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Local and General.

Tentistry.—Mr Dodds, of Ashburton, will arrive in Akarov on Weduesday (tomorrow), and may be donauhed at Mr j. 8. Doddsi Akaroa, tip !o Saturday even, ing, Sept. 12th.

MutiffOus Fbelin'c..—The Fr.nch paper ««Petib Journal" states th it during military manoeuvres, in which the 92nd Infantry Regiment took part, bullets were fired several times at groups of officers.

The America Cup. — Wide American sympabhy is expressed with Sir T. Lipton, and a movement, is in progress to enable Reliance to partioipabe in bhe English regabbas nexb year and again meet Shamrock 111.

Physical Dbterio&at_on.— The Duke of Devonshire, as the result of Army reports, has appointed a Committee with Mr Almeric Fit2roy, clerk of the Privy Council, as chair mm, to inquire into the physical deieriora. tion of the lower classes of the population. Public Meeting —A public meeting of the ratepayers of the Akaroa and Wainui Road Board will be held in the Counoil Chambers, Duvauohelle's, at 12 30, on Saturday, September 12th, to consider the proposal to borrow £3000 from the Government for metalliug purposes.

Sale ok the Somerset Hotel —Mr R. Latter informs us that he has di. posed of t h< Somerset Hotel, I uvauchelle'«, to Mr H. Shadbolt for the sum of £2250.

Success of a Peninsula Horse-Mr J F. Buchn tifn's Pecret Society wo.i the Rhode.' Memorial Stakes ab the South Canterbury Jockoy Club's meeting.

The War Tcmmission.—The demand for copiebofihe E:gin War Commission's report exceeds tho demand for any report since bhat of the Parnell Commission was issued. The report itself has already been reprinted twice, and bhe c r py of the evidence

Trap Accident —Messrs T. K. Taylor & Co's carf, cirryinp orders bo the Head of the Bay, came to grief on the Duvauchelle's Hill, opposite tho Cem< tery, on Friday last. Ih. b.ckbaud broker _n. tho horse cleared bub luckily the .hafts stuck deep inbo the eaith on the soft ground, well off the metalled part of the road, stopping the hor-e and limiting the damage to the extent of a few lemonade bottles.

Another Servian Sensation.-Forty seven officers, including the late King Alexander's orderly, also a nephew of Todor vilch, late Servian Minister of the Interior, have been arrested at Nish for plotting to kill the regicides. The accused, with 700 officers belonging to various garrisons.aigned a peiition to King Peter, asking for a court martial, or the expulsion of the regicideß fjom the Army, otherwise the petibionerß would resign their commissions Accused are mostly ynung officers, and intended to kill bho regicides immediabely.

The America Cop. - Tho Reliance won the third race and retains the Cup. At the outset Shamrock had tho windward berth, and led for a short time, footing it fasti bub Reliance, onb poin-ing, pissed her. The wind soon blowing nine knots, Reliance strengthe.-.ed her position, her advantage to the outer mark being six minutes nioe seconds, deducting allowance, Mie soon led by two miles, and won by three. A denee fog o.vered the course toward- the clo>e of the race, preventing Shamrock finishing.

St. Peter's Church.—The Rev. W. W. Sedgwick conducted both morning and evening service on Sunday at Ht. Peter's Akaroa. In the evening, taking as his subject bhe healing of bhe deaf and dumb man, Mr Sedgwiok said thab ib was a pity that in these days more ears were not open to God, and that fewer tongues misused the divine gift of speech. The use of bad language was an all too common habit among young colonials, who were so accustomed to foul talking that bhey employed all manner of oaths quite unconsciously. Mr Sedgwick will give Holy Communion at 8 o'cl ck in the morning on Sunday next

The Kino in Vienna—Princesß Clemenbine of SaxeCoburg, mother of Frince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, had half an hour's interview with King Edward ab Vienna. Tho Vienna Torresoondenb of bhe " Times" reports ih«t a semi officially accredibed rurn-ur is current that King Edward ex pressed to Princess Clemenbine and Count Goluchowski his disapproval of Bulgaria's attitude in bhe Balkan's, adding that Britain's aims wero identic.l with those of Austria and Russia. The Emperor Francis Joseph cordially bar'o farewjll to King Edward at the railway station.

The Stdd.—As will be seen by our advertising columns, it has been debermined to travel the handsome draughb sballion Jock O'Hazeldean on the Peninmla thi» season. — The thoroughbred horse Lord l.ooh, a eon of the great Lochiel, was present at the Little River and Duvauchelle's sales last week and waa much admired.—lb hia been arranged to hold the Entire riorse Parade on October 2nd, tho next sala day ab Duvauohelle'..

at PmnoN Bay.— . pUin and fancy IrcsH b»ll will b- held tonight in Goodwiu nros ' Hall. Pigeon Bay. Pkninsula Mail Services.—'the Post Office authorities invite tenders elsewhere f >r Peninsula Mail Servides. Serious Ciiarg .— \pdre.w McLuckie of Napier, was committed for trial oa a charge >f atferh|.ting to murder his daughter ab Danntvi-ke on August 27. W* inui I airy Factory. — The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Wainui Dairy Factory is advertised for noon on Friday, September 25th, at the Factory. Akaroa and Wainui Road Board—The annual meeting of bhia Board will be held in the Council Chambers, Duvauchelle's, at noon, on Saturday, September 12th. H.M.S. Phcebb.— Tbe Phoebe arrived yesberday from Lyttelton. It is to be hoped the weather will be finer than during the stay of the Lizard. Returned to Akaroa,—H.M.S. Lizard returned to Akaroa last nighb, ib being the inbenbion to have big gun rriaoti'ce wibh the Phdibe:

Sale of Property.— The twenty nine acres in Grelnn Valley, advertised by Mr Latter, were sold by auction at the Duvau chelle'a sale on Friday, for £26 per acre, to Mr George Morgan, who ownß the adjoining property. Pbninsula.Horsb Show.—The catalogue of entries for thiß Show, which takes place during Ootober, appears elsewhere. A Com meeting will be held ab 2 p.m. on Saburday next, in the Counoil Chambers, Duvauchelle's.

Akaboa District High School*—This -ohool re-opened yesterday altera fortnights holiday. The attendance was good. The headmaster, Mr Nicholls, has been granted a month's leave of absebce: _bd his, place has beeh filled t.rtip .i-arily b£ Mr Jackson,. SobiAt a_,Gbb_iai. Bay—A social will be held to night in the German Bay schoolroom, in connection wibh 8b Peter's Churoh We hear that an excellent programme has been provided, ac well as lefreahments, whioh should be acceptable to those who come from any distance. The social commences at 7.30 p.m. sharp. Russia.—General Dragomireff sacrificed £30,000, resigning the Governor Generalship of Kieff. He declared bhab he waa ashamed and pained bo be constantly employing troops in massacring political malcontents and innocent civilians, Cattle for thh Peninsula. —On Sunday lasb an unu.ually large mob of cattle passed bhrough Timaru, travelling north, the line being 302 steers, bound for the Peninsula, having been sold by tho N4tio_al Mortgage and Agenoy Co., Christchurch, oii account of a southern client, to Mr William Birdling, of Port Levy. Removal oj* tub Town Hall.—lt had been arranged to move the Akaroa Town Hall, which was lately purchased by Mr S. E. Wolfrey., on to the adjoining seotion which he owns. The tract .on engine was to have come into Akaroa last night for the purpose ; but it was found that two jacks were quite sufficient for the work, and these were used in place of the engine of bhe crusher. Tub Adelaide Body Pnatchino.—Dr Ramsay Smith admitted the eighteen charges broughb againeb him of mutilating bodies which came into his possession as City Coroner. A letter from Dr Smith pleaded thab he had followed the praotioe reoognised and followed bhroughoub bhe civilised world. Whab he had done was for bhe advancemenb of science, bhe alleviabion of human suffering and bhe advancemenb of hie profession. La__ Cables—Russia requires bhab all beaching in the lyceums in Finl .nd shall be io the Ru sian language—M. Jaures urges Franoe to co.operate with Britain in pre venting a oonflict between Russia and Japan. —A German arrested at Oysber Bay poinbed a revolver ab Presdenb Roosevelt. A debective accompanying the President _ei_ed the revolver in the nick of time. A Pleasant .end Or/.—Mias Campbell, the mistress of the Duvauchelle's Government School, is leaving her charge, and Wis entertained in the Somerset Hobel Assembly Rooms, on Wednesday evening lasb. Mr Pebbigrew, chairman of the School Committee, on behalf of the residents, presented Miss Campbell with a silver tea a.rvice, as a token of o.teem and goodwill Bongs were contributed by Misses Wakelyn and Boyce, and Messrs R A. Pettigrew, D. Barwick, W. Shaw, N. Shiw, D. Milhr, Adamson, York and Blower. Miss Wakeliu and Mr E. Giddens (violin and piano) provided musio for the subsequent dance.

The Revolt in the Balkans.—ln a fi_»hn at Lak. Rapaha, near Kastorea, 400 Macedonians were killed and many injured. ThakalarofiT, the Macedonian leader escaped but 250 troops surrounded the remnant of his forca.—Twenty trains are preparing to carry Albanians to Adrianople. The A'iatio

roops there are us .less, being un .ccustomed

bo mounbaJLOua c unbries. Two battalions of Albanian Ilaveks are ab Salonika. Eighb een o her bittalians aro expeoted.—The in' surtjeubs have ismed a proclamation of a general insurreobion addressed to bheir brethren in Macedonia and Adrianople. The keynote of the proclamation fc onn-

tamed in bbc following sentence :—'• The dawn of hberby peeps over the Macedonian horizon. The hour of battle ebrikee."

BA.TDER AND SONS E.CALYPTI ExTIUor - to reports of a great nuinbar of physicians of bhe largest professional sbanilng, there are offered Eucalypti Extrvcs which pooeas no curat've qualities. In protection of the world-wide fame of Sander and Bons' preparation we publish a few absbraota from these raporbs, whioh bear fully oub bhab no reliance oan be plao id in obher produobs:—Dr. W. B. Bush, Oakland, Fla., wribes. Ib is sometimes diffioulb to obtain the genuine ar icle (S md .r and Sons'). I employed diffiereob obher preparabions but they bid no t,ha_ap3Ulio value and no affe.t.. In one ia j e the effests w;rs similar bo bhe ii camph.r-, lhe obje-biomble ailion of wbish is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Oregon, aaya ' since I became acquainted with this preparabion (Sunder and Sons) I use 10 obh.r form of o-_3 Vyptu. as I think b by far the o.s.' Dr, L. P. Prestou, Lynccburg, Va., writes; I' ' 1 never use any proparmion other bhau S-ui.rdud Soar, a . I havj found others lo be almo.t usclo--.

For InflueDZ- and Cold in bhe Head bake Woods' Gteut Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s 61.

An Esteemed Friend. -By bhe iubroduo bion of a comparatively new blend of famous Scotch whisky—"Auld Acquaintance"— the Criterion Hotel has become the chief rendezvous of the Peninsula for persona who Beck t*sty aud exbilirating beverages. MrG. B. Mackay has now a wide reputation for supplying the wants of the most fastidious and may be said to have filled a long felb want in acquiring bhe agenoy for bhe "Acid Acquainance" brand of whisky.

No Friend Like an Old Fbibnd—He will always help you in time oi need, lb is Lhe same with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It ia an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and, like obher old frie. dp, can be .ep> nded up n in bime of need. For sale by J. 8. Dodds, Chemisb, Akaroa,

EuoHRB ToURNAMBN_vTnn completion of the euchre tour, .imeq between tesms representing the Fire brigade, Football Club and Pirates, on Friday ntghb eb bhe Fire- Brhde station, and resulted in a win for bh&Mralea by-three gam 38. Towards the end \P p!ay w*fi moet interesting; and pxcitim? 7h = n play com mer.ced on Friday, the Pot ball Glib and Firates were even, with ie Fire Brigade four games behind. Th«wmniug team of eight intend paying off Usee which four bake the trophy, which is f the valu. of 365.

A.V.F.B.—A meeting of he Akaroa Fire Brigade was held on Wedncday evening ab the sbation, when bhere wi a poor attendance of members. An upprximate balanc _ theeb for bhe annual ball <as read, which showed a oredib balance f £3. lb was decided bo po-tpone the nxt fortnightly danoa for a week, on acoounof the Rom*n Cathollo Conversazione b iniheld on Thursday. It was rep irted tbat \_lKelly, cutter for Mr Penrose,' Tirnuru, has presented a m>*.al for competition amongst be members for one man drill, and the offerwas accepted with thanks Ib was resoWd to hold a compebition for 1, 2, 3 and 5 mOi on the Recreation Ground, on bhe King\Birthday, for which m.dals should be given ksuccessful competitors. The were left over for a fuller meeting, dent Ipgram reported he ha I hal offers bo present bo*ards the priJBB from different sympathisers in the town, )-d Mr Laurenson, representing Messrs and Glendining, had given 10s toward the sports. All accounts in connection w_h the ball were passed for payment, ami the meeting adjourned. ,' Ballantynm & Co.—fhosb cießirijg to be dressed ih, the most stylish and ccrrecb mariner .should Visib J Ballantyne ano Co. where all the correct clothes bft_e dajjmay be obtained. This firm always keepi thoroughly up to date, and yet oonbrives (J>*the same bime bo sbook drapery which will wear well and always look smart. Clothe) oan also be procured suitable for every oit of door sport, wibh hats of bhe proper stupes, sbyles and prices, Diffe.cnb sbyles of clibhes are required for business, counbry, and holiday wear respectively ; bub all these a;e to be found at J. Ballantyne & Co.'s, whore a spl.ndid choice is offered bo the public. Country customers can always make heir purchases by means of the catalogues which are sent free of charge to any would be customer. Letter orders receive immediate atJ. Ballanbyne & Co.'s.

FcR Bronchial Cough, bake Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, is fed and 2. 6d every, where. !

Teacher's Whisky.—A very old frrend of the residents of the Peninsula is shortly paying a visit wibh a view of giving .he people a treat by inducing some of the keepers bo purchase and vend some of the celebrated Teacher's Whiskey It is said thab for mellowness purity of flavour, and life giving properties, this well known bid spirit has established an unequalled reputation in the Home markets.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2804, 8 September 1903, Page 2

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Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2804, 8 September 1903, Page 2

Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2804, 8 September 1903, Page 2