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out of this, as I don't know what the Govt. wd. do without him. I suppose the House wd. give him a bonus for his services for wh. he cannot accept pay. I have no local news to give you. You have of course heard of Fitzherbert's easy victory for Supt. Everything here is going on as usual in the old style. My work is as hard as ever, or rather has been for I have just got rid of Public Works, Knowles being appointed. Still it is pretty close work and I seldom finish the contents of my despatch box before 1 A.M. I must now finish, as it is just dark and I shall not be able to get this on board Luna if I delay any longer. I remain, Faithfully yours, G. S. Cooper Please agree to my request for an Interpreter's certificate for Tucker of Poverty Bay. G.S.C.