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. y . — (Sydnoy Illustrated News.) (Continued.") " Stout lady P yeasir j camo yesterday ? yossir ; socond floor— number sovon ; 'spcots hor 'usband to-day? yessir ; show you up, sir P yesair." " Expootod mo to-day !" ciicd Sandy in a rapture, as ho followed the valet up fcho wide stairs. " Hor husband— well I uovor !" oxolaimed a ladyliko-looking waitress, glancing with somothing liko contompfc at Mr Sandy's diminutive size ond nob romarkably ov:?tocratio appearance. The magnificent stiiroasc, attor a fow stops, took a graoef nl ourvo upwards from a landingplaco upon whioh wero busts, statues, pictures, and a povfeot away of flowoiing shrubs in iminonao trco<pots. Jmt aa our horo and his conductor wero making tho fcurn, Snndy heard a female voico, and a lady rushed down fcho staiva, and dashing paflfc tbo valcfc, precipi* \[~l horsolf, with a Cry of delight, into S.indy'e arms. Another moment, and she jumped away, with her avms extended in ah' and uiteiing fovoam after .soroam. Sandy waa fciansfixod with ivmozomont — ifc was nofc his wifo! Tho irJy fcuviiod purplo with oonfi'iion— ifc was not her husband ! Boforo Sandy could spepk, ho folfc an iron gwjp on tho buck of his neck, nnd, turning round, discerned a tu'l gonllonian with guy

mouliiuto i...., fci-iv rv.s shaking a thick Mii VimV i m i'sv.j f ':;;.M.i!v mi his right hnnf*, and cUiier.My el. ok "g y»uh rag*, The lan j, too, !>.!re;>v.-il tlu> m-w corner, and tf'ving v«i t to i> t.'hulai.^ .«l>r,. h. v which nil herfrraer • fTow* lml l>ee, loiantinr, the Juried Lor face :n her barn's. " A-a-b! 86<Iuop. ! aooundn.i! villain ! I'll hvre hii bl ori ! hi* b).>o<l !' g' uulcd thr man with the gray mousticho, g\ .rir.£ nt Bui,dy with his MorH'-'irfc r ycn, v. Uto small man shook in his grasp. Sandy nmdo a desperate efLrt— he twisted himself round and tiartod nmier bis opponent's aim. A fcrnmondnus sii'k, howrvrr, caught him ns ho mis licsrendhi; the flr*t step, nnd considerably arcc!er»t*d bis proscei»», for ho fi.?w ot o^'-o flown f );o retpflindpr of tbo staira, and lancierl upon tlu> mat at tbe J bottom. Bruiser? nrd sore, he did not wait ! tor a niomeufc, but, picked himself up and rushed headlong from the houso. He had gono a good distance aloug tho street before he recovored tho violent agitation into which such an untoward course of evonta had thrown him ; afc laafc ho pulled up. Reflecting that it wna moat probable that his wife was in Sydney, and that his recent mistakes did not provo anything except that three ladies afc least were Btout and fresh-coloured, and adorned thoir head gear with scarlet poppies, he looked out for an inn ; finding one of a more modest apperanca than the one from whioh ho had mado so precipitate an exit, he entered and ordered his dinner. After despatching that refection, he strolled down to tho Circular Quay, hoping to catch a glimpse of his truant partner. He was not there long, boforo ho discerned a female figure evidently making for him at a rapid pace. Nofc to be done this time, Sundy shaded his eyes from the aun, and gazed intently at the approaching figure. Oh, horror of horrors ! ifc was the lady on whoso account he had been kicked ! His first impulso was to fly, his second was to wait her approach and deliberately tell her to her foco what ho thought of her. But she rushed up to him, she caught hia arm, thero was distraction in hor looks, her voico was broken, "Sir, sir, my dear sir!" " Don't, my good woman ; don't, ma'am ; the peoplo aro looking us," oried tho distracted Sandy, endeavouring, bub in vain, to dislodge hor grasp of his arm, and looking round him in dread lest the groy moustaches of her husband should appear. " Save me, savo me from him ! " cried the lady as sho tightened hor hold. " From whom ?" asked our bewildered. " From my husband ; ho ia jealous of you, he hns threatened to kill mo, and you too j he is very determined ; oh, gave me ! " Hero was a pretty go. " What, can I do ? " asked poor Sandy ; 11 how can I lave you ? Kill me, will he ' I'll havo tho monster taken up immediately." "Protect mo till I can return to my fathor } I dare not s^ay hero ; my life is nofc safe witb. him one hour ! " cried the unhappy lady ; " oh, protect mo from him ! " "Como to my inn," said Sandy; "come quick, but don't bung upon me — there will bo a crowd horo directly." They had proceeded but a Htfclo way into tho town, and wero not far from Sandy's quarters, and the lady was hanging heavily on his arm, when whom should our hero see coming down tbe street, coming directly towards thorn, but — bis wife herself— and a MAN ! — a man on whose arm she waa leaning with evidont affection ! " Martha ? " shouted our hero, with a cry in which was blonded, lovo, jealousy, hatred, wonder and amazement ; and breaking from his lady companion ho rushed to his bride. " Awcy ! away ! " screamed that lady ; "faleo, false man! wretch, deceiver! Oh — oh — oh ! " and here in a tornado of sobs and screams eho buriod her head under tho folds of her companion's coat and fainted away. '/ Who — who— who aro you, air ! " asked Sandy, his faco as rod a* firo, and quivering with jealousy. " Her undo ! " was the answer in an in* dignant voico ; " aud if you como nearer I'll knook you down, you scoundrel, I will j you anoakmg dirty blackguard, you ! " " But I'vo looked for her everywhere, indeod I havo ; and I've been nearly mad — I did wrong — but I've followed her — " " Go away, or I'll knock you down, I Bay," roarod out tho burly former. Tho sledgo hammer-like fiat raieed with thoso words waa quito capable of performing tho feat. Moreover, a policeman at that moment stepped up and caught hold of Sandy's collar. " Move on," said tho man in blue to our hero, and to the crowd which had of courao collocted. 11 She is my wife," oried Sandy resisting. " Movo on," commanded the policeman, enforcing his order with a vigorous push. Indignation took bold of our hero's heart at this juncture Had he gone through so muc'u for this ? — auffored such troubles to be thus rewarded ? Yes, he would move on. She I was with her undo. Sho might go. Go to hor father; what dH ho caro ? why did be marry ? and so forth. And so, without another look at hia wife, Sandy marched off. Tho stranger lady had disappeared — that was a consolation anyhow. When ho arrived at hia inn thero was seated in tho sitting-room, whioh had been appropriated to him, a disagreeable-looking thinfaced gontloman, with immense mouat.icho and board, and another gentleman with around blotohy countenance, garnished also by a moustache, wlrch, however, was ragged, and nofc in a flourishing condition. Both rojo — disngrcpablo-looking man mado a gravo bow, and introduced himself and ounpanion as Captain Shuter and Lieutenant Gorby. " On behalf of Colonel Banger — you "know, you know," oxplaincd the man with tho beard. " No, I don't !" said Mr Biggins, more bewildered than ever. " Affair of honour— caught you with wife— I b'ivc— aw — I aw — have the honour to wait on you." Tho dreadful truth now burst upon our poor friond in all ii-a lulnoas of horror. It was a ohnllcnge — ho wai to fight a duel. lie had read of such off airs, but ho had imagined they only bolongcd now-adays to the Continent. Ho was too much horr.'Qed to epoik — bis knees sought each other's company, and knocked together j ho fe'.fc as if his hair wa* creeping about oil over bn head f ho bad a suffocating so:isa(ion in his threat. " Thought you reight nofc havo a friend here," said tho caplain — "aw! So tho lieutennnt will bj most happy to — aw !" " Most happy," interrupted the younger ofllcer, with en olabor. ! ,te smile. " You aro tco, too kind," gasped out 'andy, with a melancholy resignation. " That's well, aw — then," said tho captain, turning to tho, " six to-morrow — fields, Dogttup roai— aw— then I can go — good day !" and, with a still gravor bow than before, tho captain left tho apsntuient, Uav-

Hti; ll;o COtUti.LU'i'it I;;"" ;>>; t \\-r 11, l'.:i.fc together. 'To b*> contiMMi ;!.)

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2315, 18 August 1875, Page 3

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SANDY'S HONEYMOON TRIP— HIS MISHAPS AND PERILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2315, 18 August 1875, Page 3

SANDY'S HONEYMOON TRIP— HIS MISHAPS AND PERILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2315, 18 August 1875, Page 3