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habits, and customs of the natives, fully qualifies you for this duty; and I have every reliance in your zeal in aiding the military authorities with your suggestions and advice. Your duties for the present will be confined to the Northern portion of the Taranaki district, including the Waitara, Waiongana, and Mongoreka; and, if the Major-General directs that your services should be available in any other part of the district where military operations have to be carried out. You will be good enough to report all information which you convey to the military authorities, for the information of His Excellency the Governor, sending your reports - unless of a strictly confidential character - through the Native Office at Taranaki; in order that your proceedings may be recorded at this settlement, for the information and guidance of the local Officers of the Native Department; or of any officer who may have to take your place during your temporary absence to Auckland; as I am anxious - if the Major-general