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Business Cards. MBS. K. WEITtIT, TEACHER of the PIANOFORTE and SINGING, corner of Waketleld and Symonds streets (mahy years pupil of the late Charles Glover and other eminent London mastf-rs), is now prepared to give Lessons at her residence daily after 4 o'clock p.m. Terms (Pianoforte) t Two Guineas. ■ ■ B"1 -'tr" l!" Ji l d"~e~^s, CARPENTER, & JOINER. : W, H. S X: I N N E ,R, i . VULCAN LANE. Shop Fronts, Office Fittings, and all branches of' the building trade executed. TB. OAM E E, 0 F, • i ■ ■•■ ■ ■<■ '< ; •■' ; CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT, DA V I S'S BUIIDIKOS, QU E E N-STBEET. (Atljoining National Bank), Will be prepared to' Supply Plans and Correct Estimates for all descriptions of Buildings on the Shortest Notice with-or. without superlntendenco. 'i 13 OBE RT GALLAGr HE R, -*- PLUMBER AND GAKI'ITiTEB, > ! AVyxDHAM-KTitKET, A u< 'kla ND (next the New Ze.dUind v ii- Herald Otliae. Every description of work in qonnectlon with: the above business executed with cheapness} and despatch. W~lrT~l*~ B V,: • CORNER OF i -;.'QUEEN AND "VVAKEFIELD STREETS. NEWCASTLE COA r L ■; (Wholesale and Retail)', . , AT TH F, ,h O'W ES T RATES. ■BRTCTCS, LIME, SAND, SHELLS; TILES. IRON-BAJIK RHAKTS, SPOKBS. AN rD RED-GUM FELLOES, Eti;;,- Etc., .:■ t. f! Alwnvs on and. , . : >■ AMTLBM^N'S CLOTHES VjT cleaned, altered repaired, akd PRESSED at HAE WOOD'S, Taiiob, From Mki.bouwne. 49, Hobson-street, near the Govern jr Browne. ;» P.S.—Gentlemen's Clothes Dyad FI S H E B ~& C 0., Wholesale, Shipping, ai>d Family Butcher, Queen streets* corner of Durham street, Auckland. Poultrjr'of. all kinds dressed to order. Prime Smoked Tongues, Home-cured Bacori. ' Coined Beef on sale in largo quantities.: N^B.—Doalers in'game. Live Pheasants forwarded to all parts of the cdlonius upon receipt of order. Families waited on in town or suburbs. f t) lAN 6 £ PI AN OS. . OPENED THIS DAY, two. Very Superior Zetolkb Pianos (in rich Walnut Cfiscs), which, for sweetness of tone, combined with power, surpass those in stock ; all to be sold at oukati.v krduced pbkjks for camri. Also, a J-'ine Op.k Harnioninm, with 10 stops (by Xelly): a Second-hand Piano, £18, Organs, Harmoniums, and Pianos Tuned in town or country, by 8. H WEBB, Wtslleslcy street. ' . Sept. 94, 187.'{. ■ .' ■-'• '■ ■ ■ ■ I Tji STABLIS HE D. "l B's 9. 'KANOS! PIANOS! ~.'/ , j THE LARGEST STOCKS OF INSTRUMENTS .1 -To be seen nt 'J '" ' HOPMAK'S ~ ACADE MY O F MUS IC, 38, Shorthand .stkkkt. t-i Pianos and Harmoniums for Said or Hire and on the deferred payment system from Ll4 to L 25 Every instrnm'erit guaranteed, and kept In tuno one yea after purchase/ free of charge. Instruments of every description Tnned and Re-;-paired. Bought, Sold, and taken in exchange.,,,,' i: > ; MELODY OEGANB. T UST LANDED -Daw's and Earns- j M den's Patent Pedal Substitute Organs, as supplied to Her Majesty the, Queen and H.E.H. tho Princess Louise. iFor depenptioa, fleo lists fit. Afessrs Uptori's On Sale—A^ Second-hand 20-stop'd Ilanuoniuni, by ■Debain (i-qunl to new), L|s ; also, an elegant Queen s Model Harmonium, 10 stops, by Altxandre (a charm-' ing Dyawing-room jnstrumont). . ■i PIANOFORTES. The Iwo .shipments, of Messrs Ralph Allison and Sons' Pianofortes previously advertised are .sold ; more expected shortly. Arrived, per City of Auckland, a shipment from Messrs Chappell. .Also, periodical shipments from Messrs Broadwood Hopkinsan, Chappell, Zeigler, Bord, Erard, and other eminent makers. J,. BROWNEi Symonds street, Auckland ' . ; ~'.':;: NOTICE OP REMOVAL,! MES MUEEA¥ wishes to notify to her patrons that slie has taken premises in Wyndham-street, a few doors above the Hfrald office,1 where she will always have on baud a fresh supply of OYSTEBS AOT^FISII, ETC. '""■EUOfE^tl y E !i;;fc a; $% fe. , 0 (Duty Free)—i ..,.,.;.. , : i 20. CASES CO^OM^NpEL OYSTERS - '" (First Prize New-Zealand Exhibition)^' ~, j<; ; a g#^': ",ii'lli Nd'IHiA,M,;.' M;; LoWEfe QfJEfijT STRttT. ,:, " . . . ?-r>- .i;'i 'I ' ' •.!:■' — r^~ —P •• ME FA'ULDEE, Sole Contractjorto 11 the'OitrCeuncil 'for the Emptyirlg of EarthClosets,: Privy! Bpxes;.Cesspits; &c;;fiß.' prepared to attend punchially to all requests,.regarding'the atlovei,' Persons desiring to have the. said places attended to,' either wdejtl^, fdrtfaigh,tly, or otherwise', can have the same done by leaving a notice either verbal or written with the Inspector of Nuisances, City Cotmcil Office, Qiieen-street. ... . . •. ..'..; .;■ ■. T>: Tl' 9yT;!io; & ;E', A_:P/"Bf 'X : '>. "■■ft :&: eeFf^en,,. % " ABf'l,S.T & 'PHdTO.GRAPHER, ' '193, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND, . ,'.'.., 1 R'oo'aia ' ovuil Mb. King's CniMrsi. Cartcs-de-visiic. taken the best style at 12s Gd per dozen co.oild ':,;756d per haif-do^en .' , >■ J; •'..■■■■ Portraits Painted in Oil arid Water Colours in a style ■'" unsurpassed in the colonies. SOM ERVILLE'S ST ABLES, ■ ■ '~, QUEEN-STREET. THE Undersigned having disposed of their interest in the Livery and Bait Stables lately conducted by Mr E. Bowden, deceased, to Mil MAKK SOMIiyiLLK, beg to thank those gentlemen who.favoured the late Mr Bowden with their patronage', arid have to request.a continuance of, the same 'to MrM. tsomerville. ' • ~,/Jtv ARTHUE,.) Executorß of.the late , #' ~ ~[■ M. BOAYPEN, f. .;, K. Bowden. , .... i ,Jj Vu :*i:>: . ''■ '^ 3T7T.IJ .i-:!),., l!M IN reference to tbe above advertise-. , inent the Undersigned begs to notify thW the' r above ,'Stables Svill be conducted, as heretofore^, tui4 ' trusts' 'by' CiVillty. and'ittentiorithat he will receive'a cbntinuaiceof-the support given to'Mv E. Bowden, .'deceased- .- i . •!.;..■ .• ■. iUo .; ' - •■, :, ' / , MARK SOMERyiLLE. . AEE XO U/IN W ANT* O¥ ~ . ..j .....MONEY. :-j;ii •; uifi; 'Jo L O N J) Q^N- ,L.Q A ; N OEFICEi "! i N.EXt,'CI,TY U1 ,H 1 A,LL.,.,.. :L ( ,j , a MONEY'Advanced on JeweTiery; Diamonds, Plate, (Wearing Appalrel, andeveiy desrjriptiqri 'Of 'iVajlabW' .geCurity. :,/ . --I'l '-'■■■' '( ■' ■■• • '■'- "'••■' ,' trhe strictert.Secrecy, obse^^yery. transaotion. ': Fire-proof Safes oa. twe.,iwm>egfpttl*e u,&HQ)?S§>' J

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Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1152, 2 October 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1152, 2 October 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1152, 2 October 1873, Page 1