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question will set aside many of their little differences and unite them in friendship towards the settlers who appear as solicitous for their good as they have always done and who deserve great credit for their patient forebearance and industry more especially the ladies of Wanganui who are all except Mrs. Taylor without female servants and do all the domestic duties that they never have been accustomed to with as much ease and coolness as if they had been brought up to such a life from their infancy amongst these I would more especially notice Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Wilson ladies who would be counted highly respectable and possessing every accomplishment and attainment of the very first members of society. Unfortunately their children for want of good schools will be far behind them in the disadvantages of want of society and education fitted for their stations. The land question that absorbs my undivided attention is going to the best of my observation satisfactorily the Natives are talking the matter over amongst themselves without any forcing or bribing on the part of Mr. Symonds or myself and the former gent though anxious is wisely refraining from frequent interviews and I hope to be enabled to give the Natives a full honorable and just idea of what they are about to do and it is with great surprise