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New Plymouth April 12th. 1851. Sir, I beg to forward the Police Report, for the fortnight ending this day:- Sunday Parade. A schooner off the town in the afternoon. A native from Puketapu came into town, and reported the "John Whiteley" on the rocks at Kawaroa. Three of the Police, and many settlers left immediately for that place, and were followed by the Beach Master and a boat's crew. Posted a letter to you, and feft for the wreck. On arrival, found the vessel a complete wreck, and the cargo, which had floated, saved by the natives, piled on the beach. Rawiri, Tahana, Katatori, Parata, and Hakopa made themselves conspicuous by their exertions to protect the scattered property, on a line of beach completely alive with natives from all parts of the district. By direction of the Resident Magistrate, who was there with the Sub-Collector of Customs, I left one of the Police in charge of the anchor, chain, and rigging, and returned to town. Te Tahana (an Assessor) volunteered to keep watch with the Police. Overland Mail left for Wellington. Hakopa fell off his horse, yesterday, and injured his arm. He is, for the present, unfit for town duty. Police on duty at Kawaroa. Mr. Barraball complained of Wiremu te Ahoaho taking a chain from his house this morning, as payment for cattle trespass. I went to te Ahoaho, who assigned a frivolous excuse, and returned the chain to the owner. Overland Mail from Auckland. The "Cresswell" had arrived from England. Received 1 letter and 2 Gazettes for you. Court Day. No case. Received 8 Summonses. Police still on duty at Kawaroa. The anchor, chain and rigging belonging to the "John Whiteley", having been brought to town in the Government boat, the police were withdrawn. General muster. Absent - Newsham. One of the town Police left for Omata, to serve a Summons in that district. Overland Mail from Wellington. The "Victory" had arrived there. Sunday Parade. A cask of tobacco, weighing 210 lbs. was, with the previous approval of the natives themselves, given to the Puketapus and other tribes, for their conduct in saving cargo from the wreck. The Resident Magistrate, in addition to the above, gave Tamihana and Tame Watene £1 each, for saving the children and Mrs. Liddell; and Tahana £1, for services rendered, likewise a blanket to Hakopa, for his brother, in place of one accidentally burnt, while keeping watch with Tahana. Overland Mail left for Auckland. Mr. Nairn complained to the Resident Magistrate of interruptions from Waiwakaiho natives, who had commenced cultivating the land on which he was living. Wiremu Piti complained to the Resident Magistrate that Mr. Smart was cultivating land outside the South East boundary of the Fitz Roy purchase, running through his farm. By direction of Resident Magistrate, I went to Waiwakaiho. Found the natives, with the exception of Honi Ropiha - determined on Mr. Nairn quitting the farm, on the ground that he was a squatter, and had never paid anything for the land. Mr. Nairn promised to leave at the end of next month. Mr. Carrington, surveyor, marked out the Fitz-Roy boundary, as laid down in the map, shewing that Mr. Smart was only ploughing his own land. Wiremu te Ahoaho disputed the survey, declaring the boundary, as marked out, an encroachment; and that he had formerly disputed this question with you. This I have already reported to you. The "Undine", 2 days from Nelson, with the Bishop of New Zealand. Honi Ropiha came to Barracks, and told me that Te Ahoaho and Wiremu Erangi had agreed to his suggestion to let the disputed land between the Fitz-Roy and native boundary remain uncultivated by both parties until your return. I reported the above to the Resident Magistrate. The "Undine" sailed for Auckland, with the Bishop of New Zealand. The "Isabella Hercus", 618 tons, Houston, 10 days from Wellington; passengers, Mr. and Mrs. de Mole and 2 servants, and goods, for this settlement. Hakopa resumed his duties. The "Isabella Hercus" having discharged, sailed for Penang. General muster. I was engaged the whole of the day with natives, in petty differences with Europeans. Te Tahana, and two of the Police, went to a clearing inland, belonging to James Oliver, to ascertain whether a native named Ruka had completed his work there. They considered the work tolerably well finished. Te Tahana returned, a cross-out saw, taken by Ruka, in consequence of J. Oliver not paying him the balance due on the work in question. The duties of the Police continue to be attended to as usual, and all here is quiet. I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient servant (Signed) H. Halse Sergt. A.P.F. To:- D. McLean Esq. J.P. Inspector of Police.
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Bibliographic details

5 pages written 12 Apr 1851 by Henry Halse in New Plymouth District to Sir Donald McLean, Papers relating to provincial affairs - Taranaki. Inspector of police

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 12 April 1851
Document MCLEAN-1018084
Document title 5 pages written 12 Apr 1851 by Henry Halse in New Plymouth District to Sir Donald McLean
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 42066/Halse, Henry, 1820-1888
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1851-04-12
Decade 1850s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 36
Format Full Text
Generictitle 5 pages written 12 Apr 1851 by Henry Halse in New Plymouth District to Sir Donald McLean
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 42066/Halse, Henry, 1820-1888
Origin 35923/New Plymouth District
Place 35923/New Plymouth District
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 7 Official papers
Sortorder 0171-0150
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 46
Tapuhiitemcount 2 3737
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription No Item Description
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0125
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Papers relating to provincial affairs - Taranaki. Inspector of police
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-033
Teiref ms-1314-099
Year 1851

5 pages written 12 Apr 1851 by Henry Halse in New Plymouth District to Sir Donald McLean Papers relating to provincial affairs - Taranaki. Inspector of police

5 pages written 12 Apr 1851 by Henry Halse in New Plymouth District to Sir Donald McLean Papers relating to provincial affairs - Taranaki. Inspector of police