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sister, and to that extent must have more than a friendly interest in results) that he was establishing, --- First, that because the pa was not amongst Captain Fitz Roy's Reserves, the natives had no business there. (By the way, they overlooked the inevitable conclusion they must have come to, if their proposition had anything in it, --- that the natives would have every right to return to their old pa site in Brougham Street, from which they had removed at the request of the Company's Agent, --- for the present site.) Secondly, --- that you had enlarged the boundaries, and interfered with private lands. All you did under the latter charge occurred during my service under the Government; and from being well acquainted, from residence from the 1st, I was enabled easily to dispose of both, by acquainting the Committee of the circumstances under which the natives obtained their land on the North bank of the Huatohi; adding that the omission of the Reserve by in Captain Fitz Roy's grant, occurred from the Company's Office not having voted it, (Mr. Chilman being clerk) at the time; and I promised to the Committee a translation of the Grant, which in terms protects the natives in their pas, etc. Secondly, --- that the consequent impossibility of getting evidence of the actual land given by Mr. Wicksteed, prevented anyone knowing what had been the gradual encroachments of the natives during 10 years. To remedy this unsatisfactory state of affairs, you proposed a survey of the pa in 1852; which was done, and a plan of it signed by the Surveyor and myself, handed to the natives. That all I knew to have been done by you, in addition, was the recommending a ten feet road on the Eastern side, to enable the natives to enter their pa from that point; that I directed the surveyor to do this; and it is in the plan. Another equally frivolous charge was that Mr. Smart, (who had been urged to come before the Committee), had recently been dispossessed of a Town allotment at the Henui, by an arrangement proposed for increasing No. 14 Native Reserve; (on terms beneficial to ourselves as well as the natives.) My evidence in this was equally conclusive. First, --- nothing was done