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HEARNE'S nee. THB FAMOUS BlafSlW FOR Coughs, Bronchitis, Asihrrs% and Consumption H* S THX LARGEST SALE OF AHY 0888% IaWIOSSaVIK AUSTRALASIA. Those who hare taken this medicine ere aesaaod at its wpadarfat iaffceeaaer. Snfeme frees any fern ,-«§. Bronchitis, Ooaga, Difiestty 0! Breathing, raeasaa, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experiencel deHghtfel and ioeatadiate reMeff eod to ttoi«Hw&a anjsabjeeMo Golds an the Chert iviilavtlnahte, mit effect* One. It is most comforting in eHayinr, irritation is and giving tteaastb to the voice, end it neither tflewt* Qeaffeer Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption te develop. Consumption has merer heea known to exist where « Ooaghff hwiMMWrepgly ebu medicine. No hoateaboald be without it, as, taken a* the beginning, a 4»s is gsnaraliy ant a eoßspleta eare is certain. A LAOT. IK LONDOH. A MARTYR TO - CoLtW AHD BROH CHIAL ASTHMA. Ctf&ED BY QMS? BOTTLE OF •HEARKPB BBO3iOrIXTIB.CURB.I . ■<Omnge,N.B.W. •Mr Hentne—- , of London, 'that - - W!j IsnwMlVnt auuaV finen*ao*h TTTTTrtf portion sTiHeleKsr ye* imeeeay and yea can cen< §seatiyrefeMntfbS^jt»»* •• I hirM. of »yeo» excellent remedy, and am* itto England.tea oea mo for yeareelf ejantt an immenae nacoam it wa*,—Years "Extract freer Isttsrnnadedto above: "Youwill be inUrnsted w'heermathat 1 think the Breochitie *ei% exeeUent, tad it hi* galas cared an. Or tad <mt if he cenld get a faH sßimsUtwkeieiae'lavgeweyber*. bat wili be espplkd privately when dmired. AGOWSISO COUGH. BINS MONTHS' TORTURE. th-i QKiBaTTT: wTwo Bottlbs. »I)e*f>elm, Victoria. •MJeer Sir»-I wlah to add my *"**a»»ny to the woaderfal efest af y«n* Braaehfti Core. I safer** for J wMfobligedteget an aad •»»»**««»•. * had lasdlsal' adriee, aad trM other •remedUs' wfthoat avail I tried remedy te aayeee lees aßfleted Yenrs faUkfuH* Wo, tits tmdamlgfted, have had occasion to aaemd HsaraaVßi* IAWIi Qara, aad woaartify that It was-perfectly and rapidly ■ * 1 which ua«Jay the Bar. JOB* SfNCLMB,' ajjgatraatj Oeelong, aad 69 ether loading A Few Extracts from Letters, them in from one to thro* doses.—A T, JICIsLINS, Cewie'sCreek; Tfetorie," " Your Bronchitlß Can ralloTod. my Ma wonderfully quick. X only, gare him four doses, and have aomo of the medicine yet; bat.-I' aai ceding, for aaether bottle in ease I •hoaIdia« J tIt.~D.M , DONALD,-T«ttkleyivia<^ra^i,K3^^ " Yoar Bronchitis Oaroia a wa«a?*il i Modleiae.-A. B; BIMMONB, N«. 7, Raaay * " ~ ,r----"My.«if«iaß2 yoart I am 79,-and'. I anuria* to. inform yon that yp»r Bronchitis doaa ua both a woaderfnl of aabathi GRATXTPBB AND AYPBBOfATIOW HjCKBKEDS CU.REB.SH T&llfc OWNCIRCLE, / ««The Scientific Aaetratiaa OSes, " l«f, Qaeaa at., atelboarao. "Dear Mr Hearne,—Th«railoat works ■ Kill <■ 1 LI —R.BABaßT,Bt»thCroek, tkßradtcrfVYkteria." "I hare tuad one bottloaf yonr Bteaahlah Carf wKh jwet toasflt, as eka.sarathar. inghaa completely left »0.-MBS JOIH BAIItLT. Olena»e«i*, Ylrterte." M l h%To fonnd yoar Btoaekltie Care a splendid medkiae—?oß3F MADDEN Bkiptan, Ylotorfa. ,, " I bars faiahed the Brenehitis Care-yon aaafc saAVa»«saaaad at wb*t i* *» deaaia the time. Tea dlfionlty of areathtof haa aB aaae> I. BASBIKGTOB, " W. •• My cold,' as it waavdkaspaasad- J, CBBJIB, BeHeiter, Yieteafa Ckamaera, Qeaea street,]^alboen|e, ,, " I lately adaunUtsied some of yoar brenohstls Care to a miae, witis aplendld gydaey, Hew Seath Wales." *• Year BraachitarCata, u naea! aebad aplaa«ie9y>N^ tf H, ftADFORB, Caakaseaa, Victoria," "Kindly forward another hettiraf year fciswap.gfanakitls Care wtthoat delay* as 1 find it tabaa awst *alaaWe-madJoJaev~Mf« J. ff*T»«nVYkterk^ eaaai afs«ft>teff at oa«.~e. BBFTBBj.Bonrka, Walee, " Bear madioiae far asthma ie worth aU a bett!e.~W. LBTTt, fiaywood, Vksterie*" «likeraJrle&letsaf awdieiaa,,bot sonra Is theteßt laver hatl. laAreooasmaadiaf t to «T«yfcod T —S. StEßXß,'Saafat spa* Kaw a^a^Waisa." «• I aafferad from Cheeals Asthma and Braaehitb fat whiah I obtaiaodaa, relief aatilltried yoar uadlcias, eat I can I aa*. aataahhed, at»/ present freedemr aa r. direct malt af my brief trial.—JOßK C. TRKj4WNa Y, Befara.Biver, rin InwreH,HAW." [. jiL L-nicsifHiiiiiiM. ";Flaasa send ma half adseeo el year TWs madjrine in the Baaea, Loraa, Victaria. "Year Bronchitis Care haa deas ran mnebHfoed. This mHka«we2eerie«Be,fereilihe medicine I preriouily tookaaade me worsen aav'Satieiad that oihe two fc«4ft!eß»f Bronehitia Care I g»t from yon hate palled ma tkaoaab HENRY WURLOB. Alma, aaarMarybanagh, Vfeteria.1 8 "The battle of Broaohitia eare X waaimagioal ia Its aSact.—CHARLES WYBROWißaochVPoMt,▼taDiwlia^rd t Y&tarfai ,, there is 'anybody. ia> lo«k who darias; the last few yaaraAaabaa«eafsae»iiywaihtta for and eiastag. the ? fs.«*es.»J- Smmso's Broaeliitia€Rra,itMaasMrPltiUlpa. three years ace was recommended ta try year Braaahltis Care by Mr Barham, aceoaataat, Collins atreet, aad the elect that it had- was so marked that, he» haa ever alaee, haaa, saaf tinaally recommending it to ethers. We are glad to add tiie oar testimony te the valae ef Hessae** mast , Talaabla Braa* ehitis Cera, whioh has aased>ri)i -of haadrede and haadrads a? feaftaaraaf, oar own oirsla of hoqasilatieeas. "BeHere as always ta be " Yoanr meet falthfa%, "PHILLIPS, ORMOBTDB A GO." QUEENSLAND TESTIM©KY. PROM BRXSBARB WHOL CKBMIBTB. ' »MrW.«. Hsaraa^ ms?m) oar ehen.neto oever safeaat at arder. "We often hear year Breaehtti*'«ara spokea .•: Ag9atlea)aai,told ae to*day that he had given it to a child af his wßb most reaiarkable resalt, the ahild eeiag cored by three doses. VWeare l fait|tfaU*yonrs, >'. . CURED XK TfiRBE BAYf. T» Barron e» ts« Oißawe Haws?«rah nr Yieroaia Bxrsn-us Qzaawsu ' Awaadunaa,' " W.G. Hearne.Baf—Paaf Bir,~~ me to express my gratefal appreela the Tftlne of year Bieasbitis Care. . never withaat the •medicine da the beam, aad at the fl.»th. iadieatieref a oeld it is *' X am, my d«ar Sir, years faithfaily, "R. Q.TIARIIIX, "BditorOeeloag Advertiser," " Upon looking, through, oar books, we are atrnek with the steady and the sales of 9^i-'BaaHh|aa^<Jara> n U> ELLIOTT Ltd., Qrag. gbta,Sydaey,Kj,W. * -HtBFABED OWiT J&D «>Bi* WEOtiaAIJ& RSTAIL jBY TKB PROFRIBTOE, W. &. MAlltlle (H^ ■v.»n^.','>»>:iH',<rvr.:i-.r^rafTaf^T.'n, Forwarded by Boot to any address whenxnot obtalnabiev^teeally. Agent for District Win. Murray, Ghanaist, Si

ALEXANDRA SOUTH. i3EQ2IECI A?» a«w «£»ring BP23CIAL YALUE in TAILOR MADE SUITS. A SpSeadid ftogt •£ New Samples jasi to feaad. Abe a *Lass»aad Varied Stock ©MIEN'S, YOUTHS', and 10X0 wmw* mum *Wsj&mß, PYJAMAS, SHIRTS, HATS, GAPS, TIES, A* . Z. CLOTHING f«m«W ALEXANDRA, —AGEKTS FO»Bieptes and liiple

The Celebrated Cornish Ameiwan '■ aM^ftrgaos. FAOTORY^OSOME DIRSOT AHD BGW,<Motttt*B>& PBZE TRIAL. M«*vn Osanra *x*Cte. a» toe only firm eToetoel majnfietwerrof ji!f>« f*»de pianM and or*w* in the Uaited Stores of Amerk* wjl%«elw«7 Sea from Aiitttory te puWie, »t gwonteed waelenle prfee fW ItttJTtf»*»«»rftjtthewki«( tUi~pepe*to«fcdow*«d»fte*|i«w difference beiag that tfcey f»wta" «Me WOrper cemt. faotalmeat ptau,-to tilt tfce ce*»Oeieeee at FW^»v^}W» d ftfrti*i»**de»eript^ ftctorr tihitflTOT initrwwrt it de«eribe*c Wife erery otteUjgu leprer iwted Aootfffletontof fieaoa o»d Oreei*m Mtoietore, w •xtct inwe&totto* of eurletert ■tylee to eetoel eotan mad tmbMag* Mftfelim pcmu •*e*rdktoKO to toll jott kev This iSiToxMrnriTO edrertitins mettor ever lined. Wo elte ion* toteof ItoeoeeiwlifSety pert •* ike worid owl refereaeei fro»-pottos*wfcfrhere Seajat from 04 doffef fee loot *e» coatory. CWeJojoe,JAmortwr, «V, wnf CQMISB CO^AfeWMiTOK;MWJERSEY U.&* ■OTAOXMHOO 60 TSAU.

- v-- the: • Stago Central F© and Engineering Gft. (LIMITED.) OXNBBAL SMITHS, ENGINEERS AH© BOILERMAKERS Drsdge Bucket Ffes,, Links, sad Lips supplied promptly ft. uowost Bates. Special Reduction for Qnantities. A Large Assortment of Esgfaeer't Eittiegi; alio Bolts sad Rivets of al Sisss BelMi Aibpttas Packing (all Bizet.) Tteiom Go.'s Etna Emm Oil sad Manm Ctlisx>ss Oil kept is Stock. JK«ualr» ■ totSxedtbf tad etJfj Vsctisuy escented ly fc * j»,tti>t Wwkaaea* Arrsßgesaems, bat* beta, wade to Goods snd MstMisl/wbtwvei jqoiied. Quotations gbi* to* * *«aala» Bepply of}ejjy of;t&e ai©T» Lieet. B. I'CCCCI Vtttitr

HEHBTSTME% AUCTIONEER £ VAMXA&OB, ALEIAMD3A MWXM, 8m various prepertifß for isle ia feNawiaf :<— Yew; CcxafortftMe esA Snbetftßti&llyrbull* chateei* f>slt> twes, &c. : ■!«»*—Card* V> Ccafert.fcla CCW&tQS*/ 4,r of £,*,. c '••■ Hundred*ef MMI wre net eater thißae»§eld; ; *M .GnttltaSi'liMMk' ■

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Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 349, 15 January 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 349, 15 January 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 349, 15 January 1903, Page 3