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settling their boundaries for the most part before the surveys were undertaken. Let me not, however, be misunderstood to say that a prerogative of surveying Native Land should be granted to members of Mr. Neales staff, as it is evident that such a course would not only prove an insurmountable obstacle to the purchase of land from many natives holding possession of the most fertile lands in the province along with a most decided antipathy of anything even resembling an authority from the Government to supply his liberty of choice, it would not only give umbrage to the great hulk of our European population who are advocates of general commercial freedom; but it would also prove a severe blow, if not privation of subsistence to many holding a purchased professional license which in itself implies a necessity as well as a right to enter the lists of competition, though I must confess experience goes to prove that where there has been another competition which means to do it anyhow as long as it will pay, the work