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WANTE BK NO W N.l WILLIAM EDGAR, whilst heartily thanking I his many kind friends and patrons in Auckland and 1 its vicinity for the libei al support he has received since ISC4, would respectfully intimate that an unprlneipledparty lias been the habit of receiving j goods in his name to manipulate. He cautions j Ladies and Gentlemen that ho has no connection i with any other party or parties whatever Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned or Dyed, and Finished iri a very superior manner. Ladies' Dresses and every imaginable woven fabric Dyed and got up in a style unapproachable by any other.—WILLIAM EDGAR, 8, Shortland-stroet. Works—Richmond HEALTH ftEEORM and HYGIENIC MEDICATION,—A Lecture on the above subject will be delivered by Dr. W. Hoisbs, M.D., in Edwardes-street Church, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, September 8, &i f halfpast 7 o'clock. jB Tickets, Gd ; Children, 3d. '. Itrbceedi to be applied to "the Organ Fund. I - : TO MEN OP BUSINESS. HAVE you any Surplus or Dead Slock or Goods you cannot sell? If so, put them down at a very low.figure and let the advertiser sell them for you. Address- or apply to W. H. Dampier, Chapel streot (next Mr Blood's Furniture Store); at home before 0 a.m. and after 7 p.m. Ca3n paid every evening for goods sold. Grders may be left witli Messrs Arthur, Westpfahl, Ilowden, Owen, Oreon, and Ilemus, Queen street ; Mr H. Watts, Pitt stroet; Messrs Hudson, Johnstone, and Abbot. Victoria street; Messrs fl'hillipson and* Hatswell, Princes streot; Mr Hoare, High street. W.H D. has sold Goods for all the above-mentioned and many others, and is continually doing so for moat of the nbovo-named. TO THE LOVERS OF THE MANLY ART 01 SELF DEFENCE. AGRAJKV ' ENTERTAINMENT will bo given to the Gentlemen of Parnoll by II SALLAKS (Champion of the Australian Colonies), at'tho Parnell Hall, THIS (Wednesday) EVKNING, Soptembor 3. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Sparring to commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 2s. 1.0.0. F., M.U. THE usual Monthly Meeting of trie Members of the District will be held THIS (Wednesday) EVENING; / in the Cook-street Hall, when a Koadiug from Dickens will be given. By order. 3 JAd. DERROM, i ••;.;.; ~!.■•,;! Ji.i Prov. C.S. A MEETING of DISCHARGED SOLDIERS and PENSIONERS will boliold at the Army and Navy Hotel, on THURSDAY, 4th inst., at 8 p.m. ri he above are carnostly invited to attend. THE SUPERINTENDENCY. WHAU ELECTORS. ME DARGAVILLE will nieet the Electors at the Whau Public Hall, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, 3rd instant, at' 7 o'clock. LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION. A SPECIAL MEETtNG of the Grand Orango Lodge of New Zealand will be hold Jit the Lodeo Room, Wellesley stroet. on MONDAY EVENING, tho Kth September, at 7.30 o'clock sharp. Byonlor of the G.M. September 1. 1873. NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited). ' A G-EffCIES of this Bank will he XJL Opened asunder: — .., :[ , At HAMILTON, WAIKATO, on THURSDAY, 11th inst., undor the temporary charge of Mr Thomah Littxsjoiin ; At COROMANDEL, shortly, undor tho charge of Mr Ja.mes Henduv, as Agont. , DAVID HEANy ~ Manager. Auckland, September 3,1873. BISMARCK AND FRENCH REPUBLIC 1 GOLD MINING COMPANY (Registered). ~• r .//r-u-. AT a Meeting .of tho .Directors, hold !• This Day, a Call of One Shilling per share was made, payablo to the Legal Manager, at the oflico of the Company, on WEDNESDAY, 10th day of September, 1873. ROBT. SOMMERVILLE. IUof.J ; Legal Manager. Shortland-street, Auckland, . ; ; , .<,.,■,,.> r September 3, 1873. CROWN PRINCE GOLD MINING COM- , PANY (Registered). 1;i !' •» rpHE Directors of the above-named JL - Company have this day made a Call (tho 16th) of Sizpenco per Sharo, payablo i at. the Company's Office, Vaile's Buildings, Auckland, on or before WEDNE3DAY, 10th day of Septembor, 1873.. . , By order of tho Directors. ' * I G. WINTER, . i .• . . mull .■'/<>> T. . 'Manager; : September 1, 1873. NIONS! ONIONS! ONIONS! 1 l)--' •■ Ex HERO. ' '"' "li *' SO "BA GS O: N rON S,1 '! ">Sut' V In Splondld Order. R. BAIRDi ' . ..,.,! Vlptoriaatropji.,: ■.-. TO LET, two Eour-rooined Verandah i Cottages, with good supply of wator, situated in Nelson street. • Rent, 8s and 10s per week.—Apply to Mr Cater, opposlto Christian Meeting-house, Cook street.'. , .; ' "■'.' //' fu»>i .■ ■ • '.':' 'f- ■■■'.'. 'i >>. COROMANDEL GOVERNMENT SCHOOL'S. IN consequence of an Increased G)-rant from the Central B6ard of tiducation the Committee of tUo Lower Township School aro propared to receive further applications from persons willing to undertake the dutlos of Schoolmaster at a salary of £100 per annum, and Komale, Assistant, Teacher.^or,. Schoolmistress, at a salary of £60 per annum. Applications from husband.and wife, or father and daughter, would'be fay durably entertained by .the Committee: ... Applications for both offices conjointly, or for either one separately, will be received until noon on TUESDAY, Bth September prox. f E#SEBIUS. WILSON,. . ' " ' i !) Hdn:':Sec. Kanp»ng» SohoorCommittee. Coromandel, August 20,1575. A PPOINTMENT OP' RETURNING iX j OFFICER.... City Cquncil Ofiaces, ~, ■■-'■ Auckljtn^^Sept. 2' 1873." ' It is hereby notified that the City Coudcil have Appointed Mr Councillor W. J. HURST the RETURNING OFFICER by and before whom the Annual Municipal Electiou on the 11th inst. shall be conducted. i ~,. l( . ti - : (i .. ! ,,.,E.,8R0D^i-. l !i- J W i ---Ul- - a--'t- 'Town ClerkV A,NNUAL MUN'lCl^Aii'feLiGTION. '■jr\'.' ; City Council Offices, Auckland, Sept; 2, 1873. It is hereby notified that Mr. Frederick Lajibert Prime, . MRlHENßTofa^pg/r n g--1 uT2IUMAI Mr'Phili*'Aaron Philips, Mtb Chrmtophbr Greenwm, &.!,Gko-Rak BfbAiitsfl- t-n LUil J / M^r: Charles Cookman McMillak, and Mr Robert'\V if itsqn W&XJQ ,03 .o rd have been duly NOMINATED as Candidates for the office of Councillor, ,of the City of Auckland ; and that a POLL'will be taken for the Election of .Three, Councillors ~qn THiURSBidfSy !the f -llth- Septeinber'insltaTii;,1 at the Mechanics' Institute, Hight-street, within the said city, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock is the afternoon, W. J. HURST. :,..,,■; I Councillor ftttd Hctuvnlng Onicer.

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Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1127, 3 September 1873, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1127, 3 September 1873, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 1127, 3 September 1873, Page 3