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Fine. Tenders are out for supplying the Tiko and Kaitiriria with stores. A cutter arrived here yesterday with 108 poles for the telegraph. The pack-horses did not start to-day, as I could not get rations for the men. 10 pack-horses left for Kaitiriria with 1522 lbs. of stores. Fine. I rode into Tauranga to see Col. Mouls, about my men,s pay. Capt. J. Blair's contingent were getting their pay. Posted a letter to Mr. McLean, containing my dairy for July. I left Tauranga 6 p.m. and arrived at Maketu 8.30 p.m. Raining. Capt. Preece left for the Tiko. Fine. Capt. J. Mair and his contingent arrived here from Tauranga on the way to Kaitiriria. An orderly arrived from Taupo with a telegram for Capt. Mair. I hear that Te Kooti has been fighting again. Fine. Capt. J. Mair and his force left for Kaititiria. Col. Moule arrived from Tauranga on his way to the Teko to pay Capt. Preece's men. Fair. Pack-horses arrived from Kaitirira. The reason they did not come yesterday, on account of its being so wet inland. Raining hard all day. I had a meeting with my pack-men about their pay. I told them not to give in, and that I would telegraph to Mr. McLean about it. Fair. I sent two telegrams to Mr. McLean, one about my men's pay, and the other about the rations. I also wrote to Capt. J. Mair about it. Fine. A lot of my pack-saddles have been given to Mr. Blake, and I intend to speak to Mr. McLean about it. 11 pack-horses left for Kaitieiria with 1763 lbs. of stores. I had to get 45 lbs. biscuit and 6 lbs. sugar for my pack-men, to keep my transport going, out of one of the stores, as Col. Gordon was sent instructions that no one except the Native contingent are to get rations. Col. Moule arrived from the Teko. Fine. Col. Moule left for Tauranga. Wet. The telegraph wire was put across the Maketu river this afternoon. Fair. Raining and blowing hard. An orderly arrived from Kaitiriria with despatches for Tauranga. I got a letter from Capt. Mair, telling me that he had sent a telegram to Mr. McLean about my pack-men. I also got a letter from Col. Moule, to attend the sale of flour next Saturday 20th. inst. Fair. Raining. Fair. 10 a.m. An orderly arrived from Taupo with telegrams, two for me, and one for Col. Moule. which I gave to him the same evening. Fair. Col. Moule gave me a telegram to take back to Maketu. Raining. I left for Maketu. Fair. 9 pack-horses left for Kaitariria with 1200 lbs. of stores. Sent telegrams to Taupo for Mr. McLean. Fair. Col. Moule arrived here from Tauranga. Raining hard. Col. Moule held a Court to-day. Fair. Col. Moule left for Opotiki. Fair. Mr. Peacock left for Napier. Mr. Heal arrived here overland from Napier. Fair. Mr. Heal left for Tauranga and Auckland. Fair. Fair. Wet. My horses got no pay for the 27th. and 28th. as the horses were quite knocked up through the want of food. I hear that Mr. Maling has taken 5 Hau Hau prisoners, 3 men and 2 women. One of the men is named Tanirau. He is supposed to be the man that had Te Kooti at Opipi. Capt. Mair is at Haruiwi. The telegraph wire has reached 11 miles from Here. Fair. 9 pack-horses left for Kaitiriria with 1340 lbs stores. I hear that the telegraph party are to be struck off pay for the present, as they have no poles to go on with. Fair. I sent a letter to Mr. McLean. I left Maketu for Katitiriria at 10.30 p.m. and travelled all night. (This diary is unsigned).
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3 pages, Minister of Colonial Defence - East Coast hostilities

Additional information
Key Value
Document date
Document MCLEAN-1021978
Document title 3 pages
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author Unknown
Collection McLean Papers
Decade Unknown
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 25
Format Full Text
Generictitle 3 pages
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name Unknown
Origin Unknown
Place Unknown
Recipient Unknown
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 7 Official papers
Sortorder 0263-0075
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 47
Tapuhiitemcount 2 3737
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Includes correspondence between iwi advising each other of their planned intentions and strategies for dealing with warring iwi and from Lucy Grey regarding events in Taranaki
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemiwihapu 2080/Ngati Porou
Tapuhiitemname 132501/Grey, Eliza Lucy (Lady), 1823-1898
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemplace 65218/Whakatane
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0048
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Minister of Colonial Defence - East Coast hostilities
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-016
Teiref ms-1345-084
Year Unknown

3 pages Minister of Colonial Defence - East Coast hostilities

3 pages Minister of Colonial Defence - East Coast hostilities