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the eels from the lagoons and other places, that are not drained by the Europeans, - that is, from the large lakes or lagoons, where we have been in the habit of taking eels. 2nd. The second. The small spot is reserved where Te Kau and Hakeki are buried, on the sand-hills named Te Aki Aki, containing about twelve 12 acres; but nevertheless, it is agreed that all Europeans' cattle are to range over the said spot. 3rd. The third. The piece of land surveyed by Mr. Park, the surveyor, agreed upon by Mr. McLean and ourselves at Parewanui. The boundaries of the said land, commence at Upokotopia, thence to Mangaroa; thence to the Makari stream, till it empties itself into the water of Rangitikei. This land contains about One Thousand Six Hundred, 1600 acres. 4th. The Fourth. The cultivations within the European boundary on