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(Sydney Illustrated News.) (Concluded.) Readers must pioturo to thomsolvos how jovial tho lieutenant booamo, and how jocosely ho arranged, to his own satisfaction, tho preparation for Sandy to kill or be killed, afc an early hour on tho following morning j how Sandy omptiod tumbler aftor tumbler of brandy and wator, in his norvousnoss, till ho found courago, nnd vapoured about tho apartmont with a pistol whioh Lioutonant Gorby had produced for his inspootion, moasurihg distancos, and taking imaginary deadly aims at cortain objects in tho room, to tho groat delight of that gallant officer, I just hint to tho roador, loaving his imagination to fill up tho pioturo as it best may. At last in tho midst of a frenzy of valour, at the onnofc of whioh ho had insisted on trying to gofc up a boxing match between himßolf and tho waitor, and reolod about tho room sparring wildly at tho air, Sandy was captured and takon to bod. Morning oamo, and ho was knocked up by tho chambor-maid, as sho thought, in ordor Ihat ho might depart by tho early train. When ho first opened his oyos tho fooling aa if his head had cloven in two soparato and distinct portions absorbed all othors j but at last, slowly but surely, tho misory of his position developed itsolf. Going to a duel— going to bo shot—ah ! why did ho not toll a magistrate yostorday— why was ho suoh an ass os to acoept tho ohallongo —ho that novor sinco boyhood had fired a pistol in his lifo P To his oxoitod imagination, tho room fcurnod round with him 5 duollists stood at oaoh of tho four oornors, with thoir deadly woapons pointed at his breast. Tho spots in tho papor turned into pistol bullets j tho rod pattorn of the carpet waa transformed into ghastly blooding wounds. Dressing himsolf by a series of efforts, whioh might havo boon mistaken for fcho contortions of an unsuccessful acrobat, ho descended the stairs, Whon ho got to his sitting-room, tho gallant lioutonant was already in waiting for him, with a punctuality whioh poor Sandy would willingly havo dispensed wifch. His thin logs woro crossed behind a ohair-baok, ho had v oigar in his hand, and was sipping a glass of bitter beer, as coolly as if ifc was a ball of a vory difforont kind to whioh ho was about to conduot our hero. On a sido tablo lay a oarpofc bag and a polished mahogany caso, upon whioh Sandy's oyo foil fcho momont ho ontorod tho room. Poor Sandy's tooth ohattorod ob ho shook hands with his second. Ho sat down to tho tablo without speaking a word. " Havo a oup of ooffoo j it'll steady your norvos," said the military gentleman, pouring oufc the bovorago montioned j "do you fool up to fcho mark, oh P" " Not— ox-ao-tly,"answorodtho unfortunate victim. " Ah !— -first affair, porhaps — nothing whon you're usod to it." " Is — ho— is my — is fche colonel a vory good shot P" asked Sandy, burning his throat with tho hot coffee, in his agitation, " Snuff a candlo at twenty naoes," responded tho oflloor, suoking away at his oigar. Sandy's countenance grew deadly palo, and tho oup in his hand, aB ho attempted to sot it down, olattored against tho sauoor liko a soloot solo on the oastanols, or tho "Bones" of tho Ethiopian sorenaders. " Oomo," oxolaimod tho military gontloman, pulling out hia watch 5 " quarter to six—cab's boon hero evor so long— must bo punotual, you know — bolt that ooffoo, and lot's bo off." Sandy gavo a groat sigh j shut his oyos tight, and gulped down tho ooffoo j thon, rising, ho induod himsolf with hia upper coat, shaking ail tho whilo liko tho feathers in a lady's bonnet, and followed his companion down tho stairs. But alas for tho valour of the oommoroial body of Australia I alas for tho groat fight that was nover to oomo off I just as thoy had boon shut up in tho cab that was to oonvoy thorn to tho battlo field throo sturdy polioomon rushod forward from somo ambush or othor, and scoured thoso men of war. Thoy wero carried off to a polioo station, to the groat and undisguised dolight of Sandy and tho immonso disgust of tho lieutenant. Looked up in a damp chill police station, thoy woro loft with nothing to do but poruso tho framod rulos hung upon tho walls, and rovol in thoir own meditations. Affcor they had beon in duranco somo limo another trio of polioomon!; arrived, escorting Colonel Banger and fcho gallant Captain Shutor. Tho oolonol'o rago upon seeing our hero was tremendous j ho rushed ab him like a savage, and had mado short work of him but for tho intcrforonoo of a gigantic oonstablo, who flung himsolf boforo him, and roooivod unmoved tho brunt of his attack. Being carried beforo a magistrate, tho foos woro ordered to find surotios for thoir peacefulness towards ovorybody in gonoral, and oaoh othor in particular, for tho noxt twolvo months. This tho throo fighting gcntlomon accomplished with groat readiness, but unfortunate Sandy, not possessing any friond in Sydnoy who would pledge himsolf for his poacefulnosß, was committed to prison. So, thanks to tho landlord of Sandy's hofcol, who had overheard tho inobriato blustorings of our horo on tho preceding nighfc, no valorous blood flowed on that eventful morning. Snndy wnn committed to prison, but ho did not remain long in confinement, for Mrs Higgins, with a woman's returning affection, sought him out and oventually found him in his coll. Everything that had takon placo was forgotton in tho now anxiety, hor unolo was appoalod to, and, aftor muoh grumbling and growling, consented to bocomo ono surety and found anothor in a neighbouring farmer j and so, aftor such a list of troubles, Mrs Martha Higgins oarricd hor husband from tho placo of his incarceration in triumph and toars, safo from tho pistols of duellists and tho toils of tho law ! So ondod Sandy Higgins' honeymoon trip to Manly. Ho had thought to kill two birds with ono stono, by doubling tho Christmas holidays and his wodding-timo togothor— and tho unfortunate follow oamo vory nigh boing killed himself.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2316, 19 August 1875, Page 4

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SANDY'S HONEYMOON TRIPHIS MISHAPS AND PERILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2316, 19 August 1875, Page 4

SANDY'S HONEYMOON TRIPHIS MISHAPS AND PERILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2316, 19 August 1875, Page 4