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Napier June 2nd. 1876 My dear McLean, This morning I received your telegram saying you are back in Auckland but go to Wellington on Tuesday. The Australia will therefore reach Auckland before you leave so I send a few lines by her. There is not so very much news to send you this time, in Native matters things are working satisfactorily. The Natives are withdrawing more and more from the repudiation leaders and are now keenly suspicious of them. Locke went his trip through the Southern district and seems to have done good. He says he was well received everywhere and a wish expressed that he should visit them frequently. The only fault I find is that he hurried over his visit too quickly. This morning an invitation came to him from Pakowhai to attend the Meeting now being held there, that is the Meeting referred to in the Circular the Wairoa Natives wrote about. I have told Locke not to go as I gather the object in asking him was to shew the Natives who have left the Committee that the Government recognizes it - the real object of the Pakowhai Meeting is to raise funds to pay the expenses of Karaitiana and Co. at Wellington. Henry Russell is not able to go to England this mail and I suppose the wretch will not be able to go at all which is a pity. The Colonial Bank took up his account the other day but has since dropped him but I hear today that the National (Buchanan's Bank) has taken him up. His affairs must be in a desperate state as Bank after Bank has refused to have anything to do with him. From Vogel I have heard that he brought the question of a seat in the L.C. for Bell before Cabinet and that it was decided to refuse. I have at Vogel's request told Bell that personally there is no objection but that the Government has determined not to add to the Upper House. I think this a mistake but of course it is now settled. I see from your telegram that Cox has declined to second the addresss. I hope you may get Sir R. Douglas. I sounded W. Russell yesterday but found he does not intend to be at Wellington the first week of the Session. Yesterday I had a telegram from Ferris saying he would like now to accept the appointment of Interpreter here. I have not told him he can and should like to hear what you think. My opinion is that a new man would be useful especially if he had a good manner with the Natives which I think Ferris has. If Ferris is appointed he expects it/to be a permanent office and the question arises what about Josiah Hamlin. The latter has been working very well lately but he is too big for his work and would do better I think it will be a good plan to employ Ferris. Let me know by wire what you think as if Ferris is to come I shall want to have him here for a few days before I leave so as to give him an idea of what is required. By the ''Australia'' Locke is sending to the Chief Clerk of the Native Land Court a list of cases for hearing by a Court which I want held as soon as possible here and at Waipawa. There are a number of other applications in the office at Auckland which can be heard at the same time, chiefly successions etc. The present Court is wanted to save Canning - Russell and Sheehan are urging Henare Matua to turn him off. ''Atareta'' the principal owner of Canning's run (Paora Ropiha's wife) supports Canning defies Henare Matua and has applied to the Court for a subdivision of her interest. Sheehan threatens Canning with immediate expulsion - says that until Subdivision, that Henare Matua representin Atareta is only a ''Tenant in Common'' and/a majority can turn him off. You will see therefore that the Court is urgently wanted. I have asked Locke to enquire from Rogan when he can sit and will telegraph when I hear. I write about this matter so that you may know it is urgent and accordingly arrange so that the Court is gazetted at once. I shall write to Wellington after this. Yours always J.D. Ormond. corps of Natives has not been acted upon. A letter from Capn. Brown to the Colonel, was submitted to me this week. It was a requisition, asking for the supplies for the Irregular Corps - which he informed the Colonel were in my possession, upon which I made the following note. The Arms, Amunition and clothing, referred to by Capt. Brown I took charge of, by request of Mr. McLean, considerable discontent having been manifested by many of the Natives, whose names appear in the Margin of Capn. Browns letter.'' To this Colonel Gold replied verbaly, through Cap. Paul, ''that no discontent of the Natives had ever been intimated to him''. Finding Cap. Browns list of something over 20 men was made up with the names of old men, who not only have no intention, but are utterly incapable of performing the duties of an Irregular Corps, I suggested that the Natives forming the corps should sign an understanding as follows vix. ''We the undersigned Natives do hereby agree to form an Irregular Corps, to oppose Natives in arms against the authority of the Queen.'' ''We also further agree to subject ourselves to the orders of Cap Brown.'' This and many other questions which I have submitted, have been treated very indifferently, and some very uncourteously. One question had reference to lineing land of the Moturoa and Katere Natives for cattle, for Slaughtering, for the Troops. I had been verbaly requested to see the Natives on the subject, which having done, I submitted on paper the following questions:- 1. Am I to make a definite arrangement with the Natives in this matter? 2. Will the Natives be wanted to take charge of the Cattle? 3. How are the expenses to be met? In reply to this Cap Paul came to me and said I cannot answer those questions of yours on paper. To which I replied in all questions of money it would be better to be on paper. He replied in a very irritable tone ''if you dont choose to do it, some other person will.'' On cooling down he said if the Colonial Government will not pay the expenses the Imperial Government must. This of course was great satisfaction to me. I communicate this privately, not wishing to make things more unpleasant than at present, but I do not think its fair, for the civil part of the Service to be treated so very cavalierly. Many other questions which I will not trouble you have been treated the same. Should you not be returning soon, will you inform me how the Native Officers, Atkinson and Good are to be paid. There is also a sum of money to be paid to Te Teira ma, for a large quantity of Potatoes, which His Excellency the Governor instructed me to buy for the Troops, on their first arrival at Waitara, some 20 acres or more. I am glad to hear the Waikatos are not likely to trouble Auckland or at least those are our latest accounts. The late Murders I think will have considerable weight with them. I shall not be astonished to hear of a Hikaku party coming here, if the feud continuing very long under Tapihana. My dear Sir Yours very truly Robert Parris.
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5 pages written 2 Jun 1876 by Robert Reid Parris and John Davies Ormond in Napier City to Sir Donald McLean, Inward letters - J D Ormond

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 2 June 1876
Document MCLEAN-1003482
Document title 5 pages written 2 Jun 1876 by Robert Reid Parris and John Davies Ormond in Napier City to Sir Donald McLean
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 37438/Parris, Robert Reid, 1816?-1904
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1876-06-02
Decade 1870s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 50
Format Full Text
Generictitle 5 pages written 2 Jun 1876 by Robert Reid Parris and John Davies Ormond in Napier City to Sir Donald McLean
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 37438/Parris, Robert Reid, 1816?-1904
Origin 71187/Napier City
Place 71187/Napier City
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Sortorder 0006-0207
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 119
Tapuhiitemcount 2 14501
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription 112 letters written from Wairoa, Wellington, Napier, 1873-1876. Includes letter from D M Luckie to Ormond, Nov 1875; Ormond to Fox, Mar 1876; Carlyon to Ormond.
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 16423/Fox, William (Rt Hon Sir), 1812?-1893
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0486
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters - J D Ormond
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-077
Teiref ms-1352-199
Year 1876

5 pages written 2 Jun 1876 by Robert Reid Parris and John Davies Ormond in Napier City to Sir Donald McLean Inward letters - J D Ormond

5 pages written 2 Jun 1876 by Robert Reid Parris and John Davies Ormond in Napier City to Sir Donald McLean Inward letters - J D Ormond