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Wellington Jany. 14, 1863 My dear McLean I find that Kelham would prefer selling Akitio to investing further in land than what he must do to make the run safe. 4000 acres of 5/- bought at the outstation beyond the Bush would render the run quite secure. Before taking any steps in the matter, he is anxious to know, whether you are disposed to buy him out. If so, perhaps you will make him an offer. I enclose the return of Sheep and Cattle. There are 2900 to 3000 acres of Freehold - the improvements you know - I have an offer today for as many Wethers as I can deliver in Wellington at 13/- a head. I fancy some 700 or 800 might be mustered from K's run with advantage - and 1200 from my own. This is the price at which Cameron and others have been selling. I have promised an answer in a day or two. I was disappointed at not meeting you at Akitio - Harrison seems very zealous and active, and will turn out a first rate Manager. Owing to lambing in the middle of winter, his return is not so good, as could have been wished, but this year he will have the lambing in Sept. A change of rams is much needed. I presume I may congratulate Hawkes Bay upon having you as Superintendent. I heartily wish you success. But you will find it an anxious and thankless office. If you agree to go into the debt question I may probably have to meet you at Napier. Under any circumstances I must see you about Land Purchases, as there are many points on which I require to be enlightened. Yours faithfully I. E. Featherston
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Bibliographic details

4 pages written 14 Jan 1863 by Dr Isaac Earl Featherston in Wellington to Sir Donald McLean, Inward letters - I E Featherston

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 14 January 1863
Document MCLEAN-1018064
Document title 4 pages written 14 Jan 1863 by Dr Isaac Earl Featherston in Wellington to Sir Donald McLean
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 40107/Featherston, Isaac Earl (Dr), 1813-1876
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1863-01-14
Decade 1860s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 15
Format Full Text
Generictitle 4 pages written 14 Jan 1863 by Dr Isaac Earl Featherston in Wellington to Sir Donald McLean
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 40107/Featherston, Isaac Earl (Dr), 1813-1876
Origin 66393/Wellington
Place 66393/Wellington
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Sortorder 0609-0051
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 62
Tapuhiitemcount 2 14501
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription 62 letters written from Auckland, Wellington, Napier and London, 1859-1876.Includes several draft letters from McLean to Featherston
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 40107/Featherston, Isaac Earl (Dr), 1813-1876
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0266
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters - I E Featherston
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-051
Teipb 1
Teiref ms-1326-013
Year 1863

4 pages written 14 Jan 1863 by Dr Isaac Earl Featherston in Wellington to Sir Donald McLean Inward letters - I E Featherston

4 pages written 14 Jan 1863 by Dr Isaac Earl Featherston in Wellington to Sir Donald McLean Inward letters - I E Featherston