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Turanganui Friday, Dec 68 Dear Captn. Tuke, Major Westrup desires me to forward you the accompanying despatch and private note received this morning from Napier per Sturt and he wishes you and Gascoigne to state to him the best reply to this despatch that suggests itself to you. I need hardly remind you that no time was lost after we received McDonalds note till I was on the road with the ammunition I may also say that 8 or 10 miles this side of Gascoignes Camp I met natives returning and they to my certain knowledge had ammunition in their pouches; so much for the ammunition; and as regards the food there certainly were provisions untouched to the weight of at least 1/4 ton at at Kahi's camp and all the natives I met on the road had provisions with them. This is all that I know about the affair. Remember me to Kahi and Mr. Swindley, and believe me Yours very faithfully, W.A. Tucker. Captn. Tuke Makaraka.
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2 pages written by an unknown author in Turanganui to Makaraka, Inward letters - Charles Westrup

Additional information
Key Value
Document date
Document MCLEAN-1001288
Document title 2 pages written by an unknown author in Turanganui to Makaraka
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author Unknown
Collection McLean Papers
Decade Unknown
Destination 360466/Makaraka
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 33
Format Full Text
Generictitle 2 pages written by an unknown author in Turanganui to Makaraka
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name Unknown
Origin 464741/Turanganui
Place 360466/Makaraka
Recipient Unknown
Relatedid 1015616
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Sortorder 0701-0103
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 33
Tapuhiitemcount 2 14501
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription 33 letters written from Poverty Bay, Hawke's Bay and Auckland, 1865-1871 & undated. Includes piece-level inventory for letters accessioned pre-1969
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 469678/Westrup, Charles, d 1903
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0630
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Inward letters - Charles Westrup
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 1 Inward letters (English)
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-096
Teiref ms-1302-151
Year Unknown

2 pages written by an unknown author in Turanganui to Makaraka Inward letters - Charles Westrup

2 pages written by an unknown author in Turanganui to Makaraka Inward letters - Charles Westrup