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Copy Taranaki December 14th. 1845 My dear Sir, I received your favour of November 1st, with the Native Gazettes, on my return from the interior; where I have a long and interesting journey with Rev. Richard Taylor of Wanganui. Our route was from Wanganui to Taupo; and from some unfavorable reports et the latter place, of the Ngatipikiau tribe of Rotorua, - the most of whom are still heathens, - which induced us to pay them a visit; in order, if possible with Mr. Chapman's assistance, to allay and conciliate their excitement; and I have every reason to believe that though our journey may have been extended beyond the reasonable limits of my district, it has been tended with great usefulness; and though the majority of the natives in that part of the country have given up their warfaring intentions, there are still some restless young men who are apt to create distubances, if not checked and advised. Whilst at Mrs Chapman's, I was glad to have met with Mr. Smith, the young gentleman residing at Maketu; who informs me that the natives around him, are living in quietness, as you observe in your letter. From Rotorua, we came on to Rangitoto Te Paripari Taonui's place, and thence down the Mokau river; arranging all the matters amongst the natives, and making such enquiries amongst them, as led me to find out their general feelings, and advise them on every difficult subject that annoyed them. The journey being now terminated, and having returned to Taranaki, I will lose no time in furnishing you with a full Report of the Expedition; and as Mr. Whitely leaves here for Kawia shortly, there is just time left to advert to a few of the passing events at Taranaki. There have been one or two instances in which the natives have given some trouble, especially with Capt. King. His cattle having trespassed on some of their gropund, caused them to make more exhorbitant demands than I would have complied with, were I at home. They have, however, apologised to me, and seem sorry for their rashness. At present they are under fear of an attack from Waikato; having cursed Taonui, the Chief of Mokau; information of which had not reached him, when I was at his place. Waitara, the Chief owning the Hydras, tells me he is prepared to pay 80 more pigs, in fulfilment of his contract, but would like to know where and when the vessel may be delivered to him. He is very proud of the Governor's attention, and though I do not suppose he has the full number of pigs ready, he seems anxious to make good his promise; and when an opportunity presents itself I will write you again on this subject. I am exceedingly glad to hear of Mr. Henry's recovery, and hope he will continue improving. It would give me great pleasure to see him, after his long confinement; and I very much regret that I have not, ere this, applied for your sanction to see Capt. Fitz Roy and Dr. Sinclair before leaving the country; and wherever they go, my sincerest wish is to hear of their prosperity and happinss. We have heard of Capt. Grey's arrival, but nothing further; and of course, are under suspense, till I hear from you. In the meantime, will strive to preserve peace and regularity in my district. I remain with kindest regards to Mr. Henry and all the family at Mataharihari. Very truly yours (Signed) Donald McLean. To:- Geo. Clarke Esq.
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Bibliographic details

3 pages written 14 Dec 1845 by Sir Donald McLean in Taranaki Region to George Clarke, Inward letters - George Clarke

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 14 December 1845
Document MCLEAN-1003173
Document title 3 pages written 14 Dec 1845 by Sir Donald McLean in Taranaki Region to George Clarke
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1845-12-14
Decade 1840s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 23
Format Full Text
Generictitle 3 pages written 14 Dec 1845 by Sir Donald McLean in Taranaki Region to George Clarke
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 27804/Clarke, George, 1798-1875
Origin 66394/Taranaki Region
Place 66394/Taranaki Region
Recipient 27804/Clarke, George, 1798-1875
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Sortorder 0297-0074
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 29
Tapuhiitemcount 2 14501
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription 28 letters written from Auckland and Bay of Islands, 1844-1874. Piece-level inventory in folder (list excludes letters accessioned in 1969)
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 27804/Clarke, George, 1798-1875
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0215
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters - George Clarke
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-045
Teipb 1
Teiref ms-1307-159
Year 1845

3 pages written 14 Dec 1845 by Sir Donald McLean in Taranaki Region to George Clarke Inward letters - George Clarke

3 pages written 14 Dec 1845 by Sir Donald McLean in Taranaki Region to George Clarke Inward letters - George Clarke