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24 October 1874 Glenorchy My dear Donald Yours of 12th inst came to hand two days ago. Your former letter I answered in due course. We have had very severe weather here this spring. On Monday 12th, the same day as you write we had quite a tyfoon here. It blew down with me 8 large blue gum trees with tons of earth attached to there roots and a beautiful pine 20 feet high and 11 inches through, snapped of by the ground and blew fencing down. Also I was out at the time the trees came down trying to prop up some of them and the gust almost lifted me off my feet. I have been in a tyfoon blowing harder but not much. Very severe on stock and bad for sheep. Keeps the yoke from coming up. All together a very backward season, the worst I have experienced in Hawkes Bay. Strangs Grove has not suffered much. Now to busness. I am happy to send you all the information I can as to the tribe we sprung from as far as Catherine & I knows, for you are deserving of it as you made all your honours to yourself but I consider you are quite intitled to use the true and proper crest of your house which is here and the drawing of it can be transfaired to a proper coat of arms which you now ought to have. It is more than some of them can boast of that got knighthood without doing for there adobted country what you have done for it. Now to commence at the beginning of the branch of Ardgour family that formed the Boorera branch from which Neil Bane the first came to Tyree and held the lands of Tyree and Egge & Muck on some tenure and land in Uist held from Neil Bane MacDonald of Slate who from childhood had been reared in MacLean of Ardgour's house. I think that it was held in paying a tax of keeping so many men at his expence to fight the battles on McDonald's of Slade side who came respo[n]sible to the Crown and was Lord of the Manor. This branc of the Ardgour family Neil Bane took the name of Borrera a large track of land in Uist called by that name in the Ga[e]lic songs made to great grandfather and his barge all the tittles to lands he then held is beautifully expressed. I remember when poor Ronald McDonald, when steward with me in the Nepaul, of his bringing tears to my eyes singing these old songs made to great grandfather and his bride of Dunstaffnage, also to grandfather and the fair and beautiful Kate Campbell of Scamidal & C.... our grandmother. Ronald's father was head bargeman with great-grandfather and afterwards with... our grandfather. He came with the family from Uist. As to the extent of Kilmoluig I have not a correct idair but our fore fathers held the most of Tyree at one time. Grandfather held Kilmoluig and so did our father in the same way paying a small tax to the Crown which reverted to the Duck [Duke] of Argyle in our father's time. The Duck a[c]quired this right through intrigue. Our McLeans or family held Kilmoluig and lands in Tyree for 5 generations. You are Donald, son of John, John son of Archibald, Archibald son of Donald, Donald son of Charles, Charles son of Neil Bane the first that came to Tyree and of our branch, or Borrera branch, in direct line from Ardgour, the brave chieftain. Great grandfather Donald was married to Isobella Campbell, daughter of Dunstaffnage. Great grandfather married Catherine Campbell of Scamidel and Art... on March 7th 1774 Grandfather born 1740 Grandmother born 1756 Uncle Donald born 1775 Aunt Annabella born 1776 Uncle Charles born 1778 Aunt Bell born 1779 John our father born 1871 Aunt Mary born 1783 Our family from the register of the parish church of Tyree by Neil McPhail Session Clerk there. Mr John McLean tacksman of Kilmoluig and Mrs Margret McColl his wife had a son born 22nd & baptized the 23rd December 1816 by Mrs McLean's father the Red Mr McColl, Minister of Tyree & Coll, the two islands making 2nd best established living in Sco[t]land named Arch Jno McLean. Extracted from the parish register of Tyree this the 8th day of April 1847. Neil McPhail Session Clerk. Mr John McLean, tacksman of Kilmoluaig & Mrs Margrate McColl had a son born 9th Nov & baptized the 2nd December 1819, named Alexander. Neil McPail, Session Clerk. Mr John McLean, tacksman of Kilmoluaig & Mrs Margrat McColl, his wife had a son born 25th & baptized 28th 1820 named Donald. Neil McPail. Flora Ann was born 6th December 1823. Catherine was born 29th Octr 1824. John was born 24 Jany 1827. Annabella born 30th Augt 1832. C[h]arles and James I have not got as they were dead before the paper was got from the Session Clerk by our aunt Annabella and gave it to our aunt Mary, my wife's mother, therefore I got it from Kate. As to father's rank in the maliticia or fencibles I do not know but he was eigher leutenant or captn. Of course he was a leading man in all matters of law any equity on the island and looked up to above all others there in rank of blood & possessions till he lost Kilmoluaig through vile intrigue through the Duck's emesareys [emissaries?] Dr McClerrow & others. That is all the light I can show on the subject except some knowledge of some of the branches decended from great grandfather; that served their King & country with honour & distinction two numerous to mention here but I have it recorded for Douglas which you will see if you are spared to come here as I am looking forward to every day. I am sorry myself that this Governor is leaving us for I think he was a practical man and proper man to have. In speaking of the weather I say this day is a very boisterous one. We had frost this morning that got potatoes that was coming in flower to the ground and distroyed much fruit with the hail storms during all the day as large as peas and the ground covered white. I am glade dear Douglas is coming up soon. It will cheer me up the alphafa is doing very well. I took great pains with it. I was pleased with the report about the timber. It is a very usful thing to have. No more just now. Yours ever affectionately Archibald McLean
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Bibliographic details

8 pages written 24 Oct 1874 by an unknown author in Glenorchy to Sir Donald McLean, Inward family correspondence - Archibald John McLean (brother)

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 24 October 1874
Document MCLEAN-1024549
Document title 8 pages written 24 Oct 1874 by an unknown author in Glenorchy to Sir Donald McLean
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution MD
Author Unknown
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1874-10-24
Decade 1870s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin MD
Entityid 89
Format Full Text
Generictitle 8 pages written 24 Oct 1874 by an unknown author in Glenorchy to Sir Donald McLean
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Origin 188233/Glenorchy
Place 188233/Glenorchy
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 9 Inwards family letters
Sortorder 0006-0321
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcorpname 57187/Maraekakaho Station
Tapuhiitemcount 112
Tapuhiitemcount 2 1204
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Letters written from Maraekakaho, Warleigh, Doonside and Glenorchy about station matters and family news.Letter dated 24 Oct 1874 recounts the McLean family's lineage and gives dates of birth for family members
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 4811/McLean family
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0818
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 9 Inwards family letters
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 35583/Genealogy
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward family correspondence - Archibald John McLean (brother)
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 9 Inwards family letters
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0726-20
Teipb 1
Teiref MS-Papers-0032-0818-e89
Year 1874

8 pages written 24 Oct 1874 by an unknown author in Glenorchy to Sir Donald McLean Inward family correspondence - Archibald John McLean (brother)

8 pages written 24 Oct 1874 by an unknown author in Glenorchy to Sir Donald McLean Inward family correspondence - Archibald John McLean (brother)