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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FORJ Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption ELAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY OHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALASIA. Those who have taken this medicins are amazed at its wonderful iniluencce. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Pun or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, sit effects a Complete Cure. It is mo3t comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or A-Jfhm.i to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumotion ha* never been knovn to exist where " doughs " have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken a- the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. Consump'ioaTOO ILL TO L IYK HIS BED. A c:OUPL-:rK CURE. Mr W. G, Hear >e— Dear Sir,—l am writing tii tell vou abont the wonderful ture v>u-- medicine has . ffected in my case. About three years ago I began to coug».. At first the congh was not severe, but it traduallv ff»* worse, and 1 became very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain fa my chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On •everal occasionß there was blood in the •xpectorated matter. I had beenjtreited by a doctor, who pronounced my case to be Consumption, and various other treatments fed been tried, bat without benefit. It wm at this Bt-»ge that I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a course •f the me Heine. When it arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and gradually improved. lam • ito say that the two lota of medicine sent have effected a complete cure, for .ch accept my very best thanks.—Yours itefuiiy, . /;, B i *r Westminster, Bridie-road, S.E., London. , Severe Cough-' A FIVE YEARS'CASK. ftW VED AT OVCR ffi COMPLETELY CORED BY BRONCHITIS CURE. Pear Sir,—l suffered from a severe cold ©n the chest with cough, for five years, and during that time got treatment from different anuria, but have derived no benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which ga*e me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it It is really a wonderful medicine; does Mode warre, Victor ia. A Child Seven Months OldA SHEERER. FROM BIRTH. CUBED BY \ BOTTLE OF HEAKNE'S B ONCfITTH CURE. Mr W. G, Hearne—Dear Sir,—Kmdlv forward m« a am ill bottle of your Bron ehit'B r-ure as soon as possible, as I cannot ■peak above a whisper, owing to a cold. 1 bed a from vou before sor mr litt'e girl when sh« wis seven months old. She bad been suffering from bronchitis from her birth, and now she ia three years old, and bea not hid a return of it since. It is a gnlendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of any Bort. I remain, yours truly, ' MRS H. RAMAGE. Violet Town, Victoria. Thr«»e Cases Compete 1 ? Cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis CureSEVERE OOL», WITH LOSS OF VOICE, B CURED BY HALF \ BOTTLE. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND. Llewellyn, Katunga, Vic. Mr Hearne— Dear Sir,—l am very much pleased with the effects of your Bronchitia Cure. Laat winter three of my children had very bad coughs, and one bottle cured the three of them. The housemaid also had such a severe cold that she entirely lost her voice, but half a bottle cured her. I always keep it in the hou?e now, and recommend it to anyone requiring a medicine of this kind. I now want you to aend at once four bottles to England to my mother, who is suffering greatly from bronchitis. The address is enclosed. Yours gratefully, JOHN S. MORTIMER. The relative in England, who is 80 yeara old, also cured by Heame's Bronchitis Cure. WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS. ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL. FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. 8. Watson-street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Mr W. G. Hearne, Geelong. Dear Sir, —Your letter and Bronchitis Cure to hand quite safe. lam sure you will be £.lad to kn<w that your Bronchitia Cure has quite cured m<*. I was very glad when it came, as I was suffering from a severe attack of Bronchitis at the time it arrived. I had Bent for my own loctor. but had not had one night's rea* for a week- I Btarted taking the Bronchitia Cure three timeß a day as directed, and was very muoh eased at once. At the end of a week I only took it twice a day, and then only every night for a we>ds, as I felt very much better, when, thanks to the Lork for adding His blessing, I was quite well, and walked into town and back without feeling any fatigue. 1 had not done that previously for 12 months (always went in the omnibus), as walking caused me such pain and diatreßß in the cheat. I always walk now and never feel it, and lam stronger than I have been for years. I thank my son for his great kindness in sending the medicine, and am, dear sir, Yours very truly M. MORTIMER. Extract from a letter since written by the same lady to her son, Mr John S. Mortimer, Llewellyn, Katunga, Victoria, HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY ILL. SPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR, SAID NOTHING MORE COULD RE DONE. CURED BY HEARSE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. The extract runs as follows :—" As f or myself, thank the Lord, lam feeling stronger than 1 hive for years. I hid an attack of hronchitis in November, but Heame's Bronchitis Cure was ag«n successful. I feel quite well, and walk into town feeling quite strong. • « *• I must ask you to s nd me six bottles more of the medicine, as! wish to have a supply in the house. I have trie Ito get it made up here, and let my chemist, have a bottle to see what he could do. He told me his week he can make nothing out of it, he never s»w invthing like it before, so there is only one thing for me to do. send for more. I have never kept in bed one day since T commenced to take it. I used to be iu bed a fortnight at a time always, and a ter that for moiths I was as w«ak ns I could poss ; b'y be, and was always taking cod liver oil, so you will see at once it ia quite worth while sending for it such a long distance. " -om"thimr mire I must tell you. Charlotte has been very ill since I wrote you. H«-r cough was so bad sh« never ha'l a night's rest, and was spit .iug up blood very much the doctor told her husband that there was nothing more he could do for her. So on the Sunday I sent her half a bott'e of the Bronchitis Ou'e. and to'd her to trv it, and if she did not use it, not to waste it, but send it back again. She had such confidence in her doctor that I thought she would not try it. On the Wednesday I sent over again and ! she was much better, the night'a rest was very good, and cou- hj and bleeding from the lungs better. She sent for another half bo'tle, and on the fol.'owiog Sunday sent over to say that she was quite cured and did not require any more medicine. So you see what great good it has done, and she wishes to have some of my next supply." 12 Years' Agony. DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING. DRY COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT. gj r jjy w jfe was for twelve years a sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, dry cough that could not be removed or even eased by any remedy, doctors' prescription, and patent medicines having been tried; but I am happy to say that the cough, pain in the chest, and difficulty of breathing, etc. were entirely removed by the fifth dose of your Bronchitis Cure.—l remain, Sir, yours most respectfully, WILLIAM CROKETT, Baker's Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, New South Wales. A Five Tears' Case. CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. Mr W G Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly send me one large bottle of your Bronceitis Cure. lam more than pleased with the results of your wonderful medicine, as a small bottle cured my little girl, who had been suffering for five years, and now I do not feel safe to be without it.—l remain, yours faithfully, AGNES F KENNEDY. Bethanga, Victoria. A Seven Years' CaseEXPECTOR \TING BLOOD AND MATTER. COMPLETELY CURED. Mr W G Hearne—Uear Sir, — lourmedi cine has cu-ed me of bronchitis and asthma from wh ch I suffered for upwards of «>even years, during which periorl [ was scarcely ever free from coughs/ and frequently tbe difficulty of breathing was so distressing fhat f >r nights in succession I had to sit up. I write you this acknowledgement from a sense of duty, as in my case every other treatment had failed. For a yea" previous I had been getting very much worse, and at the time I obtained your medicine I was confined to bnd, suffering from a m-st violent cough, expectorating blood and matter, and apparently beyond hope of recovery The first dose of themedicine gave me welcome relief, and I steadily improved as i continued the treatment until I became, as I am now, quite well —Yours sincerely Balmain, Sydney. H. WALKER. AsthmaPREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED A YEAR.S"'A«!E. CURED RY THREE BOTTLES. Mr Alpx J Anderson, of Oak Park, Charlesvilie, Queensland, writes:—"After suffering from Asthma for seventeen years, ■nd hvv'ng boen under a great many different treatments without benefit, I was induced to try Heame's * medicine for \sthma. After taking three bott'es of this nv dicine I quite got rid of the Asthma, and si-ce th«n, which was in the beginning of 1883 (15 yenrs igo), I have not had the sligh-st return of it. The medicine quite cured me, and I have much pleasure in recommending it." writing again on the 4th April, 1899, he states : —" lam keeping very well now. heve the slighest return of the Asthma."

—PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETATL BY THE PROPRIETOR,W. G. HEAME,Cheiuisl^ee^ lunuinunimunniinimttimttininmiiniuimn Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: Kempthorne, Prosser and Saarland <fe Co. Agent for District Wm. Murray, Chemist, Alexandra S

The Celebrated Cornish American Pianos and Organs. FACTORY TO HOME DIRECT AND SOLD ON ONE YEAR'S FREE TRIAL. Mp 8 «r S Cornish and Co. are the only firm of actual mm* Jure™ of highdirect from the factory to the g< • iine'e instrument. ... Tt is just as easy for the read or organ from America, as to difference bein*.that they will save from 50 to 100 m* cent r _ factory value of every instrume joahlinc persons at any aistance tu u D .. j«-« »- ■ —-_- —-- - U thprnost pxpensive adverting matter ever issued. We also sendl lists of II tne mosr. pxpeußi W orld and references from patrons who have K3TSL™ *7ZZX™'** •—* «**»■**"*»* *•■"« tharges paid on request. CIMIbECO..W MfcW JERSEY. U.S.A ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. THE Otago Central Foundry and Engineering Go (LIMITED.) GENERAL SMITHS, ENGINEERS AND BOILERMAKERS Dredge Bucket Fins, Bushes, Links, and Lips supplied promptly a„ uowest Bates. Special Reduction for Quantities. A Large Assortment of Engineer's Fittirgs; alfo Bolts end Rivets of al Sizes Bell's Asbestos Packing (all Sizes.) Vacuum Co.'s Etna Engine Oil and Marine Cylinder Oil kept in Stock. Eecairp to Bredeine and other Machinery executed by Competent Workmen. been made to Goods and Material wherever required. Quotations given for a "Reealar, Supply of any of the above Lines. 11, PCCGCK MsEßt,r

Husbands! Study your Wives' 'Ease BY PURCHASING ONE OF Sellers' Labour Saving Washing Machines. THE REASONS Why you should purchase one of *jjf *& SELLERS' Washers. \lhLj They wash Clothes perfectly clean. They work smooth and easy. They cannot tear the Clothes. They adjust themselves to the size of the wash, so you can wash one shirt as well as ten. The Kubher Wringers are so attached to the Washer as to allow the water to run back into the tub when wringing. They clnse tight and retain the heat in the water for a long time, and prevent the odour of foul steam rising from the clothes, which is so very injurious to health. They save their cost in clothes in one year. They save time, as you can wash as much in one hour as in three with other Washers. They save your wife's health and patience and take away the terrors of Wash-day. Washing can be got through in onequarter of the usual time. On our Machines you can wash LACE CUBTAINS AND NEEDLEWOKK without tearing, and much better than by hand. STRONG, ROBERT STRUI AGENT FOR ALEXANDRA.


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Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 388, 15 October 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 388, 15 October 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 388, 15 October 1903, Page 3