft*]»rs» them. They then crossed. pSjSj|MSa i SSiN»Yy» .and were served' by fthe landlady with two bottles of beef, iM3£ *^?a t»b^thteiaeir house. I found constable Mareney waabinfe ;the face oi tjje^ebeaßed. 1' RingoM waal afao I 1 resent. Th* aohitdbte asked n*S *ho done .ifti«rd«ediwheiklr«pUed > flftmt'lotoW!" fie 1 fclr«t ?LO^ *$*£ ester tell'the truth about it «ie mauifeai di< it." a Ught on^ke .fronli ro.qni,.Jba^bJlc when j iig, aad I oftiSd'otfeirMiie see TW |£t. lichts f)x>m .Homus's1 boot faotory; I firtt «ned cpfe whenistro&,oa-ib«)litealw< say j.■Kmg»j9 1 ,I^,kuSSTe; depotied: I livi some prow. » remember seeing tho two miao*

Hers in Catherine's bouse on th« right $jfs|jJij Ist met. It was between five nwjl Mm about a blanket when I heard a,crySJ|::''f 1 Mrs NipMJ> When I came up to the wmm 11 -pl^ftinyß**ffl <Stk the Spoxand went uVwraiil I saw the prisoners and the laat witness., Tfajjyj; \ went into Catherine's Tbotni I ttv '^; i)J victim in the hospital,, aad recogtuasfi 4h«, 3'..| bn^yiaa that of tbe man I eajv at Q*s«fij2l\ x\ «nd'who was making a nouje a» $eqjfetej& O before they die. There was a light in tttlMS | f "room "whao. I wentite t^4M^spiifl ' J followed. I folT anthem and|askedf« , M match, when DobiSMjwwM'at |fee-tttaV' *| I tempted to strikejgj^ r^tch A !«>« £-1 Thnre was 'a> good deal of Wood on tU* ipEjl j wnWrVflecteaaedtey- .I.went for a-polwevasjd -i: I louae. f #|i*£«ooßs^JVaß tMa t^msSSKmi box in the Mtebeij,. and the P#HHH&] gone The policeman washafl 'ihea&Wmg&t '.& 1 The prisoners aad Nield *fbenretnnuidictfaj| house with twe; iqa>re botile»,oti|s!w4A'^[/ .^SF'^lomi^ evi(fence as to the oi'iHi^-rrepH^lJM^j WJW*6'-;i^^#n^» iatlrtf ProvincialH^pn£^ #c described the wonnds in th.c fiend jtui* i|j on the*bo4yi ' wsst& kirn as :] camsed by 'kicking. There «ere^y|B^Bi tmret. ih««w J«^, »»* ■«"• P?^MH|n lcK»ae. He satvivsd twenty-six .Mmmji' Jj hia admission, and never laliiei/ ''^WHwij ing Fria*y, the Teenlt of whic^i waainia^i. "g----dcßcribfil by witness. His opinion piM^BB death wft^.the a heavy failor*l|HH| on tbe head. ' Tbe leceaflcd bad beepkiftitfongJ^^ylo*ll* Eliza McGaun deposed : u-I^am W< riMffln Francis McGann, Therew^* noiise IB the r noose, Ih2t«uit^», '%} not sicisii'laT'. »«-^jere were alyfflaHßr.l :t.-j SStrlg'dow^at 4e 9tbrlbhold ofttiS I inride. H« wa« kSckiiip hands Were resting ttfftK* t<k>r. Tbe'^■Bi prifloner was standing on «*» (*s**"' l4J|^W -s w»e also there. It w«b diwk/jfd If^^Miß see what'Mw^lwP^g **'■ ' feMWKHi J: i saw tbe pri&onere picking npt^|M|Hß !|| ! the spot whore I bad ntief'Pa^l^SjHL Wright wan in tb&'Jwkii tt<MrhatiDg 'Cgmm rine. I dfd notknow mW^'i^ W||^ nndentood he 1 iflfffiH Robert CobJne, » <carteT at |tb.e late in tbo emptef'^Bj -|! Winter, fie had known Wr^nffdr mOT|lJ^*i Bartnolomew Marcney, conefcabla Joti^|M] Armed Constabulary <»f Auokbind, whjibw*^ Mj^«€-|liet'ifiaßß iyifig«MK>VJbox-^^aHH : -l not h*p be fe3 in "flifc-"d^nedatM:'ml .1 found UNtil There wag blooß o«• t!1^: floor and wbpa.. w*"bjn/{ tbe /T nian'B taoa wj^ priw>ne/fc and t*e 'flrtbkefts ifiuld oaa» in. -|1| LfceaTtttooTifbe n«(l bee&foerabefoK^iil dW 5 Se that? Ke fh*l'not H«'M«| he beloiigsfl to no ahfj), bat fiv»d i^ k W^| Qneen-street. His tft&Umtyt* WJfcMsmm as he WJongs OHwell its tfi« othftir pjrtoAirtMr W tho ship KoopMeU.' Dobbtii also demoi .8 b«hi«:iß>«M> hbarts'bflftHW.: ~*fc«g£ ««& »'3 tfie bdntsß^ T bad WHfl^it '^oaW^lH«lS9| bofpjytal.,'' _«,ii,«, i ' *'\*<i BoWt . Temabsn, deteebve, d«p»6»* t'^ apbrebettrled toe prlscner PHSbrieMi;tßi^Sa| mat.,' ahd told him thnt be was charged wltt^ aw*ult«i«jßnian, wbKia*d«mecLltoßk'Miii Neild id«istrfieck hhni VI B ol*te'qt«moy amsMlji^ Dobbijas in ShortlamJ-street. on..the -NMff':'^ charge wbjcb_be a)s3 dfe».i«n.v^On...-«a^ lowing morning lilearned^hat tbe aMaJtew?J man was 'dead. Dobbins* atUJ denied i»^ charge, and, lopking : .it"Eafocp, said it wKfflE jon andi -ifaMtoWJKi^tto&dMMt)^ k -W& This was tiwicaaftior the proswcutioa. 3 I"'"Mr B«ob tiien addresaed the jury few d«fofld«y ifeftd •■■ itt -rutitwing'; tbe aeyeeal.wibiQWM poini^oot 'foViiw ffii?!' :j orepanoio/Ki thto statement of the ookmaeS^ woman H,»eld, and argaed tbajL aa thim* ooold be n 6 maliocs aforetnongbt hi tbe mfa/flj>f tiie psieonerp, ,f^|^»anbiqmr. man wm * *| piiß" and other reuonß,., jpo crime properly one of manslaughter. In the oow^RM condnct of tbe owner* ot. anch dens of W";(lF famy, wMcb. he charaoterißed as * dsfett I to oar dviliwfcioß, aid h»<fi*t«<?. ««<«-sfefi-., I cittrt *ttentioi wonld be <uOl«d: t»'tk|nj||| 6Tdfijr. 4b*^. «wy might be pufejan Tb« Jbarnei1 oonnsel dwelt chiefly- «»j**4a eridetic* 6f NibJd, as that *if trtne/witttWPf|| related st^optly, to, facte *o4 b^ari^a<^i|M3i^ On the aotnafcrime.;. '^.beU»v«dtfnt'ttW^£j was no i«*«ntioß to ih4 *Hndwhence went to that hobs* fti69HalSms 'tiro), to*i starting In life^ bntr very batUfflli indeed. Still ho did wi think they W th*J| 4ne acqnit. the prupmpTO oi^jcapital charga. }] His MtitwM.imiai^m'mmsim^^ marked that it was jhui; d^ty-j^o mention «k«j ( j j] lie, that Mr Keea ■ had, withdrawn from hMji'l pTOfeasion*\«E^^«^l^^er,#^t9^^ valoable asaiatant^ to ,^b^ .men at tne/bir^jS qticted the defence with, judgment, .obh ,o, ! potion, Tandjg^a , , , . n^.n tjt _; '"

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Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1377, 9 July 1874, Page 2

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THIS DAY. Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1377, 9 July 1874, Page 2

THIS DAY. Auckland Star, Volume V, Issue 1377, 9 July 1874, Page 2