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I find they know little or nothing of the real state of the land question nor are any of the boundaries known to them either north or south nor can I well discern what the several gentleman to whom this important matter was entrusted were employed at when they did not determine any of the boundaries the whole matter has now got to be gone into as if neither purchaser nor commissioner Protector or Interpreter had ever spoke a word on the subject that there will be many difficulties in the way before a satisfactory arrangement is made is very evident as in the 1st place the purchase was made from a young chief of Tuhua who had in reality nothing further than a nominal claim to land in the supposed block of land belonging to the N. Z. Company that young chief being set up above the real owners by Mr. Wakefield who first made the purchase and tho I do not reflect on any of the Gentleman (as none of us are entirely infallible) that have been concerned in the Wanganui Land question it must be clear to every observer that in all purchases the purchaser is supposed to know the quality and extent of his purchase without reference to fictionary or ideal boundaries nor can it be too fully impressed on all parties to have a clear definition of boundaries and an open unreserved conduct towards the natives an unremitted communication