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there is no question of personal extravagane involved. I have paid out of my income to the run instead of drawing upon it, and still I am not in debt more than a month's pay in Wellington. I have not time to explain all particulars, but Ormond has them and will tell you. He will also explain the offer I have made to Read, and I trust to your good offices with him to induce him to accept my offer, wh. is my only chance of keeping out of the Bankruptcy Court and so losing my office and 30 years' service. Featherston's family have sailed from Lyttelton, and he goes on in the Nebraska. Buller follows as Secretary - on leave for 18 months on half pay (£200) made up to £600 as Sec. to F. and passages paid both ways. Verily some people are lucky. He is to bring out his book on N. Z. Birds when in Engd. Sir G. B. sails tonight in Luna. I am told he has very long stories about the shipwreck, with wh. he will no doubt entertain you when you meet. Ormond in a private note talks of resigning the Agency. I hope you will manage to persuade him