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BOWLING. Tiic team from Clyde representing the Dunstan Club in a chillenge to the Alexandra Club for the -Jolly Memorial Cup had a gloriou win last Friday, defeating the holders by the substantial majority of 30—13. Tho game was played on the Alexandra green on number 3 rink, which was playing well. The team which uphold tbe prestige of the Dunstan Club was made up as follows : —J. Holt, A. Maiden, J, Smart, W. Sutherland (s), and the cup was defended by the following local team : —W. Hewitt, John O'Kane, A. Campbell, J. Arnott (si. Practically from the start of the game Dunstan took the lead and kept it. and as the game progressed the score continued to mount up in its favour. Dunstan scored 0:1 14 Heads and Alexandra oa 7 heads. Dunstan twice in succession secured 1, and twice two '.')>.. These successes gave the scote n big lift for the ehallengeis. Dunstan de-served their win and on their play would have been veiv hard to beat. Everyone of their team appeared in his top form from the lead to the skip and were sending up good bowls. While the local team were outclassed on the day's play, the score is not a ti ue indication of tho difference in the plav of the two respective teams. The Alexandra boys put up many a fine shot which just failed by inches, at times the fraction of a inch to achieve the objective : luck seemed to be dead against them. The cup was duly presented to the winneis by Mr A. 11. Liwry, the president of the locil club, accompanied will) congratulatory remarks, to which Mr W, Sutherland replied. Three cheers were given for tho Dunstan team, the new bv the members of the Alexandra Club, many of whom weio on the bank witnessing the game.

Jouulai reference was made {ail in the beL.t 01 spirit) «t the g;imo for the Jolly M.'moiuil Cup, to the comments in this column last week in regard to first and second playeis in a rink mr.tch taking tbe bank and leaving the head in sole charge of the directing thirds. Tbe players in this particular match showed their good sense and endorsement of tho remaiks, by strict observance to this rule. It made a rental kablc difference for the spectators, the head being left clear, open to the view of everyone and giving tbe thirds every chance to c neentrate their attention without interruption, to the task oa hand. S3 let it be.

On Saturday first, the Alexandra club plays the third Centre match, this fixture is against Cromwell and is to be piaved on the local green. Two rounds of the Centre fixture have been played : Cromwell has 2 wins to its credit, having defeated Clyde and Roxburgh, the latter by the niuow mirgin of 2 ; Roxburgh has I win and I los«, Alexandra also 1 win and 1 loss, with Clyde 2 looses. Tne Alexandra Club must put its best foot forward on Satin day to get a win and thu, step up level with Cromwell in the contest for tho Shield. From this point of view this fixture is an important one, Cromwell has been for several seasons the strongest club in this Centre.

Speaking of the local green at the function on Saturday evening, Mr E. Harraway said that in its present condition the Alexandra bowling green \v;is equal to any green in tho Dominion A bowler who could not play good bowls on that green had no cause to blame the green. It was in excellent condition. Referring to tho function itself, Mr Harraway expressed himself to the writer as having enjoyed it very much. It was the best function of its kind he had attended, aud the presence of tbe ladies made i£ much better than tho smoke conceits u?udlv held on such occasions.

Mr Ernie Harraway, who presently holds the title of N.Z. Champion has been spending several days in Alexandra last week. Naturally the local green saw much of him and Alexandra players were pleased to have him on tho green. When requested to do so, he readily expressed his views in regard to the holding of the .ball and the importance of good delivery. He met the members of the club on Wednesday evening after play ceased and informed them that in conjunction with Mr Jock Best they were presenting a five guinea cup to the Otago Central Centre fpr competition by the representative champions from each club in the Centre, the winner would be known as the Otago Central champion of champions. Mr Harraway suggested that the matches for this cup should take place on the best playing green in the Centre. He had seen the greens at Clyde and Cromwell and there was no question but what the Alexandra green was at present the best of the three. No other consideration should be allowed to decide the playing green but the one of fixing on tho host.

In responding to the toast of tho Pioneer Bowlers at tho function in the pan I ion on Saturday evening, Mr A. M'Ljan, father of the Alexandra Club, intimated that it was the intention of tho Pioneers to presont to the club a set of Rink Feathers for rink competition. This was done with the intention of stimulating and iuiproviug rink play among tlioiuombeis, and tluis unable the club to give a better account of itself in official Centre matches. Tho announcement was greeted with hearty applause. The Alexandra Club will bo represented by at least one rink at tho matches in Duaedin on Tuesday aud Wednesday. 2Sth and 29th inst., Duuedin Centre v. Otago Central Centre. The rink is likely to be a strong one. The players who went from this Centre last year were well entertained by the Dunedin bowlers Aiexaadra was, however, not represented on that occasion. LA.WiV TENUIS. The Alexandra team travelled to Cromwell last Saturday to play their second match of the season with their Cromwell friends. Hope- that the local club illicit seeure a win on this occasion were not realised, Cromwell winning 15 sets U0 games Alexandra t sets 7ti games. The clairvoyant who predicted in tho Town Hall on a recent occasion that Alexandra would win this match, was very much out of it. Afternoon tea was provided by the home club and was much appreciated by the visitors. CttOQUEI. The play la-l Saturday Pioneers Day was devoted t.i arranged games with the Pioneers. The club Kerns still remain in the possession of Mrs E. Hewitt and Mi-> M'Ciuuis who have now withstood two challenges, defeating a challenge from Mrs Eirker and Miss Xobi.- last Monday evening. The lawns are keen and playing well. CRICKET. The final match of the Married v. Single series of the Alexandra Club was played last Saturday in windy weather ; each side had previously won one match. The result was a somewhat easy win by the married men. The junior eleven batted first and put up the respectable total of 112, to which Bruce Thomson contributed a lively 61. The seniors replied by knocking off the runs with the loss of only two wickets, Werner playing faultless cricket for 50 not out, and Kiug getting i:f not out. Scores ;

Single, Mr MKillop, b Brown 11 Mr T. Anderson, b Browu * ill- B, Thomson, b Werner ... 01 Mr A. Simooseu, b Brown ... 0 Mr Barton, bTohill 2 Mr Harris, b Tohill U Mr V. Ilolloway, b Werner ... * Mr Padgett, c Blown, b Werner 1 Mr Farquharson, c Werner, b Tohill 3 Mr C. Dougherty, urn out ... I Mr J. Dougherty, not out •"> Extras ',» Total 112 Married. Mr Stevens, b Siraonsen 1 Mr Werner, not out ... o0 Mr Tohill, c and b Simonsen ... 1 Mr King, not out 43 Extras 19 'Total for 2 wickets ... 114 RAGTiN'G. A general ni3eting of members of the Otago Central Trotting Club is called for Saturday first in Kivers Hall at 8 p.m. A full attendance of members is requested for the business to be dealt with is important. In view of the visit of tho Racing Commission to Alexandra in January, it is desirable for the well-wishers of the Otago Central Trotting Club to strengthen the bauds of the deputation which is to appear before the Commission on behalf of the O.C.T.C. This every member can do by sending in his sub scription to the secretary or treasurer right away and make himself a financial member before next month. -Naturally the Commission will want to know the number of financial members in tbe club. Last year there were 16;}, a very creditable number for the ifirst year. To improve on that this j'oar would be a weighty argument for the deputation. This club has a good claim for a totalisator permit if more are to bo' issuad. Members can strengthen this claim by sending alonj? their subs, without delay to Mr W, Winchester, secretary, or Mr A. Anderson, treasurer. A carefal estimate of probable income and expenditure shows that if the members subscriptions come in well, th,eu the financial success, of tiro meeting on Ist January is practically assured.

Nominations for the O.C.T.C. trot meeting on Ist January close with the secretary on Saturday first at 8 p.m. Owners competing please note.

The programme for the Vincent Jockey Club race meeting at Matakauni on January Bth and 10th now. in circulation promises two days of interesting sport. There are seven events each day. On the first day Saturday, the two main events are the Matakanui Handicap of £7O and a ettp presented by Mr Acton Adams, and the New Year Trot (harness) of £7O and cup presented by Mr 3, Clare. These events should draw good nominations. Other attractive events on the same day are Vincent Trot (saddle) £OS and Ophir Handicap. £6O. On the second day Monday, there are two trotting events of first class importance Maunherikia Trot (harness) £7O Poolburn Trot (saddle) £65, there is also on this day the V.J.C. Handicap of £6O and Lauder Handicap of £65. Nominations close at o p.m., on Wednesday, 29r.1i December, with the secretary, Mr (r. A. I'rancis of Lauder.

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Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 1263, 15 December 1920, Page 5

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LOCAL SPORTS. Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 1263, 15 December 1920, Page 5

LOCAL SPORTS. Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 1263, 15 December 1920, Page 5