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in this, by you, without the concurrence of the Superintendent, whom you will remember, objected to one line of section being given to the natives, unless they would open Currie Street, through the Kawau Pa. Secondly, --- that none of us knew there was a selected section affected by the proposed arrangement. You know we all, --- the Superintendent, Henry and I went into this at your lodgings at J. Hoskins', in a room none of the lightest to observe the faded pink that distinguishes the sold from the unsold land, in the small Town map; and therefore I requested that the Committee would attach any blame in the matter to me, as it was my duty to have referred to the Town Register afterwards. But they seemed (the majority of them, perhaps all but their Chairman,) to be satisfied that the charges were a waste of time. The chief card in their castle had fallen to the ground, and there was almost precipitancy observable in dealing with the other cases. Some questions were asked (all by the Chairman) about a road near the Mission Station, which was