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The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1900.

SALE Day.—The monthly stock sale at Dnvauchtllels takts place on Friday next. Farmers' Association. — A meeting of this Association will he held in the County Council Chambers on Friday neat at 10.30 ' Secondare Education.—The Sisters of Meicy annour.ce elsewhere their proposal to tfpen a High School for all denominations. Akaroa and Wainui Road Board.— tThis Bcatd told their utual monthly meeting on r-aturdav itxt, Maich 3rd Fkni>scia Kam Fair. — Sheep-breeders Are leniiuded that this Bam Fair takes place .on Friday at DuvaucruliVc, and that entries Close to-day with the hou. tec, Mr C. W. Xcete, at Akaroa. Errata.—ln the Repor,. of Wo.ks Com »Snittee at the Borough Council meeting fn Flic ay's issue, the word " b. uders" stopping water chani.el at corner of Beach road and Jolie street should be "building." 'J uh H.s. C^rcntT.—The s.s. Cygi<e>, winch ie to take the place of the Jane Douglus in TiaLks Peruaula trade has arrived At Lyttelton. She did not leave Sydney till Thursday, Feb. 15. LA7B Cablb—lhe Bouse of Commons, Iny 286 votes to 152, rtfused to re open the Jlameßon luid euquiry. -i he Ascension fee. "Vincent section of the Cape cable is jiow completed, thus establishing a third Jine between Great Britain and South Jr\.fric&> Akaroa Coukit Races.—Owners of t rot t ire horses are reminded that none of their Suites can sltrtat the forthcoming Akaror, County Races without being duly registered. Yolumjmi Corps.—Mr F. MtCullongh, Bon. Sic. pro tern., intimates to all those Amicus oi joining the picpored volunteer *oips, that they should at once hand their aiames to himelf or any other number of the rfjiromittte. Names of cr.mmitlee appear iD tbt nport elsewhere. "We all ovetoniethirg to four country, aiid the mounted rifleman, as le stepped aboard the transport bound for South Africa ■prithout having paid his income tax (of couise that wa.-u't a N.Z. boy. Well, w* all fflt we owed eomethiDg to the gallant tifh men who brought the besieged at Kirn in touch ence again with the outside wcjli'. Trade aid commeice will torn jMlow' though it will be many a !cr2 r'j.y tbtioie the peopla (f Kimbtrlty can mike Char money go «* far as any of our iesd« rs ff »y co by ettttdiig P.nm«'« tale.-/iVT

The Main Road F-\pekdituke.—Th statement of expetdnuie on main robd' asked for by Mr. Pettigrew, will be pub" libhtd next space not allowicg ita in eertion today. Ballantykk & Co.— r J his iiim notify that their sale huvn g coctluceu they uic prefating to meet Fashion's demaiids for the Autumn and Winter of 1900, and, in doing so, thaik their many clituiH lor the libemi support accorded to them during their late sale.

C. J. C—At the second day of the Summer Meeting Dundee won the Belfast Hurdles, Duudas the Linwood Welter, Screw Gun the Champion Plate, Ismeue the Rich mond Plate, Ben Farley the St. Albans Handicap, Fiiat Blood the Flying, Belligerent the celling Race and fctraithnairn the Poi-t Handicap. To the Deap.—A rich lady, cured of her Dealnei- and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Liums, has sent £1000 v his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Liums may have them fiee. Apply to Department CV., The Institute, •• Longcott," Guunersbuiy. Akaroa Boating Club.— Yruths' Single Scuns : Jbirst heat, Thursday, March I—H. 'Jhomas ecr, S. Magee lOstcs, E. Magee 25cfcC8 ; Second htat, Fnday—P. Blown 30--ecu, R. Woodill 25secs, C. Francis 35secs Irnm heat, Saturday —A. Biookes 30i<fC8, h. Nicholla 25;ecs, &. McFarlane 40atcs. Lnirits lor Senior Singles and Paresident's Cup close on Saturday, March 3, a', 7 30 p.m 'Ibe Rev. VV. B. Costley, of Stockbndge, (Jtt , while atlendiig to his pastoral duties at Elituwood, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says : "By chance i happened to get hold t.f a bottle of Chamber laiu's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think n was the means of saving my life. It ivjitved me ut once." For Bale by J. S. Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa. OOOD-BVE —An Mr Harrison is leaving Akaiuu ror a vuit to England, bis friends htre have resolved to say goott bje to him on Jhuisday next at the Bruce Hotel at 8 pin. Aii)oue witching to be present will kiiiuiy fcti.d word to Mr F. K. Hunt, the Hoii.Tieafeuitr. bib Worship the Mayor will preside, aud from the public spirit shown by Mi Hanison in tbe encouragement rf all tp. iv, from cricket to lawn ttinis, and the \aiUotle services he has rendered lire town at Chairman of the Fir ance dmmittee of the Borough Council, we predict a large gat lid ILg. LiaTLB River School,— A mettii gof the .Lniie iuvtr Dibtrici Sciiool Committee was i.eid oi Saturday 24th. Present—Messrs fctltou (chwrniau) Wright, Topp, Radford hi,. 'i bourns. ContbpoudtDie was read from the Board sta ng that the fourth year pupil eacbtr had panned, and would be requiitd to go to the Noimai School fir final ytai's tit-niDg, aid as the atierdatiCe had laden beiow tha LumLer required dura'g the pußl two quarters-, there would be m> vaclofi.i. Tie Bomd alto foi warded the Lumtsot tbcßi peihius nominated for teatß uu The Ccmmittte voted for Messis K*i uiK , Baker ».iv Buddo. A statement of ace unis with ng dto late excursion was forwarr, f h>wng a of £4 0..n. Ibis VtUB i-..i.M<uied »» very satis-


S.M. ( ocrt, Akaroa.—At this Court yesterday, btfore J. Armstiong, jun.. Es-q., J.P., a case of diunkeness was heard, the offender being find ss, and costs 7s. Eors-fs for the 1 rai-svaal.—Mr H. D. Buchanan notifies that horse* are requ>'red fer the Transvaal, and that he will be prepan d to purchase suitable anima s on behalf of tbe Oovtri-ment at Duuauchelle'a, on Friday. " About one month ago my child, which is tfteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. 1 gave it such remedies as are usually given iv Buch cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician, and it was under his care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days, and waß having about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unless it soon obtainid relief it would not live. Chamlerlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended, and I decided to tiy it. I soon noticed a change for the better ; by its continued use a complete cure was biought about, and it is now perfectly healthy.—C. L. Boggs, Stumptown, Gilmer Co., W. Va." For sale by J. S. Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa.

Grain's Bay—On Wednesday last a rather protiy weddiug was colebrated in the Bay by the Bevd. Knowlts in the local church, the happy couple being Mr T. Harris of Wellington and Miss Mary Harris, second daughtea of Mr J. Harris of Okain'e, The morning being beautiful, the Bridal party walked ;u pairs from the Bride's home to the chuicb, the effect being pretty in the extreme. The ceremony was conducted at 11 a.m., the Bride.s four little sisters, Sarah* Alice, Annie, and Caroline, acting as maids, while Mr Jos. Harris acted as beßt man. The Bride looked simply bewitching in her fall and rich wedding dress. The ceremony over, the guests marched home again where the customary breakfast was partaken of in right joyous style. Iv the evening Mr aud Mrs J. Harris gave a dance in the hall to which the majoity of the residents old and young, had been invited, and which was kept goii g with vigour until about 3 p.m. when alter a uights thorough enjoyment the party broke up. j Sander as\> Sons Eucalypti Extract.— I According lo reports of a gieat number of j physicians of the largest professional stand- ! ing, there are offered Eucalypti Extracts which possess no curative qualities. In protection of the world-wide fame of Sander and Sons' preparation we publish a few abstracts from thete reports, which bear fully out that no reliance can be placed in other toproducts:—DrW. B. Bußb, Oakland, Fla., writes. It is sometimes difficult to obtain the genuine article (Sander and Sons'). I employed different other preparations but they had no therapeutic value and no efleet:>. In one case tbe effects wers similar to the oil camphora, the objectionable action of which is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Oregon, says 'Since I became acquainted with this preparation (Sander and Sons) I use no other form of eucalyptus as I think it by far the oest.' Dr. L. P. Preston, Lyncnbuig, Va., writes '' ' I never ÜBeany preparation othor than Sander and Bona', as 1 huve Uixxvd otbeiß <t> bs turnout useless.

Akaroa County Racks.—As will be seen by report, there were no less than 78 nominations for the races on March 13th, the greatesb number yet received. Acceptances and general entries close on Tuesday ncx', March 6th. Mr. John Mathias. a well-known stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says : "After suffering tor over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me. 1 was advised to try Chnmberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stating that the ha f of one bottle cured me." For sale by J. S. Doddf>, Chemit-t, Akaroa.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XLIX, Issue 2448, 27 February 1900, Page 2

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The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1900. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XLIX, Issue 2448, 27 February 1900, Page 2

The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1900. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XLIX, Issue 2448, 27 February 1900, Page 2