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The meeting to instal the new Mayor was held, aa provided by statute, on Wednesday at noon. The retiring Mayor, Mr W. B. Tosswill, occupied the chair, and Crs Penlington (Mayor elect), Watkins, Potts, and Walton were also present. In addition to thes9, several burgesses were present, and seemed to take great interest in th 6 proceedings.

Cr Potte apologised for Cr Vangioni. unavoidable absence.

Mr Tosswill first read the returning officer's notice announcing the election of Cr Penlington. He said they were aware the meeting was held in accordance with the 77th clause of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1886, which provided that on the third Wednesday in December the new Mayor shall take his seat. It was, therefore hi - , duty to vacate the chair, but before doing so he Rhould like to say a very few wo*_a, One matter he wished to speak of was that the Government Insurance loan did not actually reach them till the 28th Nov., so that they had really been paying about four weeks interest on it before they got it. This waa about £7, which he thought certainly should be refunded. He saw the Kaiapoi Borough Council had made a claim in a similar case, and he also noticed that that body had only been charged £13 for their legal expenses for their £2000. whereas Akaroa had to pay £24 for £1500. These were matters for the consideration of the Council and the new Mayor. They were all aware that he had explained what he had done during his term of office at a public meeting recently held. He had nothing therefore to do but to thank the Council for the extreme courtesy they had always shown to him, and their submission to his rulings. It was not possible that in two years tbere should not hive been Borne difference of opinion, but proper decorum had been preserved at their meetings, and all had gone smoothly. He must warmly thank the Council for their support of tbe important measures he had brought forward. His idea was that the.mayor should take the initiative, and bring before the Council those matters which he thought important to the interest of the Borough. He thanked them for tbe generous support they had given to any measures of importance he had brought forward. Had it not been for that he should have been unable to see those works carried out which be thought so desirable for the Borough. He would now vacate the chair, and ask Mr Penlington to take it.

Mr Penlington then took his seat as Mayor, and moved a vote of thanks to Mr Tosswill for bis servioes to the Borough as mayor during the past two years. He had always shown the Council the greatest courtesy, and acted in the interest of the Borough. (Hear, hear,)

Mr S. Watkins. in seconding, said h« woull endorse most fully all that bad fallen from Mr Pt-nlington. He was not a very old member himself, but was the oldest next to Mr Penlington. Mr Tosswill had admirably conducted the business of the Borough, and shown that he not only knew what to do, but also how to do it.

Carried, with applause. Mr Tosswill thanked the Crs for their appreciation of bis services. He had been glad to do what be could in tbe interests of the Borough, and bethought it the duty of every man who had experience and some leisure to come forward and help in public matters when he could. He did not believe in men holding aloof and sneering at those who did the work. (Hear). If at any future time be felt he could be of service to the Borough be should be glad to place his services at their disposal, (applause.)

Tlie Mayor said tbat though they were in a good position still the late large expenditure necessitated economy being exercised. With care they would soon be able to consider what new works tbey should undertake for the benefit of the burgesses, but al present they mußt rest on their oars, They were perfectly sound financially and could soon be in as good a position as before these large works bad been undertaken. From bis knowledge of the Council he felt sure tbat during his year of office they would work cordially and agreeably together.

Cr Watkins said he was glad to see a practioal man like Cr Penlington at the head of affairs. Disastrous floods and large public works had caused great expenditure, but he had no doubt that With practical good sense they would poll through in a few years.

It bad been intended to hold a special and ordinary meeting of the Council, but there being no quorum present an adjournment was made till last night.

Ordinary Meeting. The ordinary meeting, as adjourned, was held last night. Present—His Worship the Mayor, and Crs Waltßn, Watkins, Black, Staples, and Brace. MINUTES. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE. Outward Correspondence was read and approved. On the motion of Cr Walton, seconded by Or Watkins, tbe ordinary meeting was suspended, to admit of the special meeting taking place for the adoption or otherwise of the by-law re bathing regulations. The Mayor read the by-law. Cr Walton proposed tbe adoption of the by-law, saying it had been amply discussed. He moved its adoption and that it should come in force on July Ist, 1889. Seconded by Cr Staples, and carried. Cr Walton moved that a special meeting of this Council be held at 7.30 p.m. on Jan, 17th, for the purpose of confirming the foregoing resolution, adopting the by-law appointing and prohibiting places for bathing in the sea within the borough limits. Seconded by Cr Watkins and carried. This concluded the business, and the ordinary meeting was resumed, Ordinary Meeting. Inward correspondence was read— Prom Messrs McCanneli and Douglas stating they had been informed part of Mrs Watkins' land at corner of Jolie Stre 6

had been made use of by Council, and they had no wish to make the Council purchase what they did not require. From A. R_ Munro notifying he was erecting house'in Lavaud Street opposite Madiera Hotel. From O. S. Watkins, auditor wharf accounts, saying aa he had to make an unusually exhaustive report of the accounts in connection with the wharves he could not get them ready by that meeting. From C. E. Curtiu, Lyttelton, saying he was prepared to remove old wharf if work were tendered for. It was decided to reply that the work would be shortly tendered for. Cr Staples moved that tenders be invited. The Mayor said bo must draw the Council's attention to the fact that they should have an overdraft of nearly £400 after that night. He explained at length the financial position aa regarded the reclamation loan. Or Walton said he was a member of the Finance Committee, but that committee had never been called together, and he and others knew nothing of the financial position of the Borough. It was agreed the Financial Committee should report at next meeting on the financial position of the borough it being understood that the matter of calling for tenders for the removal of the old wharf should be left over till the financial position was clearly ascertained. FINANCE. Receipts since last meeting. — Rates, 1888-89, 4£d ; conditional license, 10s ; total, 19s 4£d. Dr Bank £343 5s Bd. Accounts-—Clerk 1 month, £6 5s ; foreman, 2 weeks, £5 ; G. Raven, 4 and half days, £1 lis 6d ,- Mrs Ditely, £1 6s j Hewitt, reclamation, £150 ; E. Lelievre, cartage, £9 lis 3d ; U.S.S. Co., freight crane, £1 10a ; J. Earnshaw, dog collars, 16s ; W. Wilkins, commission on reclamation, £10 ; C. M. Henning, legal expenses, 15s ; total, £184 14s 9d. The accounts as read were passed for payment. THE BATHS. The Mayor oalled Council's attention to the baths ; the iron work had been injured by a raft banging against it. Cr Watkins said evidently Borne damage had been done by the gale. He thought one of the lower bars of the sea fence had been loosened. He moved that tbe engineer report on the damage, its cause, and the cost of repairing. Seconded by Cr Bruce and carried. GOVERNMENT interest. Cr Watkins eaid he wished to move in the direction of recovering four week's interest which had been paid to Government for money they had not had till the expiration of that time. He also called attention to the fact that the legal charges to the Kaiapoi Borough Council for borrowing £2000 had been reported by the newspapers to have incurred a less expense by £10 than had been charged them lor borrowing £1500. He moved that the Government be written to pointing out tbat this cheque did not reach the Council till tbe 28th of November, and that they are not prepared to pay interest till after tbat date. Cr Waiton seconded the resolution, and in doing so said it was ridiculous to suppose tbey should be expected to pay interest for tbe money before it had been placed to their credit.—Carried. I'HE crane. The Mayor reported the erection of the new crane, but eaid Borne more chain would be required, as it was not quite long enough at low water. Tbe platform was required also at once, and there was suitable planking in the yard. ,-_... Thia was deft to.'ihe Wharves Committee and Cr Staples Baid be thought tbat the man who put up the crane should pay tha Foreman's wages, as he had him there to assist. The Mayor also reported that one of the Union Co.'s boats had run into the whart, and knocked a brace off. Messrs Place and Wheeler had a piece of timber that would do. It was agreed tbe agent of the U.S.S. Co. be written to, informing bim that one of the Company's Bteamerß had carried away a brace, and the Council expected them to replace it. The Wharf Committee were instructed to secure the new brace requiied from Place & Wheeler. miscellaneous. His Worship was authorised to sign cheques in ploce of Mr Tosswill, and also to affix seal to new by-law, He waß also appointed a member of the Finance Committee. NUISANCE. Cr Walton called attention to the continuation of tbe nuisance in Selwyn street, congratulations. Cr Watkins congratulated Cr Penlington on bis elevation to the chair. His Worship suitably responded, and tha meeting adjourned.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 1297, 21 December 1888, Page 2

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AKAROA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 1297, 21 December 1888, Page 2

AKAROA BOROUGH COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 1297, 21 December 1888, Page 2