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a-:::A::.a ..-■■ Medical, \.'■"'!,fx, r „ - ■ '■ I TPfOi: MARK IfICCI — ERFD) I . ' WHELPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS. ' Are; warranted not to contain a single particlb"'of j Mercury , or ,an y other Miner a I Substance, -TotA to con--1 slst entirely of Medicinal, Matters, purely vegetable! ■ ■ During the'last'thirty-five years they hav,e,proved ttifli,, Vl rlue in thousands of instances in diseases of the Hpiid CKefev Bowels.Liver, and Kidneys - arid in all ' Srin r-nmnlaints odS. ot the best medicines known. 1_ SkSold^y G W^Lx^ON %SON 3, Crane Court Fleet street, London; ah^ by all Storekeepers and Medicipe Vendors.1 - --. '■',', iij. ._ -.'' Wholesale Agents in the Colonies.— Messrs. Felton, Grijiwade & Co., Melbourne. MjvEdward AsH,'6o;Eliz^eth-strcet, HObartTown Messrs. Elliots Bro., Sydney. Mr. Jakins, Auckland; Messrs. Youngman DunecUtn ofi v.. ■■~.; Ai-i'.i it, I*sll i■ \> .■;••• .- • , '■■ THE CJJ% I Si AT 'HAND. :■- '<-< "•■' ■■"'"'ql". A^'-'A^'a::^., CTOLLC)WA^ r OINTMENT ' Scorbutic Eruptions,"as Sore Heads amdScrofulotyp Swellings.-If this powerful Ointmentbe well rubbed into4he parts affected all skfti disease will Jte spefedily overcome. It'acts nbtby .repression, but rfeplilSsiOn. It enters the system as salt enters meat, and.operates not locally only, but constitutionally purifying* the ■wh6le system, neutralizing all depraved numours, and effecting a radical and complete cure.'TMe PIUS .should, be taken as ,an auxiliary to the Oiirtmeny as tliey are so prepared as: to act, in. .unison'with, it, facilitating and confirming the conquest of the disease. ..-Dipfkeria, Ulcerated Sore ThroM and Qmrls&y.—Th? above complaints have for' twenty yeaTS 'been treated with Holloway's Ointment and Pifls with perfect success.".' The cures have been so remarkable, speedy, and numerous, that these ofteh fatal diseases are more easily cured by these medicines than eVen the common sore tnroat, if taken in time* null -'■■ '"• r *'"• ;'•' . • The Kidneys, Stone and Gravel— Inthese complaint* fee Ointment almost aits like, a charm k ..providing it is very effectually rubbed over the regions of the kidneys, wiH penetrate and give almost immediate relief, \ while the Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, when the most extraordinary cures maybe effected by this means. Bad Legs,. Bad'< Brtihsts, Scrofulous?-S&re?,' ititd Glandular Swellings.^-In. such c&ses-the Ointment operates surely and with a rapidity that resembles magic. It should, be rubbed into the parts affected after they have, been fomented.with lukewarm water. The purifying and Curative powers of this marvellous unguent have neve rfailed. An old sore, wound, ox ulcer always yields to its influence, and in cases of bad breasts, or milk fevers, * its action is wonderful. Glandular swellings may.soon be reduced by following the printed directions. - - -'■■•■", t~ The Action of tlie Heart—Dropsy.—The last named disease is commonly, preceded-by irregular action of i the heart, ancl difficult 'respiration ; which symptoms ' arealways severe, and ever go from bad to worse unless 1 proper means of cure are resorted to. • ItfiHoUoways : unrivalled Ointment and, PiUs the dropsical;patient i will'ever find succour ; the present relief deriye^ from. I the use of' these remedies is maprellbusly' quick < and perseverance- in the steady application iof this famous Ointment invariably, results >in ! a cure. They act with such -energy on- Jhg I circulation and absorbent system that, the dropsica ' fluid.vanishes, arid th* sufferer finds all theoppresav i symptoms daily;decline tiU natural health returns.* [B i <&out and^^hxmmatism m&y he cured with the igreatest certainty if large quantities ,of the Ointment! ! be well worked into the complaining parts, and thi \ perseveringly done for some time. It is no use to ! smear it on the skin only, it must be got into the I systqai Take as many Pills nightly as will act two oi three times during the .24) hours; ~gchew,the.uSiTof (coffee, and" all stimulants. When these, (are leaving the system the virulence ot the.Complain. ;frequently seems to increase. « *„,2i j Indiscretion of Youth.—S ores, .ulcers, and'swellings can "witk 'certainty be cured if this ,Ointment. be, (thoroughly rubbed all round the combining "parts1 twice or thrice a day,- keeping them covered with linen rag-spread-withsthe same". ,c ■'■_-''A'AA /-• A I The Pills huist tie taken according tor thff printed directions. The blood being in an impure state perseverance is necessary., From humane; motives letters of advice' will be answered gratuitously. To save carriage, the Pills and Ointment should be obtained in the .neighbourhood of-the. .sufferei;, and not ifrom' Holloway's Establishment ' ' ' j Both the Ointment and the Pills should be usedi . the 'followi^ sages ;ff/j"__i..- '~■':-_ Sils 10 HOii»3SJ,e3i ißadLegs . - .Cancers •* .', Scalds -~:«Jv ;o JBad Breasts Contracted and " Sore Nipples mums Stiff Joints Sore-thrGats::;.--' Bunions Elephantiasis. Skin-diseases Bite of Mosquitos Fistulas... •-, Scur/yy.. .tj in I ami Sand-Flies Gout Soi"e-heads Coco-bay Glandular SweU- Tumours Dhiego-foot ings -' Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago . Wounds Chapped Hands: Bile's. I. _9 ... YAWS.; a Corns (Soft) Rheumatism. _~.., ! ** There is a considerable« saving by taking tho larger sizes. '...",;, • . r . s N. B_ —Directions ' for the guidarioe , of- patients in fev^ry disorder1 are affixed toi each PoJi.,il ..,- I ad.L j ,'_ ,y !',. oib -• ■ "<■' .i.'viru: -ii:-.<.[ i'i.lliu

i ,«;-,- i n !ADVICE 'GRATIS.»>. ,girf« A ' . -.if u.giaiti ct o Pi/piw icfes SJS^G3SS. ; j To'Purify-thk'tiTd'ddA Tiise'Pills!hive. bkn^lWced,by the common-consent of riiankirid atthe-head of.ali' remedies for. .remoVing 6bnoxions/i)oi__bns"fS_bm the.j felood, and cleansing all the tissues of the^ody 1, !£hey.. have saved thousands year af ter f y,ear,'from falling fi* Jaerifiife to the effectsof dyspepsiaVdysen.tery^diArrHeea, donsripatiori, liver cbmplaints, &c.;' a>fact3tti.este<L>l_.y myriads,of-witnesses.. E^e-jsiveyfeakne^'and $$jUfejilll , tlie 'warnings ,lof Hecreasing lOjrganiti energy, ans. vital >;> deW, iire'festoVed arid feahimatfm'^itir-'WgoUryntf - healthful action in every organ fchfritighbiit the B^'stefli-' - by.the restorative arid exliilirafiugirifluence^ofethis .Tlspijfrsrt'jß ,-. ... n .y ; ..'.'i fj3RiT«o i&di wag i Female Com-^aiut^. i-iA-fti j of) jfeo^fefcrittnAvf 'diseases in evpry.,crisis Mrilou? rt9 l the | Jife,and;h^lui ! of woriiari, youthful of aged, iharried_or, single„mayhe , .rkdieally'&mi quickly cufed risk or tfcfuWe'By^'.aT f $w. _ doses of '.these i 'Pills,. I taken > according (to rthed ; •printeidfdirections.;...;] •') ]-)..%-,-.• jgnj sifF AWo H9jlr4 ; i indigestto h with Langowr .and Want, of Energy.— ,v i Vhen • tak'irig: these; PiUs'rub'. Holloway's Celetpdtea 1;' I Ointment over■ the pit-'of tms stomach; and Gver -the; - J regions of the Brer,; >on rthe right Side.uhder theaD^al :ahd you wiU atpnee experience a changefqrth.e.betJigCj^ iri ybrir ' digestion, spir its, appetite, strength, and .. energy- '"*''- The •improvement,' though •' it - may he w 'gradualiwill.beithoroughand..lasting.-;l jfellffl Kttiaci | JQropsy. — Tlje efficacy k of-. Hollo Way's Pills in,dropsyflT is extraordinary.' .They act with such pec.uliar.effqcfc;.. upon the'System;'tli'avTlie''fluids Arising "from this,, direful disease are imperceptibly darried off aridjpre-''"' vented from ;anyiurthe'r accumulation. ; The_siiffeset iegai'ns a .buoyanpy of,spirits; anq.rejoicesin'.a com T ; v , pletelyJ renovated constitution .but it is indispensably.necessary that the Ointment should" be riidst effectually 1 .rubbed into, the 'comfciainirig^arts. plui Z SJO I 'il -. ' 'Stmiiacfi., Lvycr, Kidi&ysyand ;-Boi?e?s.T-Tlio^e Pl WhOiy 7 suffer, front bile and liver complaints., should .try .Wl9 r f effects of tliiWaluabl'e renledy, a 4 ' few Hoses Of which .- will make: the I sufferer feel elastic -arid vigorous,' reJ |" movj^igi aU impurities, giving laihealtby^actiptt t<_t|jt_b.e.i*J ' liyer; if bilious attacks be allowed to con±in i ue,,se#cju? , ,_>■ casualities.may arise, and the^ufferer be consigpe'd to, ,a bed)of'sickrieSs'.:' In disorders 6f fWe-Mdheys^tile Ointment should ;be well rubbed'inld the backioncao* BW ',: .and the BiJIS, acting,^ ; ps^is<)s, < h-dy complaint arising, from these' organ^. : . r AA" ,.,.,[ (1| piiff z f_^Shbrtness:6f 'BreatU'wfrh' WcdkntsA-^vyf ya bail symptoms, which if not i corrected,. < may: tegatiQi i-':<l bme serious disorders of cttwMart&oj; pthei<yitelQrgq.n^,r Eat moderately of solids, take,,six ,Biß?>nighi^j{^9f,ri({ ■some little time ; take plenty of'fresh air witli m(J(Jer&W, < .e^fcrcise;'arid the Bumteri niachiriery wiff'Be^Vpiickly Irestored to health and vigour. Try this but far tltteeJ IB ' days .wly S ; andlilje i-^ul^t^vrilVb^ maryeß^uS.^ y A . • n {'tJ C^pl,aintsifiiciaent''to i 'Childrcn.—All qoiriplaintsjjf . v .ohildf^ri- msly sobri b&'chr&d if!c*tre be; takeri to-j3u^ify. '■ th«ir blood, correct the actioiivoftthe'liVer, arid ilextiser'l"-" the !j|opwpJ_;^ii4;^owe>s ii^if^ifiq^es o,f these'fainftrfl Pills will immediately have i the - .desired., effect, par; j 0 ticjilarly If '■fraikats he "dWeftil in! 'not allowing them to eat of things which they know would be injurious-lb; •'" .'themselves.1; •(;, i f •#onß {coo lu-rZ.'AJ 'iS >" tdesi <» HottthvayjA'Piils cm tite\esi: remedy known 'iji . ila.f '' ~,- ! || -itSjjgldfor the folltytbi>iVtj. diseases' .ULJiiu toil-nan Ague Female _ Irregu- King's Evil Asthma lariti'es','_ri I) A _ Sorb Throats Bilious .Conjr ; L Severs of all kinds Stone and Grave plaints'-"" Fits ~,„,.> , Secondary Symp Blotches on the Gout-' ''' - ' tbms „ 1T Skin Hekdache.,.' Tic DoukftireuXJ;' [ Bowel Com- J lnidjgggtion ;. ( /Tumpuirs mhislf. "rplaints iiiflamiriiition .... Ulcer,,, ; [M.ufinJ Colics Jaundice . "."', Vefereal-Affec-, •'.'. Cpnstipation of Liver Cbiriplaints " tißns'' c ' , the Bowels Lumtokgo rnT Worriisfof'aU1' ' ■'." Consumption [, Piles, . . . kinds^;j^' ■■__ I xo'J 'Debility '" l Rheumatism "Weakness," from Dropsy Retentipn of whatever causes Dysentery Urine".! l< 1.. /. > < <&c., &c. Erysipelas^f.-jj^^gl-ofula, or "'"VTlidre is a xonsiderablft sayiugiby. taking .the]/- ---.,. ,N.B.T^Diteetion6 fbi'ithe':^riidabce bf!;patielitsW"'-i!'-' .e^ermflteorjlerare affixed, tbieach Box. AA. odT .aoitffiq j --.AiM'i Y,ju,i;ui\,'j -l'.viJ' VTortA srfT Jioaoh — ' —-^-j ,!. < .•' : '_;! 'T,TT-_j'h!;> 5

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Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 989, 20 March 1873, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 989, 20 March 1873, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume IV, Issue 989, 20 March 1873, Page 4