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Turanganui July 30th, 66 Dear Sir, You may perhaps be glad to learn my opinion as regards the somewhat sudden withdrawal of the C. Island Guard of which I see a good deal is made in the Courts. I do not see the slightest causes to apprehend a disturbance, but should any arise from unforseen circumstances, there are hardly adequate means of stopping it. The utmost good feeling exists between the resident natives and prisoners who however seem not altogether willing to accept Toenga's chieftainship but express their willingness to do anything Govt. may think fit to propose. The white population are in a very needless state of terror, and expressed their feelings a t a small meeting previous to my leaving. I would respectfully suggest that a few stand of arms might be supplied to be served out to them in case of need which I believe would meet all present reqirements. The whole affair ought to be self supporting within 12 mos. with the exception of an annual supply of clothing. Believe me to be Dear Sir, Very truly, yours, Arthur Tuke.
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Bibliographic details

3 pages written 30 Jul 1866 by Arthur Tuke in Turanganui, Inward letters - Arthur Tuke

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 30 July 1866
Document MCLEAN-1009245
Document title 3 pages written 30 Jul 1866 by Arthur Tuke in Turanganui
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 45436/Tuke, Arthur, 1831-1894
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1866-07-30
Decade 1860s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 3
Format Full Text
Generictitle 3 pages written 30 Jul 1866 by Arthur Tuke in Turanganui
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 45436/Tuke, Arthur, 1831-1894
Origin 464741/Turanganui
Place 464741/Turanganui
Recipient Unknown
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Sortorder 0426-0007
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 11
Tapuhiitemcount 2 14501
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Letters written from Chatham islands, Turanganui, Napier, Wairoa and Taranaki, 1866-1874. Includes piece-level inventory
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 45436/Tuke, Arthur, 1831-1894
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0608
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters - Arthur Tuke
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-094
Teiref ms-1331-198
Year 1866

3 pages written 30 Jul 1866 by Arthur Tuke in Turanganui Inward letters - Arthur Tuke

3 pages written 30 Jul 1866 by Arthur Tuke in Turanganui Inward letters - Arthur Tuke