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and no doubt often with greater satisfaction to the Native owners, as under the present system a surveyor sometimes employed by a single member of the persons interested in a block of land goes on to the ground and finds that a dispute has taken place about something probably a boundary line, and not perhaps is understanding what the clamor/ is about he remains quiet, a good deal of the time is thus often lost, and instances have occurred where the surveyor has been obliged to return without even commencing his work, which was left probably to be executed by the more astute successor, while on the other hand, the natives at the Court afterwards have been or pretended to be astonished at the charge demanded for loss of time. At the last Court in Kaipara a long list of cases was disposed of, and to many of those who attended the Court, it was a matter of surprise that most of the cases passed without any controversy taking place, caused by the natives at my suggestion two years previously, having taken the precaution to convene meetings for the specific purpose of