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HEME'S BRONCHITIS CURE. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicint are amazed at its wonderful influencce Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Oough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects'a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been kno vn to exist where " Coughs " have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken a* the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. BEWARE OF COUGHS! REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS & PLEURISY. A Severe Case Cared by Two Bottles of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Alter other treatment had failed. Mr Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. BRONCHITIS & ASTHMA. ASTHMA. A Twelve Years' Case with Distressing Two Obstinate Cases Cured by Hearne's Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. After other treatment had failed. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—Please send by I l" , f iTi ,T VI! forward me a small bottle of your Bron- . , r, u «. i . much thankfulness 1 write to let vou know v-.. .., *- T post to C>pmanhurst a complete course ol fa rhj three fe tfl J f ehitis cure as soon as possible, as I cannot your valuable medicine, for obstinate Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I had pre- speak above a wmsper owmg to a cold 1 asthma. The last medicine you sent to me . A suffered terribly from Asthma f* \ bott ' e from you before for my little cared one man that had a fa and Qa ' . d tbi girl when she was months old. bhe for twelve yeais. Please nna post ornce „ , . , *j_i_„ u.,f m ifk„.,*. .;i t had been suffering from bro: , i j c i tt r .i , and. had advice, but without avail. 1 naa .• ~ , n . . ~ order enclosed tor payment.—Yours thank- ■ „„ . „ *„_*„;„!,* ~. „ .-„„ „;*un,* birth, and now she is three years um, mu fully, WILLIAM CANHAM, *; e ° f J or * „3t one nf ZIZ T haa n « jt a return of it since. It is a U P p y er Copmanhurst, via Grafton, HAW. ™™* ftjf I w?s noTabfe 7o s P lendid f for bronchitis or eolds of We came to New Zealand about three years au y 80rfc '- 1 remam .« y°™ *«&• , _ BRONCHITIS. ago from Tasmania. One of my uncles »f rs H. £ AMA £ E ' . there suffered with asthma for a number of . V lolet lown ' vwooria, A Camberwell Resident Expresses yeara till he took your cure absut 5 years Gratitude. ago) aud has never had the asthma since, A Seven Years' Case--1 begged of me to try it. 1 **"-nks ami gratitude to you, C_ the second bottle, my cough had ceased; but whit is more astonishing, the pains from pleurisy entirely left me, anl in about a week I was able to attend to my duties as usual. —Yours faithfully, J. BRAHAM, Melbourne *' Punch " Office, Melbourne. BRONCHITIS. Child's Life Saved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. After the Case had been " given up." Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—We have to tfc»all your bronchitis cure tbat we have one little boy spared to us, as we nearly lost him. After doctors had given him np we saw the advertisement for your Bronchitis Cure, and gave it a trial, with the result above mentioned. —Yours faithfully, (Mrs) E. GRANT, c/o Mr Harvey, Baker, Chiltern, Victoria. aUEEHSLAjrD TESTIMONY. From Brisbane Wholesale Chemists. We often hear your Bronchitis Care spoken well of. A gentleman told us today that he had given it to a child of his with moat remarkable result, the child being quite cured in three dose 3 are, faithfully yours. THUMASON, CHATER & CO., 69, Queen Street, Brisbane. A. Child Seven Months Old—A Sufferer from Birth. Cured by a Bottle of Hearne's Bronchiiis Cure. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Kindly come.—L remain, dear sir, yours very truly. GEO. S. CALDWELL, Camberwell, Victoria. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. Hearne's Bronchitis Cure the Most Effective Remedy. Mosgiel, New Zealnnd. BRONCHITIS. Gratitude. ago) aud has never had the asthma since, A Seven Years' CaseMrHearne. Dear Sir,—Your Bronchitis 1 knew this, but it had passed out of my wrpwnrrw ,Tmn Bm nn \ Nrn Onre has relieved my wife of a cough which mind until reading your advertiseaient in QAfiSt-LUKALING riLOOU ANU followed on an attack of influenza. While some Tasmanian papeis brought it to my MATTER. I acknowledge that all good comes from memory. I told my husband, and he got COMPI" FTFT V rnßwn only one source, ordinary gratitude bids your cure for me, which I have taken with unruoiaiii \j\jlxuu. me to offer my earnest thanks to yoa, completely satisfactory result,—Yours re- m-wh u .. v- v j through whom this particular blessing has spectfully, W. M'COMBE . <* Hearne -Uearbir.-lourmed come.ll remain, dear sir, yours very truly. Mosgiel, New Zealnnd. has cured me of bronchitis and asthma GEO. S. CALDWELL, fron. which I suffered for upwards of seven Camberwell, Victoria. years during which period I was scarcely BRONCHITIS. ever free from coughs, and frequently the mxTtntam ■DD/vMnTTTTTO difficulty of breathing was so distressing CHRONIC BRONC£LIIIo. a Sydney gentleman is so satisfied with that for nights in succession I had to sit up. ~~-~ i u Hearne's Bronchitis Care that he sends I write you this acknowledgement from a Hearne's Bronchitis Cure the Most a SU ppi y to London. sense of duty, as in my case every other Effective Remedy. treatment had failed. For a yea- previous Mr Hearne. Dear Sir, —I have used a Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —I am in I had been getting very much worse, and at number of bottles of your medicine for receipt of your favour of 27th insfc , in the time I obtained your mediciue I was bronchitis, which was a chronic complairt which you acknowledge my order for confined to bed, suffering from a most violent of mine, and I must say that of all the Bronchitis Cure to be sent to my parents cough, expectorating blood and matter, and medicinas I have taken (including those in London from your Liverpool Depot. I apparently beyond hope of recovery The from Drs.), none have proved so effectual am sure their annual bronchial attacks will first dose of the medicine gave me welcome as your Bronchitis Cure. I have recom- be greatly relieved if not cured or prevented, relief, and I steadily improved as 1 continued mended it to many others. Yours faith- by your valuable preparation. My own the treatment until I became, as lam now. fully, THOS. OLIVER, experience, and that in connection with I quite well.—Yours sincerely Proprietor of' The Lilydale Express,' my two-year-old sou, has been pre-eminently Balmain, Sydney. H. WALKER. Lilydale, Victoria, satisfactory, and I shall continue to highly " recommend id for both old and young, and SEVERE COUGH. \ offer you the use of this letter should you B RONCHITIS- __ deem it worth the using. Yours truly, Completely Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis F^ 81 *^, 1 ' > K d Wil 1 1^ ,fi ' L A very Obstinate Case. Cureafter other tr/atmenss had failed. Holmsdale, Bowral street Kensington, Sydney, M.SW. Cured through nerseverinsr in t.h fi tm a >.mon, SEVERE COUGH. Completely Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cureafter other treatments had failed. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Having used your Brouchitis Cure with very speedy and good results for severe cough, and cold BRONCHITIS. A very Obstinate Case. Cured through persevering in the treatment by Hearne's Bronchui* Cure. used your Bronchitis Cure with very speedy ACUTE BRONCHITIS, and good results for severe cough, and cold ' Mr W, G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—Having on the chest, lam sending you this testn Life Saved by fleaiue's Bronchitis Cure. bean a sufferer from Bronchitis for a number monial to makoanyuseofiiyou wish. I of years, and not being able to get relief have used many cough medicines and can Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir. I have f rom Doctors, I started takin* your Bronunhesitatineiy say that yours gave me the much pleasure instatingthat I have derived cmfc i s Cure about two years aao and have quickest relief, and 1 have not been troubled grt>at benefit from taking Hearne's Bron- been taking it on and off ever since lam with the cough 3ince. I have also given it chicis i ure. Can confidently say it has h appy to tell you that I now feel thoroughly to my little boy, aged two years, with saved my life. I wis a martyr to acute cured, and lean bear testimony to its worth equally good results, and now recommend broachitii before taking it. 1 trust this i aTn vours truly it to my friends. Wishing you every letter will induce others to try it.—Yours success.—l am yours truly, J. ERSKINK, truly, E F. BBOTHEKTON, \y. J. CLARKE, Kilbirnie, New Zealand. J 22?. Chapel street, Prahran, Victoria. Redband, via Avoca. Victoria. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s 6d. Large Size, 4s 6d. SOLD BY CHEMISTS & MEDICINE VENDORS, AND BY THE PROPRIETOR, W, ft. HEARIE, CHEMIST, GEELOIG, VlOTOfili. Forwarded by Pobt to any Address when net obtainable locally. Xfew Zealand Branch Office: No. 11 First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, Wellington.

The Celebrated -Cornish American Pianos and Organs. FACTORY TO HOME DIRECT AND SOLD ON ONE YEAR'S FREE TRIAL. Messrs Oobnish and 00. are the only firm of actual manufacturers of highgrade pianos and organs in the United States of America sel ng exclusively direct from the factory to the general public, at guaranteed wholesale price for a single instrument. It ia just as easy for the readers of this paper to sit down and order a piano or organ from America, as to order one from their music store the only difference being that they will save from 50 to 100 per cent. We have organs from £6, pianos from .£34, and we sell for cash or upon instalment plans, to suit the convenience of the purchaser. Our large and complete catalogue will be forwarded upon request. It is the finest description of pianos and organs issued by any firm in this country, and gives the actual factory value of every instrument it describes. With every catalogue is presented a complete set of Oornish Pianos and Organs in Miniature, giving an exact representation of our latest styles in actual colors and furnishings, enabling persons at any distance to tell just how the instrument looks. Thi& is the moat expensive advertising matter ever issued. We also send lists of purchasers in every part of the world and references from patrons who have bought from us during the last half century. Catalogue, Miniatures, tfcc., seini charges paid on request. CORNISH CO., WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. 0. S.* KSTABLISHED 50 YEARS.

WHY IS IT ? Simply that a Clearance must be made I »«j i^<»j 4 jtnj 4 ji"nu*"'wi , *'»u" , ««u ,,, >ii ,u <«i) ,, <u)"'ii>" , >«i , "»u'"'» SCOULLAR & CHI GREAT FURNITURE SALE. Did You ever see such startling prices? Dining Room Suites Tapestry Suites Sideboards Chippendale Cabinets .... Duchesse Chests "Washstands Iron Bedsteads Occasional Tables Chippendale Chairs Overmantles Linoleums irom Brussels Carpets from ... Axminster Carpets irom Telvet Pile Rugs from .... Curtain Poles eft 7 ft o A SPLENDID 910 0 OPPORTUNITY! 3 2 6 •7 10 0 DON>T 2 7 6 THROW 8 6 1 6 0 IT ® AWAY » 16 0 1 15 0 IT WILL 1/11 yard 5/3 yard PAY i 0 6/6 yard T0 see 5/6 each 1/6 each 1 *"OR yourself i AWAY! But Only AT THE SCOULLIR#CIISHOLI, (LIMITED). SALE! The First Sale in 41 years.

W. POULSON, BOOTMAKER, (Next Post Office). W.P. begs to notify that he has a Large and Varied Stock of Boots and Shoes of English, Colonial and American Manufacture. Boots and Shoes made to Measure on the Shortest Notice. Repairs "Neatly Executed. Leather Goods of Every Description kojt in Stoik. An Inspection is Invited.

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Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 504, 17 January 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 504, 17 January 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 504, 17 January 1906, Page 3