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[raoai ottr owx coEEESrojrnENT.]

' Jnne 21. Leases now seem the order o£ the day here, and scarcely one passes over without a new lease being pegged out. The.lasb one was pegged out this morning on EJeven's Hill by Mr. Tookey, adjoining the Pacific, and'yith the object of getting the leader now b'fting worked in the latter lelise v . k Mr. Keven.still resides in Coromandel,-r_"and,.his faith is.the wealth of the hill which bearf his.niine.ii' still as„strong as ever. Jt seemf more, than -likely thafc'his predictions thatdtfie '"i( gold is'tTiere" willI'be verified at'J'liast. ,Z There are now 'five* ';leases >v being wo^k6dZ;6n,' the hilliSand severaj'ysubsj;antial weather-boarded houses-, "built Mmy the beach for the residences ivbf the miners. Allotments in Wynyardton may yet.look up, and holders who 2bavobeen waitingfor "something to -turnup " may be able before long to realise fair prices for them.

A lease has been pegged out for the Emily olaim at the Tikiy and. it -is intended -to form it into a eompa.ny, iv order to bo able to work the ground.. The Emily -Jias a really good leader, which has paid fair dividonds to the shareholders. «-«*»•

The Pride of the Hills, which was; abandoned some time ago, after yielding a'quantity of extraordinarily fine specimens,'has been latterly worked by a hatter narnedJ Anderson, He managed to obtain 75 lbs. of specimens, J and has taken them to Sbprtland to be ' crushed.

The Gt-oldenßelfc is a truly most unfortunate; claim. The shareholders, knowing ;that;thoy. have a most valuable property, have held on \ to it for nearly two years, with but few divi-? derids to encourage them,' waiting 'for roads; and waiting for machinery. And^now' 'that! these two are supplied they are again f >npelled to wait for .'trams. Up to lasti !s_i__urday sixteen tons had been crushed, and; ninety ounces of hard-squeezed amalgam" taken from the plates, and there was a good show in the stamper boxes. ~On Tuesday Mr: Lynch was obliged .'to suspend;*.ca.rting. until next Monday, requiring every available teiLinj to cart for the Tokatea, which he, intends td finish on.Saturday. Erom what has been put through for the G-olden Belt it is-certain that the whole seventy tons wilt average tit least two ounces to the.ton, and this is only from* one of the many leaders which, have beoh; proved to be payable' in thi3 valuable claim.': I hope to report next week that crushing has again commenced. -' ■'- •-: -. •■-' i '

The Matawai machine is now' in first-rate working order,'1 and only wants stuff to crush and teams tocarfit. Every, part of it works smoothly, and with but little vibration. Tried *• by the small quantity put .through for the Grolden Belt, its gold-saving powers are remarkable. Tho tailings were repeatedly tried, and neither gold nor mercury found in" them;. ;

The.shareholders in. the Burra B.urra leasb arc setting to work to develop the wealth they believo it to contain.* They have Opened'out' the little leader Jon the top of the; hill, and taken out a few hundredweight, and gold can be seen in most of the stone when broken. , They are ' now driving to cut it at a level of twenty feet, aiM intend to'crush' about five tons as soon as it can be got to thp machine. . The large reef, nearly four feet" wide on the surface;, ;isalsb>beingiope3ed nut, and five tons of tbiS-wftl'be'crushed asioop. as the Matawai machine) is disengaged, in order to test it. Should it only return half-an-ounce to tho ton,, the.•proprietors have; a fine property, as a toamroad could be laid down to the mill at a trifling v expense.

The Nil' Desperaaduni shareholders have proved that people searching for gold should radeed ; never despair. .After v. nearly twq years of, they have at last succeeded" in cutting the leader they have been searching Tor. cfifesterday Mr'.' HJbrrieJf lie legal manager of the company, showed me a quantity of vnty fine specimens which! had been juat*taken' out from the leaderi j Coihpetent judges Relieve that they have etrucksitke leader of the old 1. JKJapanga claim, aJndifi they have, they are to be congratulated on their good luok.-mi-ral. ! Of the Tokatea,:l.cah only report- thatifc {is still crushing .-at i theSWhakaroa an'd-J^il;JDesH perandum batteiiesj &nd the stuff continues fas good-as ever; Last Saturday, 162 ounces of gold was lodged in the bank, the result of-tho crushing at the Whakavoar battery, makipg the total .up to., ,o,unces. 'Specimen crushing will,,be again begun this,^eek, and efforts,.will jbo^made, to roompleto^bbo crushing next-week, and then will comb tliat most pleasing of all 'decu^rene'es to shareholders, the'declaration of a.divideud.x 1 The New/Zealand''Company's battery lis idle, as, froihJtho statp ofHn'6 ' road, it is next to cart-to, it^Jand1 the tramway is not yet finished. 'Thb-JEkce'lMoi,' Royal Oik, Christmas Box, D&rbcVf jViewj Coromandel Company,.and. other, ciayhs ave'.all waiting to crush,* md asthe"contril6l;'tiriieis long passed for the tr&m)vay to be completed, something sliould be done to coiiipel The cofttructo& to hasten then* operations. , i The want' of the'telegraph to Corointpidel is much felt, and thefe is a talk of ipuhlic meeting to petition **he- 5 to.j extend it to this placo.^ln^iiny other colony but New Zealand the telegraph would hkve been here months, ago^- bttt vtlie Government seem to caifo'butlittle;f6i?"th'e'' development of goldfields which 3 are", fast' inaking Auckland the leading province of tho qolony. I The new Catholic'Ohuroh was opened;for Divine worship on Sunday last, by the Right Rev. DrZCroko, assisted by Father O'Reilly. There was a-very large cbhgregaJtibn, sndihis • Lordship preached in-Jfche morning, and gate a most aloquen'ti.discours*, rwhioh was hatched to with greft, attention. Tuesday ihis Lordship, accompE|.nied by * Father"'O'j&llly, Mr. Sweeney, and' Other gentlemen .paid *%$ visit to. the Tokafcea range, ascending by jtho Paul's; Greek; traolc-i »4W J-*bad proved 'too much for some'of his party, and they had to return; The, hnV&e- his Lordship wtis >iding' fell, but'he'feHunafeely disengaged himielij, and- escappd f-without,''injury.: 'Tho liarty' inspedfced'tlie wol-kihgs of tbe Uofal Oak olaim, 'arid''after'pnrtalungiof refreShmMit^in1- Mi'": .O'Cohnell's" hut; vp&coededl to "the Tqkatca blow,! and fenjoyed-the Magnificent view!f"rom that spot. Theythen-flesdeirded tbthe*»Tokatea mine, and Mr. Kelly] the niiiiisiger, cOui-teoiisly showed his Lordship throUgh-nilthe workings, : who. oppressed bjmsel f highly delighted' with all he saw. The party returned by tho'old road' to Oorpmande^.pleased with their, trip, and glad to escape, without an accident, thd alIrfiOst'peHlOUs dosfeskt; in the<presont; stato f!of' tho road, more than .knee deep in mud froni •the.'cbnsfaiitutrafflcioniit/'.!.;' twd &_JT f,P"* I 5 A l W.eetjng. i o| the; phareholdors of jtho Bis^ 1 marck andFreneh-Republic washeld on-W ...i. n'.n i>ij.'y. s iu'i'XitiSiU s "H\'; '.

c3aimf.' on Mortal las^The Wwft^S gamafcion were agrerl upon a ?t i_determined *o form a wEv W theßi ß n^ ? kaoMMS^ JZ^ eS capital of-the company and number of B w! were agreed upon, and Mr. Lusk abp& provisional manager and to apply for S£e of cZX m6S groUad> "* »***f

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Auckland Star, Volume II, Issue 457, 28 June 1871, Page 2

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COROMANDEL. Auckland Star, Volume II, Issue 457, 28 June 1871, Page 2

COROMANDEL. Auckland Star, Volume II, Issue 457, 28 June 1871, Page 2