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We understand that, contrary to general * iflcpectaition, the Rev. P. B. Fraser has decided not to be a candidate fcr re-elLctiou to iho Education Board.

Our "Wellington correspondent telegraph* : "Notice has been gh-eu of the intention to grant Sir James Hector a pension of £533 be 8d per annum."

The Government has reappointed Mr "William. Dallas a member of the Otago Land Board to: a further term of two years.

"We learn that a unanimous and heart;/ inritation has been extended to tie Eev, J. Urwin Spence, ex-xnodorator of the Synod of Otago and Southland, to undertake ministerial work in an important district in the North Island of 2few Zealand. Mr Spence has been engaged vi the Christian ministry in this province for over 30 years, first at Clinton, and more recently st Chalmers Church, Dunedin. He is one ci those clergymen that Otago can ill afford to lose, and his departure from Dunedin will be regretted by all sections of the Christian community. The appointment of Mr Henry Graham, .T.P., Arrowtown, as a coroner within tho colony of New Zealand is contained in tho last number of the- Gazette.

At Gore on Saturday Mr Bfattic, who is TeAiriua; from business as a draper, was presented by his staff with a handsome pair of (binoculars. At tne came time Air *ung, who is severing his connection with lac staff, was presented with a handsome table lampMr and Mrs Richard Wilson, of Tuturau, BoufchUvnd, we?e on Friday evening tendered a farewell social on tli* occasion of ■their leaving the district. During the evening Mr Wilson was presented with a handsome Gladstone bag and travelling rug, and .Mrs Wilson with a travelling rug. Mr J. A. Raynes, who has be&n etationcd ms constable in charge of the Balchitha •police station for the past three years (says tfie Clutha Leader) ha 3 Sent in lus resignation" asking to bo relieved on July 18. He has bsen stationed in Wellington, Dunedin, and Invercargill, and leaves for Auckland shortly, where he is going into biuine-is. A social was held at Gore on Friday night i>y the members of the Mataura Mounted Rifles to bid farewell to Lieutenant <t. PnHarton, who is about to leave tho district to pursue his scholastic duties in Dunedin, and at the same time to present him with a handsome leather dressing case as an expression of the goodwill felt towards him.

Mr Richard Greer and Mr George Rogers. of Kivorton, were entertained at a dinner in the Carriers' Arms Hotel, Kiverton, by their fellow employees on the occasion of their leaving the railway service as platelayers under the euppraimuatiou Echeine, after beiug 24 years in the cervico. At the same time they w-ere presented with many useful and \aluable picienls by thcr fellow employees. The school cluldron of Olama (Southland) presented Mr J. G. Fullarton with v pocket •book and greenstone sioevo links on the la't day of hit* teaching scl.col the re. They ■were then dismibsed to enjoy a week's holiday.

Mr Adam Scatt. chief c'.rrk at tho railway station, Moegic-1, lias been transferred to Duucdin.

.Last week' a social was tendered to Mi *s Anderson, who has been teacher of tho echool on Clark's Flat, near Lawrence, for th& past 15 months, and is about to tako up a similar position at Kuri Bush. She was presented by the people of tho district with a kandbome opal brooch, mounted with gold.

Mr Percy Coward, a member of the Westminister Abbey Glee and Concert Party, who were here about two months ago. bar! to have the middle finger of big lc-ft hand amputated at Adelaide because of bloodpoisoning. Tho operation was found iiopo«eary in order to. save thp arm, but ther" was some doubt as to whether it would be effective

Mr and Mrs R. Mac Donald were recently entertained at Miller's Flat at a social, at which .Mr Mac Donald was presented wi*h a gold albert and pendant and a purse of sovereigns, as well as with a beautiful travelling rug. Mr Mac Donald, who has been manager of the Ormaglado Station for the past 14 yours, lea\es the district for Mornington. whore he intends to reside in the meantime.

The Arrowtown Lake County Prcw says • Mr J. A. Algie, of tbia town, who ha« rctc-d -in the capacity of lay reader of St Paul's .Church during his residence m Arrowtowp, has received from Bibhop Ncvill a eolid silver matchbox as a. Fmall token of the appreciation of his spnieps n=s lay rfwirW Mr Algie ha = aLo rrtpned a letter from the 35:Vhop wif'iiiit{ luin c\c-y svec-ess in Imi futnrp "-ulhmp of labour.

Sorp;pam Filming, who Ins hern in i liarsfp of the Gore police fch-tuct s-uc? 1831, '- 5 tinder orders to proceed to Qurcn. town, and leaves on Wndne-day n^xt. He will bo Fuc-focdetl by S.rgeam M'Kcnzie, of Quo-eus-tov-'.i.

At Lavrc-ijc" ]a-t wpok a uie-cntation i.f n siUcr-mounted va,lkin«r-stick was made liy tln» nn nibei-s f.f th" Fiie l-Snrax'" to Fnemau P rli who v. lra-»i:sr the drstii.t. On tl'c followi'ig W< dne'-c'ay Mr .T. Keen, a inamliT of the Lawrcuco TTh? hhh 11!,1 1!,1 > ! , v .-.« jmfieitod by tho members of thp ban with a irold lrckc-t He va. a'-o pit cm, l üby li'« fellow-boarders m'h a «rii:n?tj o

The cirne of Ar hu.- Fic'i '* TVnt i a contained in the la-.l i-. u--> of t 'if fl.-?, "c as clerk: of tho Magistrate's a.'d V.'crdui's

Courts and receiver of gold revenue aud mining r^gi«fcra. - a: J&iverton ao-d (Jrepiiki ; also as c!erk of tiie Lioe.usiag Committee for the disiriyt of Wallace wee A. G. A&liby, traasferrod. Dr M'Carthy, tho Australian rainmaker, is said by the T&muka. Leader to b© v,--ell known in New Zealand, where ho resided for a number of years. Among the Residents of Temuka are several who were on liihmate terms of acquaintanooslnp with the doctor, who was always looked upon as a man of groat ideas. He left the colony for Australia about oight yt-ars ago. Master Percy Spurdle, a pupil of the Wanganui District High School, won the gold medal and £4- 4-s offered by Mr P. C. Freeth. proprietor of the Manawatu Times, for tho btet eesay on New Zcaiand. Th ft competition was open to the pupils of all district high fchcols of the districts in which the Times circulates and Mr T. W. Eowe, chief librarian of the Wellington Public Library, was judg?. — Wanganui Chronicle.

Miss Lena Walton, at picseut at the Cylcva'e School, ha 3 been recommended by the Pukcuri School Committee fcr tho pcs:tiou of mistress in theii school.

An OantaTU stales thnt a farewell ar.d compimientary concert was tendered on the ycth ult m Oamaru to Mr Victor Boorb, who is leaving nest week for Home to continue his studies in music there. He is a son of Oamaru naront?, pnd nephew of the Hoi:. George Jones, and has already been very j-uc-eessful in liis studic-9. Jn tiie presence of ?■ very lar«ro audicace he was prj'&ented with a souvenir p-ogwn\mo printed or. satin and a purse of so'.Ticigas. Among tho perfoimei3 were Miss Amy Murphy," who toured the colonies with Madame Melba. and Mr Barth, of Dunedin, who has been Mr Booth'B tutor. A Wanganui tsle^iam (dotes that Mr James Purnell, who has been town clerk of Wanganui fcr the past 96 years, and has just resigned office, was on the 30th presented w ith an illuminated address aaid a go.d albnrt. Mr? Purn-ell was also presented with a handsoin9 granny chain.

An erstwhile Danedimte in the person of Mr Alfred Aloo, formerly a prominent figure in athletic and football circles in this city, lias turned up at Brooine. on tho north coast of Western Australia. Mr Alloo is engaged in the pearl fishery bunne;s, aud writes Uitvt "'.though afloat on ths Indian Ocean fai a considerable portioa of the year he finds tho life a very agresablo one.

A Wellington jncsape states that Mr C J. Long, a well-known commercial traveller, died on Tuesday of heart and other trouble?. He had bean ill for some time, and his case was regarded as hopeless from the beginning.

Mr Harrison Jones, of Messrs Kirk and Co. (Limited;, left by Thursday's express to ioui th« mail boat at A.uok'adid for London, via Sau Francisco, jetarning about the end of November. At the conclusion of tii« call-over on tho Dimeu'ii Stock Excliar-ge on Monday, 29th ult., Mr C. L Stev.-art the chairman, was presented by his fallow members with n. handsome mnrbie clock and a pencil case coi the occasion of Ins marriage. Mr E. R. Smith, m making the presentation, referred to the esteem and respect in which Mr Stewart v/xs held, and expre=sed a hope that he and his wife would enjoy long and prosperous lives. The recipient, iv thanking the members for the honour they had dove him, slated that he would value their presents very highly, but it gave him even greater pleasures t-> hunr the expressions of goodwill towards bimsalf.

On Wednesday afternoon, at the Bread Bay School, the children presented Mi&s Evans with a. silver serv.etto ling oa the occasion of her leaving Lo take a posit.on in the Albany Stieet School. This was follo-.vxl in the eveniug by a farewell Kccial. Aft<ar a plessHiig pio^rnaine of song=, recital io is. etc., t!»e Chairman (Mr Peter Amo tO, on behalf of the lcsidcniß, presented Mi^r Ksni3 with a gold brooch ni a small tolie" of Ibeir regaj'd. Refrewhments foUwvecl. aid the evening wourd up wall the singing of

' Auld long sjee" Mist Barkman, lnte of Purckireki, succeeds Hiss Evans as teacher.

At Brlclulim. on Friday nit;lit, 26th. a largely attended sc-ial was Riven to Mr D. Stewart exmayor of that town, in recognition of his past services dining hit, two years' term of office. Mr "VV. Guest, as chairman, icaiie some very complimentary remarks about Mr Stewart with regard to bu. past services m the council and to the borough duruip the lime he was Mayor. Ho then presented him with a valuable gold hiuitiiKj watcb and chain, the following msenpton boing on the inside cf tiie watch — " PreFMited to D. Stewart, Esq. by the Bulilutha Borough count lhors. e:-:-ccurcillois. and citi-7f-ns m ri'con-nition t>\ Ins \a*ual>le ser\ ices a3 Mayor. 26/6/03." A piescnUtion made to Mrs Stewart o f a, beautiful uohshed oak biscuit tiay, ha\.n<j a silver-nicuuted rail imouiwl H, mid bearing on a silver plate ) n ~th 6 (fintre the ih->criptic n — " Pre'-nted to Mrs D. Stewart by lit Bj-'clulha friends. 2fi/G;O3 " Mr SU'w.ut, vi a few woi-ils. thn-nkt-d the counci'loia, ex-couacilinrs, and trie' ds for the very h.uiJi>orue pieceuU they male to lumsr-'f ar.d Mm < -'r\,art, after v.),i(h the c m:cilloi3 =j:i^ "For li'-'s a jolly good fe'low," ai.d tiiroe clioeis were given for Mi" K'ewart.

Mt J. J. Ram -iv d fir.itelv announces t^at he will be a candidate for a position on Die Education Bonrd.

Or. Ke-half of th ; ritizens of Dunedin, liU A'.'ovrlup the Mayor (Sir T. Scott) forwardcl a telrgiam of congi-at'ilation on Sa. ( ur<lay to Mr J. A. Millar, v, ho was r'prif-d Ciiaiinian of Committees by ihc House of Ecpre c -entative3 !ast week.

Mr D Eosq (Mcadowbaak), Mr T Muir (Vi'uil'cmo ILiit^s). and Mr Ross (late of the Bank of Ne«v Ze-a'ard at Palmeiston) left by ill™ Mokoia tv>''-"-(liy on a p'caPure tour to v n u ii ejuj cdt r? t lut-eadicg to return, v.a Ai d-'u.d oi '" -l-e Hot Lakes.

Mi .1 'ir. U 'o.\ architect leaves Du::eclui i ' ■• 1 . y l'« * k" mi li.s residence in Vi-li ii^'ici, v L.'.c ill Wa!d'.^ \\.:l b: iciidcut

partner in Dnncdin. Mr Hi&'.op's departure will be regretted by Ins numer. us friends, and especially by bowler?, for whose favourite game he has done so much in the past.

On Friday afternoon last Miss Louden, m.stress of Highcliff School, who is leaviug to take up another position in Taracaki, was presented by the head master, i£r W-hyte, on bthalf of the pupils, with a handoome travelling rug and a card ca^e. A number of ladies of the district attended at the ceremony to her happiness and success in her ne-w sphere. Mi?s Louden, after expross'Bg her gratitude for thi> kindnes-5 shown to her, said good-bye to all these present. News has bsen lecwived of the sudden death from cpoplixy in South Africa of the Rev. John Davidson Don, who for 27 years has ministered as the head of St. Audrew's Churca, King Wilhamstovra. Cap 3 Colony. The deceased gentleman, who was brother-m-law to Mr J. Wyciiffe Baylie, of Dunedin, accepted a call to King in 1876 In a long obituary notice in the Ca.p9 Mercury it is stated tha.t " during his 2? yeais of labour here h9 wielded a powerful influence for good amongst hi 3 congregation/and the town generally has benefited in no small degree in a variety of ways by the great interest ho exhibited a.t ail times in it t welfare. In educational matters he took a keen interest, and it waa to his efforts and his fostering care that the Free School for Poor WhLte Children, owes its existence and its continued success, and it now stands as a. monument to tho silent, effective, and Christian work in which he was always engaged. The death of Mr Don is a great lois to tke mission cause in connection with the South African Church, and tiiß natives los 3 a warm and syin-l-.ath&tic fi.end. When Mr Don received the call to become minister of St. Audrew's Church ho had already ru his hands a call with better prospect.? in a European sphere in Australia, but ho decided on th.9 sma'ler charge on acccunt of its mispionajy associations, and in the hope of being able to help the mission cause m South Afrid. This fact alone proves the extremely unselfish aaid self-sacrificing nature of his character, and in an addiess presented to him by the members of his congregation on c«np!etiou of 25 years of service and ministration this was emphasised. Mr Don was a cultured scholar, and many of lus sermons and lectures were perfect iiteiary gems. His i/owei3 of description were considerable, and most of tiie Scotsmen aud others in town who attended St. Andrew's Day banquets of days gone by still remember the picturesque and vivid seller Jie depicted of au'd Scot'and, tho ia,"d of h s biith. ar.d ncr "Tugged bills, her i!T""-y del's and her running stieaun, ia pure and entianc.'i^ !u.'.<kU!.g<*. Mr Don tame of a loi,<^ Kved Perthshire faiiiiiy, h.a father bjvmg d.r-J at Uis 2£e of 95.

Miss Alexander, who has b 0.11 first a?sistant in the Alexandra School lor near'v two years, was, on the eve of ker departure, Tuiusday, for Auckland to take up her position as an assistant in the Albert College, presented with a handsome travelling rug by the pchool oliiitlren nud the staff. Mr Cioss, the Ik ad master, m making tiie presentation, expresod regret at losing the k<?r\i-e3 of s=o cap.ili'.e a teacher, and he assured 31: is Alexander that she carried away with her ihe respect and esteem of the school staff and the children, with whom her relations had be«.i cf tho happiest. In accepting the presentation, Miss Alexander feelingly thanked tho head mister and the teachers for their uniform courtesy and kindness to her while, she had been one of the staff. She Uianked the ohildren for baaring her ill mind, assunng them that their kindness would ever b3 remembered with feelings of pleasure. Three cheers were given for Mi=s Alexandei, alt wishing her cucoess and happiness in her new suliero of woik

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Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 38

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PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 38

PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 38