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> ♦ The Harbours Amendment Bill is No ; lon to-day's Order Paper for the Hous< ' of Representatives. It is expected tha ' the debate will be lengthy. The com ' mittal of the Aid to Water-Power Work: • Bill is fourth, on the list, following tin ' By-laws Bill and the Oaths Bill. The Postal authorities advise that th Moana, which sailed from Sydney at i p.m. on the 15th instant, is bringing tb Australian mail. She is due to read Wellington about noon to-morrow. The Postmaster-General has in con. •templation the extension of the useful •ness of the magazine post, aaid k taking the usual steps requisite to enable hin to do so. By his proposals the Tate 01 registered magazines is to be xeducec , from Id- per pound to £d per half pound As many magazines are under eighi ounces in weight, the reduction of th( minimum charge of Id per 16oz to ie per Boz will afford great relief to thos< who have to pay the postage on. iiu ■smaller magazines. The Court of Appeal has adjournec till 10.30 on Thursday morning. A cable message has been received bj the i^omoters of the Boys' Institute Extension from Captain Scott, leadei of the Antarctic Expedition, that h« will be pleased to deliver a lecturo h Wellington in aid of the institute funds shortly after his arrival here next week A meeting of country racing clubs delegates will be held in the committee room of -fche^ Wellington Xowjl Hajl or Friday evening next, to discuss the provisions of the Gaming Act Amendmeni Bill and other matters of vital inieresi to country dubs and racing. Two wooden buildings, occupied b\ P.. L Shakes and the Hat Box Co., 1£ and 21, Manners-etreet, were sold to-daj I by Messrs A. L. Wilson and Co. for removal. Bidding started at £5, and tiw lot was eventually knocked down ai £24. The site mto be occupied by s music warehouse to be erected for Begs and Co. A correspondent. "Publican,'- writes to ask if a licensed publican can legally close his premises for forty-eight hours } continuously without obtaining a per- ! mit. The Licensing Act does not cay that he may or may not do so, but it does say (section 165) that "every innkeeper who fails or refuses, either peri sonally or through anyone acting on his behalf, except for some valid reaj son, to supply lodging, meals, or ac- • commodation to travellers, is liable for ( each offence to a fine not exceeding ten ; pounds." Further, the Licensing Committee at any quarterly meeting may { put an end to any license if it is proved that the boose is conducted in an im1 proper manner, etc. (section 104), and j it would appear to be the spirit of the I Act that it is as much the duly of a licensee to keep his boose open daring . legal hoars as ifc is to keep them closed daring the hours that the law says they shall be closed- * The Very Rev. Father Hays, whose temperaoee crusade of five years ago created much interest tbzoughoot tse BomimoD, has, from hk point of view, j achieved a triumph in England. The j Eoman Catholic bishous of TfrigW? and J Wales have jast decided to officially take Sop the temperance work, to which j Faster Hays devoted hia life during the past fourteen yeara, and to embody it ia a national GathdEc temperance movement to be formed ia every diocese. Tbe I Leicester Da2y Mafl of sth September, { in maJdnlg the anßoancement, states thai j Pope Pias X has evinced his personal I esteem and admiratkn for Father Hays, j by bestowing ecoq him his highest comi mendszkm and Apostolic Benediction, I and saying he hoped the priest,'* oofcfe 1 work wooid spread evaywhere. Incfa- ■ eive of his crraade in New Zealand and i Australia, the reverend cezztieman **»« [ given the temperance pledge to over 328,500 persons. slt. William Soott (states a. Press A«sodatiaa telegram) died at Optram thi* |mosßi3g, aged 72. He was bom in ! Lcaadcai in 123&, znd emigizied with ;his parents to New Soafcb. Wales in 1 1341- In 1851 he went to the fci gold I "roah" as. HiS Creet, and I feoenee to Tnrcn. In ifsy T 1353, h& was ;afc Beodiso acd B«aEcoofe GnHy, ia ! Videos, later going to BaDactt, %rker* Ibe was ax, the iene of the riots. Later Ihe sxaxbed a bosses* ia Itf^boome bat Use Dcnstaa cs rosh" ia 1262 attracted : knn. and he came to ~Sew 7foi^j%^ xisa feSowing year hs began stortkfc&cmg zfc Taaeri zed saorfiy s&eFwazds at C^sn^E. He has SHed poarlen fa tbe <hstraa— member {zad e&drasm ior fair yeas) of t&s Taiai CocnKy Conn, csL, cfcarmsaa «f mer. town, and d«Eam boards, dsirman ox toe Otago iJSneztexL Beard, rfsinasa of tfee OatEarn iiracarj, sad mexsZuer o£ She lieeaspg Comnmfee. He befcesed to tfe. ifaaane, Odd^aws, amd F«€aters OrQS3. J AeocEspoaiaitotfceLcedoQTaEe^! =l an. apprecaEWtt e£ 3fe. Eve, Mr. J. I 3»«r ZeaSszsd Fmverssy, *Ka iad fceai a- scaoLar « lisrsfcv. aaad was i Recced to a, RakwreEiD, wfeiii i b&rejec, fee- ■susZunsan^- vaeafced. haira^ sn>rgnted a rewrase- sortacie. it wsi open w fea so say oaaie "CnCTasKv « a teccarsr feis fak &ecs w« ior acaaoic w «, aoce ?=«d a. naaaa&a at snjarnrds AEcai^&ep. Here. wS^ tesa msarrai aaoß&'is. -gfeg r f Bsbssi^ «& Taexzed. ia: a. gacd saa?eara, fezM* Zesxiaz kz %h& head-] zis&faesm « Urosato CoSeae Scsoci ' se Crgacgr-saaai. JEel fecsefe ncsHtaas £* ? accaazai famsdf eazgSaa^r. XO6 isere- 1 ij ffiao l 6ejMac&. arfasEafefrr'r Eat &a| sasasoi ja Soys' e&sracsers acd eaDa. cr ? D ? & lr fe * as!k «^ he fc» rel^^ ! "^r^i one aa£. w&airser aa an a^atacs • iss-scerec as Wn^f. Ptsp& and. ce&agns* •' aJ_se- «w=E«r •&> &3n. 1 f^rati fr toe- <y--7T? g amd fess ss«kt fa [ faf3 .-f g ■ ; «^6. »^r*=m, -msEc esoaZ-T'TEsaHtr ' anciaa. JfaßnrtSft ie 25f a&nufcS I^eceraccs: ata£ hi waa oe^ sme .-ffTOenar 6«jfe Fee iafeniss. 5» eraaesed masaaE hoa&h ' aa±_3tr«E2aL. S* Lai. n--^ j^^^ tsg aiasc— , a: rzr.c K«-r sttxkr-fe. j^^ v-^acustj- 3s 3m ie w^^^gS pete- tt-e was ssaron: to and ws&nei 1 ay a SHEsEaaiai* *: nisi sssd Trcmea. «f • 4J4 JS * w \«* i -. »** sc- pie j^ji ; x^che innsrazsacsjinaclg: Ticme: at Gorhh£ af^-waafe a wife— asaaE^tfer 5,1 j-perxza SSst"—^ yb sas-vrr^ S3 nmnn J1"J 1 "- 3^ SseoHe- s^r aim.. Ia f^^ sejhs. sa:- fe kaadlT s«3es«ies wSI 6^ *7-frFmronv wS^Kk "was la ifeaK j _.f . iw 1 fr^ttf tu»-Cesni^ Esaieae^. CJLG I vi& nmia^ei& aa. agrasfesml i sas -t.imi-? ssacwsaat zo, Ec st&te xa f fewrae- &e^ smna- <feay •&■ v^ i^sss. \ is cafe rn"gr<->^ "Fferg>n-^ €^ce_ I bht '3UZ.3L-; Lsufen^ srqxpUed tb k^s^_ 3aoenr Tonne- f-ssoSij, -s»sn aeemjett ffe- ■ r mriawT — QQ marfe — =wa» ifr- »»_ F»ir■»f^P &eeajl2S msiSa^waciHS * 1 Bin in'jjc waa rt^r. <*m _ - w_ |

Tbe adjourned meeting of the Licm* sing OommiKAee of the Wellington , district wiH bo held at the M&giabrate'q Court at noon to-morrow. A consignment of indoor grown strata berries from Hastings realised 4s lOd pee 1b this morning at the auction rooms of Messrs. Townsend, Paul, and Co., Ltd. Further mass meetings in connection with the Anglican Mission of Help ar« to bo held in the Wellington Town Hall on 7th and Bth December. Canon Stuart who will leave for England on the 9t£ December, will conduct the meetings. In connection with the loan proposals of the Hutt Valley Tramway BoarQ, statutory meetings of ratepayers will be hold at Petone on Wednesday next, in. St. Augustine's Hall, and at Lowea Hubt, on the 20th iast., in the Toms The Council of the Palmerston North Chamber of Commerce passed a rcaolu, tion congratulating ,the Government on the steps taken to provide electric power for the Dominion, and asking for tbe probable cost of the power per unit ab Palmerston, either from Makuri, ac pro-* posed, ■ or from the larger Waikaremoana, scheme. The resolution will be forward* ci to the Premier. The Parliamentary tannw tournament concluded yesterday. The competitors numbered about forty. Mm. jj Myers and Mks C. Beauohamp won the ladies' doubles, and Mass W. Miles and Mir. R. Johnston the combined doablee after a cfloae game with Mies Jones and Master J. LaunSQßcm. Messrs J. Gfflan with F. Matfcbawa, and Mr. E. H CSark M.P., with Master J. Laurenson, fight out .the final of the men's don Wee, which will be played at an early date, when another tournament ie projected. The Christchurch Tramway Board— according to our correspondent— finds a good deal of tremble arising from the carelessness of women passengers in leaving tramcars before they hare stopped moving. The staff committee reported to the board yesterday that a letter had been received from a man complaining of the board's staff starting a car while his wife was in the act of alighting, resulting in her being thrown, heavily to the ground. The evidence had shown clearly that the woman had alighted from the car while it was in motion. Cases were constantly occur^ ring of women sustaining injuries from this practice. The committee had been loath to prosecute women for this offence, particularly as in most cases th« offence carried with it its own punishment. Warnings had been given from time to time in the newspapers and by notices placed in cars and timetables. The committee was of the opinion that to protect the board's interest*, as well as those of passengers, further steps must now be taken, and it had imrtrncted an information for a breach of the bylaws to be laid in this case. The board approved of the committee's action. The disabilities under which the residents on the eastern side of Mount Victoria labour through want of direct comnrunacatioD vrith the city j« becoming a burning question in that locality. Agaaf tian in this direction has been going on I in H&tartai far some time past, the local { people maktteining that the pretott tna- | nel is merely a makeshift j and quite ia- | adequate for tbe reqtnremenf* of & faatgrowicg district. This Awcontepl culminated ia a joint meeting being held of the representatives of the ratepayers | of Hafaftaa, KSbknie, emd Boeeneata in j tie Kjlbinrie Schoolroom Jasfc evenkie. ■. Mr. A- Le^h Hoot presided. The «aSi jeet was dxcosttd at some lenzth, the trend of the opinions voiced being that j the rocstr suitable form of commazacalitn* would b© the construction of a tanrcal north of the present route. The following TB9olatkm was eventually •a&ascamua*- ! iy adopted :— "That this meeting, con- ' 0 * r«r «P l!e * ent * t * ye « °i Hataatai, ■ KSbisme, and Bceeneath ratepayers, I wait open tbe Mayor, and urge uprm. him the importance of the early construction of a tunnel at the neazest direct roots from Coarfceany-place, to cope with present and fntace tram, vehicle, and p-9-(feafcrian trafie," I Tbe ponies belonging to the Scott | Antarctic expedition are (tele1 graphs our Chiistcbmch correspondent) ! being hzndUd and trained on QsaaL Is- ; i&cd fey the Bussan gzoosts, ati they ; sre rafted freqoeQtly fay members of the expedition who hare arrrrtd ahezdy in Cbxiatdutzch. The atdmais are wild znd tridcr, hob not more so thsn. those wkkat were taken «oath. by Sir £raecfr SSiackieton- Tbe losg seod protabJy ardaoas voyage dount to- tfce Antarctic Cog£jscb£ amd th?- oosSaeatatt liming th& wiener Eigfes wili scidnfe any ex.C6S& of spirit* that ihef mzj yemeaa wtea they Uvre Ljtu&ca in a. lew w&tka? tEBBe. ife. Toethsg, the fbaU>gtZß&er of the &zpediiion, who is and«S£OO<i to be rrmitt£ tPJOt AztStollJ* CO iiyst Terrs Ncvs^ ii sa expert in. eaaoeea. wosk. Be iaas josi pafaii^fcta a book ixr. Jsgezi, ilh^nsted whh- bis own p£rG&jß, and t&e {o^sbtcs a»e of reaß&rkabfe merHy both tmebs&ealij znd z.rtistxeaMy. Evi&eiijr fee is a. water of *ocife akilL, too, so thai, ha wSI fae a dseui*d a«fnisrt£ea to tfat cxptdttksa. ilr. 3. 3. 'Kisstj, Heir Zea&scd. tspresentairTe c€ tie. As*arciEc feip«diEl 5 'teat Captarff Seofife aoeE Mtx Sovtt £=££ iMtoarafr ytstes&vjr itx Syeztsy, zoct zhsiz th&j Tnttrtf to Jewe AißtrzHa is £&c WaiDKft <ans Satsrf^, amris^ ci Lyttfeßoa ca 2«i Oetefcer. TLe Xerzat Now* left 3£c3»cots dst Lj^vutes to-day. Mr. Katsey inoes tiai sbs wiS Kzsrtre ai>oet 25th Oesofcer, asd wtE lie dasjiatds&f ior s&fr Awajcfe- in. Scrxc &aa gnraniwrf t& grTe an aJ&ea fa WeliSi^sai, ccstse&£r ae&ce sa eoatss aa to Carisci&Ezck. Ozker members dt Cia fsxtj r fci£izsTr>tg Efe a»<i 3fr. Wljcq ajid if r- ana Jfas- Wyaxs^ -sill /xuse fey ECS rT^Traryy giTriitgtg' £z3t it tl» Btux. Ta«- FsE C«m jestani^r reaerred fsd-jranzs sl c^e case- «£ PBca acri "Mj sraerie&K a tSat t&e vars" wrxst I^fcassa yss caec ia a. xJaaZsrJ T aaxd ilr- Justice Cooper sc tius CsozH of Agf>Tfj p\y\tr Tie C 23» atzuf afefiT w» feai* i. rssc^"T? .*iirnf;.,»'»- tSOSSSSOSS A ifctS S£TStff =» ptepkr wB» as to giif: them. in pajs so tsogl&y oa. T&e 3LZ- JExJicyai HS*J SOS tnßtniaan- SI to £» cog- eser&Hnens at e&ft aocd£«rx osy , Jis* ■* nr- jff j-rfj git mints in»gfi<r a^ o*r3ny£ a-a e?eic as. the sm«rr «£ ;S*w Z«alaz<t, £3i£ wiaisi W"«^oi«eit eaxamz txasz. 3. 03.-321 ooa>, sc esBC fc>^ so. xr^as its a> fes laarai sfc C SmiCii's, 'Lfd., Ca&a^srseSL- Fssfisct irsstT^s =a Jir^a tSc^ m fgfl; co&sor oos^a r 2C-isciv, ii, 2|<i^ SnTrfr,, Ja T££z Tt-icu^ Is t^u Is ibnn* £t XAiir 2^-awfe,, 1* fjdi Is Tjrt. Li srFi^r^j ggyfrtg: pas=Saae<f :feft EOHi^«n sc &c liasK ssn."s£ Krng «arf Ifcusr, aotcfy aas t&ear onJy giksae- of biainrns * 25*, ■boss. zansnaXßi, £a& * &w?» *c-cit af Sna--bn. 2xd£ wfiwrnif tms&S* sod mnia^ a

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Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 94, 18 October 1910, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL, Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 94, 18 October 1910, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL, Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 94, 18 October 1910, Page 6