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A RECORD ATTENDANCE Most Successful Show for Many Years A number of circumstances led, to the result of establishing the Banks Peninsula Agricultural and Pastoral Association's show at Little River on Saturday as the record show the Association has held. A committee who investigated the Association's finances last year reported to the last annual meeting that drastic economies were necessary if the Association was to carry on. It was computed the 1937 show was run at ! a loss of £11G and that even with a substantial profit from the gymkhana held, the actual cash balance was only £8 4s 6d. Economy measures were put forward as essential and the members of the Association are to be congratulated upon their response

in placing the Association on a sound financial footing again. Some of the economy measures adopted were a saving of labour, the members of the committee doing all this work themselves and thus saving the Associa- - tion something like £30. They are to be commended for their loyalty to the Association. Refreshment privileges amounted to £25 and these were practically all withdrawn, effecting a good saving which all officials were only too willing to forego in the interests of the Association. Other economies were a reduction in the schedule of classes and the application of rule 18 which provides that where there are less than three entries only , half prize mney is paid. All these economies were budgeted for and. should have effected a saving of something like £120 this year. With an increased sum from gate receipts of £64 the Association should show a very successful financial year. The pleasing feature of the whole thing is that the Association has found many ready to support thorn so that the annual show can continue on ec(Continued on Page 3)

(Continued from Page 2) onomic lines and a foundation laid of sound finance. The President, Mr A. A. Hutchinson, set a fine example from the day he took over office and he received the ready Support of his vice-presidents, Messrs J. E. V. Chapman and V. Craw, and the committee and officials. The Secretary of the Assciaticn, Mr M. Duncan Jones, also deserves great credit for his work in the interests of the Association. All have worked splendidly in the Association's time of need. Crowded Show Ground The choice of Saturday for show day was certainly a wise one and led to a largo attendance. The fact also that cars were not allowed to park on the roads surrounding the Domain meant that they had to be accommodated on the show ground. The car marshals carried out their duties well, with the result that there were three rows of vehicles on the main Highway side of the ground and the crowds round the show rings were more compact, without causing any congestion. Hundreds picnicked under the fine trees of the Domain, which give such splendid shade, while from Li;. ::p • i'(! running hoards of cars Liicy tv.uld sec all that wa? going on This actually addid interest in the show proceedings and it was noticethi - year that the crc.wd stayed the last event and were all the interested. I'oradi of Prize Winners Th? Marshals for the parade of prize winners made a good show r . Tlkto was an especially line entry of ; addle horses this year and the parade allowed the public to see them well marshalled. Mr W. H. Montgomery, father of thr; Association very rightly led the Scottish Pipe Band, at the head of the parade. He should have been accompanied by the president and the past presidents of the Association, whose keen support is such a valuable asset to the Association. The public showed their appreciation as the parade went round the show rings.

Mrs A. A. Hutchinson, presented the "Gray" cup and champion ribbon to Mr A. (inlanders, who with "Captain Singleton" secured these trophies as best hack on the ground. He receive a good round of applause.

Display of Trophies The challenge cups and champion ribbons were displayed at the Library this year and caused considerable inter'. St. A new cup on display was the "fv iaki cup'' presented by Commander S. Hall. This is a particularly fine trophy with a representation of a fat bullock on top of a silver superstructure. The cup is for most points in the fat cattle section, to be won three times, not necessarily in succession. Mr V. Craw, a vice-president of the Association, will be winner of the cup this year. Sheep Section In the sheep section there was a smaller entry than last year, 125 compared with 142. In the English Leicester, Sir. li. H. Rhodes, Canterbury College and Commander S. Hall were the chief prize winner.?. J. W. Graham and Canterbury College were the only exhibitors in Romney Marsh and L. H. Adams, the College and J. T. Robinson in Southdowns. There was good competition in crossbred sheep and the fat sheep section. S. S. Barclay was the most successful exhibitor in crossbreds, while in the fat sheep the classes were divided among a large number of exhibitors. There was an especially good entry of fat lambs, which appeared in good condition. Cattle The purebred cattle classes were not well supported, the milking shorthorn and Friesian breeds being best supported. J. R. White was the only Jersey exhibitor and hit. yearling "Wendouree Silver the Christchurch show winner, won the yearling heifer class. He also won the champion ribbon with "Biddy" a live yair old cow. In fat cattle, there was a moie encouraging entry and fair competition. V. Craw, Kinloch Estate and Commander S. Hall were the chief prize winners and all exhibits were of a high standard, representative of one of Banks Peninsula's principle industries. Horses In the draught horse section J. T. Robinson was the chief exhibitor and vvon both champion ribbons. Miss Joy Chapman's "Micky Mouse" won Mr N. A. Gardiner's Blue Riobon for champion pony in saddle and Mcv-sra Gee and Gillanders "Merry Widow" won Mr Gardiner's Blue ribbon for harness pony. A Gillander's "Capt. Singleton" won the "Gray Cup" and A. P. Cusdin's "Riptide" won Messrs Menzies' Brothers Hunters' cup and Jarman and Rudd's "Laddie" Miss Hilda Montgomery's "Hunter cup." The jumping events for both ponies and hunters was watched with interest and a good exhibition given. Mr lan Menzies was placed second for best hack on the ground. Domestic Produce This section was well filled and proved of great interest to the public. There was a good display of factory cheese Okains and Pigeon Bay factories sharing honours. Many of the cookery classes were well, filled, though there were fewer entries in the

section. The produce displayed the usual high quality of Peninsula cooking. Flowers Here there was a slight decline in entries due to the late season, but there was "a good entry in roses. Mrs J. F. Buchanan won the Murray Cup for most points in roses. Mrs D. Richards won the Premier bloom with a fine specimen rose. In the -lowering shrub classes, Mrs W. Craw, Chorlton won first place. Miss K. Craw, Chorlton showed some very fine sweet peas, ranunculus, marigolds and other specimen flowers. The decorative section was not as well filled as usual. Junior Classes The Junior section agian caused much interest and some of the childrens' work, particularly the drawing was of high quality. The needlework was very good and the classes were well filled. The handwriting classes were also popular, there being 22 en-v-iea in one class. Industrial Work The work in this section was well worth inspection. Miss J. Keenan, Little River deserves especial meitio;j for tho number of outstanding exhibits which she displayed. The knitting was good and there was keen competition in the classes for socks, bed jacket rmi cardigan and some very fine exhibits. Photographic Section

This section was well patronised and provided some very fine views. Ther. are many amateur photographers who now turn out good work and thn: section gives them an opportunity to campare their work. Prize List Sheep English Leicester (Judge, Mr R. .J. Low); Rain any age (3) —Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 1, 2 and 3; Ram 12 to 18 months (1) —Canterbury Agricultural College 1; Ewe any age (4) — Canterbury Agricultural CoHegJe 1, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 2 and 3; Two rams under 18 months, shorn (3) — Commander S. Hall 1 and 3, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 2. Romney Marsh (Judge Mr R. J. Low) —,Ram any age (1) —Canterbury Agricultural College 1; Ram 12 to 18 months (2) —Canterbury Agricultural College 1; Ewe any age (3) —Canterbury Agricultural College 1; Ewe any age (3) —Canterbury Agricultural College 1, J. W. Graham 2 and 3; Two rams, under 18 months, shorn (1) —Canterbury College. Southdown (Judge Mr R. J. Low) —Ram any age (2) —L. H. Adams 1, Canterbury Agricultural College 2; Ram, 12 to 18 months (2) — L. H. 1, Canterbury College 2; Ewe any age (1) — Canterbury Agricultural College 1; Two rams under 18 months, shorn— (2): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, J. T. Robinson 2.

Crossbred, shown in natural condition (Judge, Mr R. Gunn) —Coarse wool ewe, not to exceed 44 count (5) —S. S. Barclay 1 and 2, W. H. Montgomery 3; Ewe not to exceed 48 count (4) —S. S. Barclay 1 and 2, W. H. Montgomery 3; Ewe for owners of not more than 300 sheep (2) —C. K. Elliot 1, J. Daniels 2; Three quarterbrod ewe (5) —S. S. Barclay I, \V. 11. Montgomery 2, C. Elliot 3; Half bred ewe (4) —S. S. Barclay 1, 11. H. Stackhouse 2; Three crossbred ewe hoggets (1) —S. S. Barclay 1; Three three-quarterbred ewe hoggets bred on Banks Peninsula (2)— S. S. Barclay 1; Three shorn crossbred ewe hoggets (s)— S. S. Barclay 1 and 2; J. T. Robinson 3.

Fat sheep (judge Mr T. Bloor) — Three fat lambs, not Down cross (3) —L. L. Carpenter 1, L. H. Adams 2; Three fat lambs, Down cross (5) — J. H. Watson 1, S. McKenzie 2- W. Wood 3; Three fat lambs, export, not to exceed 751b live weight (8) —S. McKenzie 1 and 3, J W. Graham 2; Three fat lambs not to exceed 701b (9)— S. McKenzie 1, L. L. Carpenter 2, J. W, Graham 3. Three fat lambs not to exceed 651b (8) —L. L. Carpenter 1, B. H. Tosswill 2, J. W. Graham 3; Three fat lambs, any cross bred on Banks Peninsula (5) —J. H. Watson 1 and 2; J. T. Robinson 3; Three fat lambs not to exceed 601b live weight (8) —L. L. Carpenter 1, S. McKenzie 2, W. Wood 3; Three wethers any weight, six tooth or under (3) —L. H. Adams 1 and 2; Three sheep, for freezing, weight not to exceed 1401b live weight (1) —L. H. Adams 1; Three fat lambs bred on Banks Peninsula, not to exceed 651b live weight (3) —J. T. Robinson 1, J. Daniels 2.

Pet Sheep—Pet lambs (10) —Iris Rae 1, Mrs A. W. Hams 2; Pet two tooth (4) —Miss Ngaire White 1, Marguerite Elliott 2. Cattle Milking Shorthorn (judge Mr R. Pc,::h)—Bull two years and over (4) - A. TV. Hurford 1, J. W. Graham 2 and o; Bull yearling (2) —J. N. McGowan 1, A. W. Hurford 2; Cow (3)— A. W. Hurford 1, J. W. Graham 2, J. T. Robinson 3; Cow or heifer (2)— A. W. Hurford 1, J. W. Graham 2; Heifer two years (3) —A. W. Hurford 1, J. W. Graham 2, J. T. Robinson 3; Heifer yearling (3) — A. W. Hurford 1 and 3, J. W. Graham 2; Jersey (judge Mr C. H. Watson) —Bull yearling (1) —J. R. White 1 find champion; Cow (1) —J. R. White 1 and champion; Heifer, two years (1) —J. R. White 1; Heifer yearling (1) —J. R. White 1. Friesians (judge Mr F. Crump)— Bull over two years (2) —J. Stalker and Son 1, J. T. Robinson 2; Yearling (2)— W. C. James 1, E. W. Gray 2; Cow (3) —R. E. Gillman 1

and champion, E. W. Gray 2; Heifer two years (2) —E. W. Gray 1, J. T. Robinson 2: Yearling (2)— C. Humm and Sons 1 and 2. Crossbred -Dairy Cattle (judge Mr J. R. D. Johns) —Cow in milk, Jersey cross (1) —J. R. White 1 and champion; Cow or heifer, without horns (1) —0. C. Watkins 1; Heifer two years (5) —0. C. Watkins 1, J. R. White 2; Yearling not Jersey cross A.J. Thomson 1, yearling jersey cross (I)—J. R. White 1, Heifer calf all breeds (6) —Albert Stewart 1, Ronald Wright 2. Crossbred Cattle (judge Mr J. Partridge)— Three store steers three years (3) —Kinloch Estate 1 and 2; Two years (3) —Commander S. Hall 1, V. Craw 2; Yearlings (3) —V. Craw 1 and 2. Fat Cattle (judge Mr W. L. Parkinson)—Two year bullock (4) —V. Craw 1 and 2; Three year (6) —V. Craw 1 and 3, lan Menzies 2; Two year heifer (5) —V. Craw 1, 2 and 3. Three year heifer (4) —V. Craw 1, Kinloch Estate 2; Three fat bullocks (3)—Kinloch Estate 1, V. Craw 2; Three fat heifers (3) —Kinloch Estate 1, V. Craw 2. Pigs (Judge: Mr H. Mcintosh) Three porkers, 100 to 1201b live weight (1) —Jas. Simpson 1; Bacon pig, 1(30 to 1801b live weight (3) — Jas. Simpson 1 and 3, J. W. Graham 2. Dogs (Judge: Mr J. T. Matson) Short haired collie dog (3) —A. H. Sparks 1, P. Benny 2, E. Fahey 3; Long haired collie (5) —D. McKay 1, G. W. Tyson 2, I. H. P. McGowan 3; Bearded collie (3) —J. J. Flynn 1, V. Hanna 2, L. Brown 3. Draught Horses (Judge: Mr A. J. Thomson) Entire, two. years (1) —.J T. Robinson 1 and champion; 30cwt or over (4) —J. T. Robinson 1, Wairewa County Council 2; Farmers' spring dray horse (2) —J. T. Robinson 1 and 2; Packing horse (2) —J. T. Robinson 1 and 2. Light Horses (Judge: Mr H. M. Burgin)

Hackney entire (2) —C. K Elliott 1, J. T. Robinson 2; Yearling (3) — A. T. Watson 1, A. E. Williams 2; Two year (5) —A. T. Watson 1, A. Dawber 2, Monty Daniels 3, Miss H. Archer vhc; Brood mare (4) —L. Brown 1, A. Dawber 2, J. T. Robinson 3; Maiden hack, list (10) —lan Menzies 1, Miss K. Kay 2, T. R. Mould 3; F. W. Jarman vhc; Hack list (13) —lan Menxies 1 and vhc, IVfiss Jean Anderson 2, Lady Stewart 3; 13st (11) —A. Gillander's Captain Singleton 1 and champion, Mrs C. I-I. Sykes 2, Miss Helen Rich 3, Miss M. Douglas vhc; 15st (6) — Jarman and Rudd 1, A. R. Menzies 2, Mrs T. Latham 3; Lady's Hack (17) —lan Menzies 1, Miss J. Anderson 2, T. McKellar 3, Miss Helen Rich vhc; District (13) —lan Menzies 1, T. McKellar 2, Lady Stewart 3, Mrs C. H. Sykes vhc; Best mannered (14) —lan Menzies 1 and vhc, T. McKellar 2, Jarman and Rudd 3; Most useful and active hack (14) —A. R. Menzies 1, Lady Stewart 2, J. E. V. Chapman 3, lan Menzies vhc; Lady rider (8) —Miss Margaret Young 1, Miss Helen Rich 2, Mrs M. Sykes 3; Best hack, Gray Cup—A. Gillanders 1, lan Menzies 2, Jarman and Rudd 3, Military Horses (judge Colonel S. C. P. Nicholls) —Troop horse (7) — lan Menzies 1, Miss M. Douglas 2, A. R. Menzies 3; Artillery horse (8) J. T. Robinson 1 and 2.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXIII, Issue 6486, 29 November 1938, Page 2

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LITTLE RIVER SHOW Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXIII, Issue 6486, 29 November 1938, Page 2

LITTLE RIVER SHOW Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXIII, Issue 6486, 29 November 1938, Page 2