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rain to Aralaoa-nui, about 9 at night. After some talk with a few of the Arapaoanui natives, we started on a tolerable road, but very barren country, to Tangoio; where we dined. There is a nice flat of maize round the village. Got to Waihuiganga in the afternoon; where Mr. Colenso had a large hui. One or two old Chiefs were baptised. I found Mr. Pelic here, and some of the Survey men. Rode on to Ahuriri; where there was a packet of letters waiting for me from England, Taranaki and Wellington. Heard on Monday from my brother Andy, who has lost £800 by his late ship-wreck. Spent the day quietly at Mr. Ankatell's. Park came over from Alexander's. I went up with Pelichet to a native meeting at Waihinganga; when the boundary of Moiengiengi was altered to Waikare. ''Rose'' arrived from Wellington. Several letters. The tribes collecting, to barter; and speak to me about the land, and surveying; which, from marriages, and other causes, they are not ready to undertake till Monday next.