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Sent £3 by Mr. Storm to Mr. Perry of Table Cape, for mats; and £1 to Mr. Ellis, storekeeper; also a letter to Mr. Harris, informing him that his son joined Mr. Park, principal surveyor, at 2/- per day. Engaged a discharged soldier for one month, from this date. Mr. Reed leaves, by way of Wairarapa, for Wellington; and returns again to Ahuriri for sketches he left behind. Went to spend the forenoon at Mr. Colenso's, and stopped there all day. Found him and Mr. Colenso as usual very kind and communicative on native matters. Vittiers applied for licence. Returned from Mr. Colenso's; having urged the natives there to hasten to the survey. They promise to go on Monday, whether their great wedding comes off or not. Told them the contents of Heu Heu's letters, in reference to the sale of land. Purchased a tent, £7.5/- from Mr. Colenso; also a horse, Kerr's, £6; and a bridle. Writing, and employed Pelichet in copying. Mr. Park surveying. Advised